Small Business and Farmers Left Behind as DeSantis Focuses on Silicon Valley and Bank Bailouts #shorts

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Bank Failures | 1 comment

In this speaknsee video, DeSantis explains Silicon Valley got bank bailouts while small businesses and farmers get shafted.

If you’re interested in the latest news in Silicon Valley, then be sure to watch this video! DeSantis discusses Silicon Valley’s bank bailouts, thanks for watching speaknsee.

Finally, in this video, about the state of small business and farmers in America on topic While the silicon valley earners get bank bailouts. Why are the small business and farmers getting left behind?

DeSantis Silicon Valley Bailouts but Small Businesses and farmers are not. #shorts #speak #speaknsee…(read more)


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Desantis Silicon Valley and Bank Bailouts: Small Businesses and Farmers Get Shafted

In recent years, the growing power and influence of Silicon Valley giants have become more evident. From technological advancements to market dominance, companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple have undoubtedly reshaped industries and amassed immense wealth. However, the same cannot be said for small businesses and farmers who often find themselves at a disadvantage.

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has been a vocal critic of the disproportionate advantages that Silicon Valley enjoys. He argues that these tech companies receive preferential treatment while smaller enterprises struggle to compete. DeSantis believes it is high time to level the playing field and ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all.

One of the glaring examples of inequality is exhibited in bank bailouts. During the 2008 financial crisis, major banks that were deemed “too big to fail” received massive bailouts from the government. These banks, despite their role in causing the crisis, were able to recover and continue their operations relatively unscathed. On the other hand, small businesses and farmers were left to fend for themselves, often facing bankruptcy and financial ruin.

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Fast forward to the present day, and the effects of this disparity are still felt. The Covid-19 pandemic has further amplified the struggles of small businesses and farmers, as they grapple with economic uncertainty and the collapse of traditional supply chains. While large tech companies have thrived during these challenging times, smaller enterprises have been forced to close their doors permanently.

Despite promises of government assistance, many small businesses and farmers have been overlooked, receiving only a fraction of the support they desperately need. The policies and financial aid implemented by the government have predominantly benefited the tech industry, leaving other sectors to suffer in silence.

Governor DeSantis aims to address this issue head-on by advocating for policies that prioritize the revitalization and support of small businesses and farmers. He recognizes their fundamental role in the economy and believes that empowering them will not only restore stability but also foster economic growth and innovation.

The call for change is not only about rectifying past injustices but also about building a secure future for all. Supporting small businesses and farmers is essential for creating sustainable, diverse, and resilient economies that are less reliant on a handful of tech giants. By fostering entrepreneurial spirit and investing in industries beyond Silicon Valley, we can promote greater economic stability and share prosperity more equitably.

In conclusion, Governor DeSantis’s concerns about the advantages bestowed upon Silicon Valley and the unfair treatment of small businesses and farmers are well-founded. The disparity in bank bailouts and subsequent support during the pandemic illustrates a clear bias that needs to be rectified. It is crucial to recognize the importance of small businesses and farmers, as they form the backbone of our economy. By prioritizing their needs and providing equal opportunities, we can strive for a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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1 Comment

  1. gilbert cruz

    Rich assholes get special treatment of course

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