Since the brigaders are once again shilling their failed video game store

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Resources | 32 comments

Since the brigaders are once again shilling their failed video game store

Since the brigaders are once again shilling their failed video game store

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Since the brigaders are once again shilling their failed video game store

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Since the brigaders are once again shilling their failed video game store

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Since the brigaders are once again shilling their failed video game store



  1. AlphaDag13

    At this point I haven’t the slightest idea what my cost basis is.

  2. memedoc314

    What’s an exit strategy?

  3. _cansir

    Everytime it hits $24 i buy.

  4. bobbyshmoney41

    $405 (Pre Split)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

  5. Sometimes_Stutters

    4000 at $14.75

  6. Pox82

    136$ last time I checked.

  7. OkAcanthocephala8144

    My cost basis is pretty close to my IQ

  8. boknowski

    that’s a fair question and i look forward to answering your question… when i was a boy in bulgaria

  9. kinance

    Umm im not fraid to tell my cost basis $200

  10. Balliemangguap

    Nice post history

  11. fed_smoker69420

    *Cramer cries in Meta*

  12. AutistGobbChopp

    Never ask OP his penis size

  13. tradingmuffins

    meltdowners big mad today

  14. PhilosophyMassive578

    As a GME shareholder, this shit is funny as fuck. I love this sub.

    But still, don’t ask me that shit.

  15. Toomanykidstosupport

    Your entire post history is negative against Gme.

    Guess I buy more on Monday.

    Thanks op. The best runs are when I see post like these come out of the woodworks!

  16. ShortHedgeFundATM

    Most have been able to average way down. I’ve put another 300K down around the 22 mark lol…

  17. HerrJemine123

    150$ now, but started with a 380$ FOMO ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) . Fun ride so far

  18. Alphabravo42RSA

    33.02 post splividend.

  19. Landed_port

    GME holders, what’s your cost basis?

    I have the social grace of a malformed carrot

  20. sliver989

    What’s a cost basis

  21. Oldacctblokd

    All you gotta do is look at ops post history. Tell me he’s not here working.

  22. Dronk_Mullet_Trustus

    Funny how following the markets simplest rules to investing has so many booty tickled. Find a company you believe in and purchase their stock (registered in my own name) with the plan of holding for the long term. Never knew that simple trick would bring them to their knees. I hope they pay you enough to afford a single share. We are headed to OURANUS! Cost basis $145 last I checked pre split.

  23. allaskew123

    $33 post split. I don’t understand this algo.

  24. skobuffaloes

    Just calculated mine! I break even at $31. But fuck that shit. Holding until I’m seeing Neil’s footprints

  25. Zealousideal_Bet689

    I’m at about $150 pre-split

  26. fed_smoker69420

    $32 on the nose

    1/20 $40C

    2/17 $32.50C

    How about you boss?

  27. TingleTime

    Jokes on OP, $20 post split.

  28. ElGatoRoyal

    Ask me my BB cb for fun

  29. Interesting-Pin-9815

    Even after the stock split still profitable still buying still holding. Short it bro if you want.

  30. NotSomeDudeOnReddit

    Classic 6 month old account shitting on GME holders. Cost basis ~160 pre split or 40 post split. It’s also going down every week as I buy more.

    It’s all a discount.

  31. DeadSol

    !remindme 2 months

    Suck it Cramer.

  32. Abalone_Gonads

    Stop it. Turning this sub into “Forwards from Grandma.”

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