Splitting Up Your 401(k) During Divorce: Understanding the QDRO

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 7 comments

This video is a primer on divorce and your 401(k). I hope no one ever has to go through a divorce but here is what to expect regarding your qualified retirement plans in terms of how they are split up and what your options are for receiving the funds if you have to go through one….(read more)




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Divorce can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. It can also have a significant impact on your finances, including your 401(k) retirement savings account. If you are going through a divorce, it is critical to understand how your 401(k) will be split up and what a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is.

During a divorce, any assets that were acquired during the marriage are typically divided equally between the two parties. This includes your retirement savings, such as a 401(k) account. However, the process of splitting up a 401(k) is more complicated than simply dividing the balance in half.

In order to divide a 401(k) account, a QDRO must be obtained. A QDRO is a legal document that is used to divide retirement assets between spouses as part of a divorce settlement. It outlines the specific terms of the division, including how much of the account balance each party will receive.

To obtain a QDRO, both parties must agree on the distribution of the retirement savings. The QDRO must also be approved by the plan administrator of the 401(k) account. Once the QDRO is approved, the plan administrator will execute the order and transfer the specified funds to the other party’s account.

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It is important to note that a QDRO is not necessary for all types of retirement accounts. For example, it is not needed for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). However, if you have a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan, a QDRO is typically required.

When dividing a 401(k) account, it is important to keep in mind that taxes and penalties may apply to any withdrawals that are made. If funds are withdrawn from a retirement account before the age of 59 ½, a 10% penalty may be imposed in addition to any taxes that may be owed on the funds.

In conclusion, if you are going through a divorce and you have a 401(k) account, it is essential to understand how your retirement savings will be divided. A QDRO is necessary to split up a 401(k) account, and it is important to work with a qualified attorney to ensure that the QDRO is executed correctly. With the right planning and guidance, you can minimize the financial impact of divorce on your retirement savings.

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  1. Alyssa Chen

    What happens if a big payment was transfer from 401k to my first ex during my second marriage? Would the second ex gets much less during a divorce from the 401k? What would they do in that kind of circumstance?

  2. You Mad Bro?

    My ex and I were married for a total of 18 years. The first 5 years, I was in the military then the last 13 years, I was in Law Enforcement). During those first 13 years in Law Enforcement, my salary was minimal. I only started making decent money these last 8 years on the job. Does she get a portion of my pension based on my total average compensation of my 25 years in Law Enforcement or just what I made those first 13 years (while we were married)? It doesn't seem right that she should get a bite of the money I earned AFTER we were divorced. We live in Florida btw.

  3. Not Insane

    I'm retired and tried to start taking my pension. It's a very small one (A couple hundred a month). I was divorced 24 years ago and there is no QDRO. In fact, the pension wasn't even mentioned. However, in the split, she got all the stuff and I got the 401K. However, my pension provider is now asking for a qdro. Can they withhold my pension if there isn't one?

  4. david wright

    My daughter and son in law are divorcing, he has gone silent since my daughter asked for an Actuary report, can he be made to agree to providing this please

  5. GRH Rubi

    There is NO! 10% on a QDRO. For the recipient. You all should know this!

  6. Nallely Espinoza

    Can I file a QDRO on my own? My Parents got divorced and there attorneys never did their QDRO they were supposed to go half’s on it. Now their attorneys won’t respond when trying to contact them about this process. They’ve been divorced for a couple of months already.

  7. Anitra Moore

    Never get married. Get sick and thrown away.

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