Spousal Sponsorship from inside Canada explained -video#1

by | Jan 8, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 22 comments

Spousal Sponsorship from inside Canada explained -video#1


Just an important update to the info on my videos: when I sent the application, in August 2013, the Case Processing Centre for sponsorship applications made from inside Canada was in Vegreville, Alberta.
In the meantime, CIC changed that and now, all sponsorship applications must be sent to the Case Processing Center in Mississauga, Ontario (which before only processed the first part of sponsorship applications made from outside Canada).
I recently received a letter from CIC stating my application was transferred to Mississauga, Ontario, which is now the Case processing Centre responsible for sponsorship applications made from inside Canada, as well. So, if you are in the process of applying for family sponsorship from inside Canada, please send your application to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario (address is on their document checklist, updated in January 2014) and not to Vegreville, Alberta.

I’m a Portuguese citizen, living in Canada and married to a Canadian Citizen.
On August 13, 2013, me and my wife sent my application for Permanent Residence trough Family Sponsorship, made from inside Canada, to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta.

This is the 1st part of a 4 part video we made explaining all the forms and additional documentation that are necessary for a complete application under the Sponsor a Spouse/common-law partner in Canada class.

We put a lot of time and effort on this application and we made this video hoping to help other couples that might be applying under the same program.

As I explained in the video, this is an application made from inside Canada (since I’m living in Canada for more than 1 year now); this is not the overseas application, (for situations where the spouse still lives outside Canada). The forms, processing times and Case Processing Centre that deals with this applications, are different for inside and outside Canada applications.

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If you have any questions, please fell free to ask below, under the comments section.

And please check the parts 2, 3 and 4 of this video we made for the complete explanation of the entire application for Permanent Residence trough Sponsor a spouse in Canada class….(read more)




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  1. my_malia shop

    hi, regarding on the photos. did you print it on photo paper or the regular paper white paper. thanks

  2. Salman Younas Waryam

    who is a co-singer ? in the APPLICATION TO SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTANDING, sponsorship form IMM 1344?

  3. jun jie

    for canada marriage through permanent resident, they control permanent resident very strict. foreign spouse must have a job in canada. canada at present and canada in the past are different. because now immigration law for new immigration is reform.

  4. Zakoshi

    Did you use an immigration attorney? I live in America and my fiancee lives in Ontario and we want to live together in Canada and get married but we are both students and we don't believe we could afford the attorney.

  5. Barzan Ali

    Dear Sir/Madams

    could you please write to me just these forms that i need to fill for out side Canada as a immigrations.

  6. Ana Bortoletto Ananda Moyi dd

    Diana, tudo bem! Sou Brasileira e estou sofrendo muito em fazer sozinha todo o processo de aplicação do visto de esposa. Casei em agosto com um canadense de Ontario e estamos querendo aplicar agora (outland). OS SEUS VIDEOS foram os UNICOS que deram uma luz para o meu processo. Você não imagina o alívio que me trouxe vê-los. Mas ainda tenho algumas duvidas. Será que poderia conversar com você pelo email que você divulgou abaixo?

  7. Calvin Wong

    hello, I like to know if my girlfriend that lives in Venezuela and I'm from Canada and we both get married in Argentina. Can I still sponsor her to Canada in the future even if she still lives in Venezuela? The reason why I'm picking Argentina is cause Venezuela is so dangerous now for me to go there. I'm planning to stay in Argentina for 7 to 8 weeks with airbnb apartment and I take it this be more than enough time to settle it. Correct? or is there more I should know. I noticed this post is 3 to 4 years old and I'll contact the embassy of argentina in Canada for further information too. Hope someone can help out. thank you.

  8. Ana Carla Reis

    olá! sou brasileira e poderíamos conversar em português, hehe. você teria algum e-mail para eu te enviar minha dúvida? obrigada.

  9. Stephanie Vieira Pinto

    Ola! Im a born canadian woman currently living in Portugal with my portuguese husband. We have a son who is already registered as a canadian. Which documents do i need to fill to sponsorship my husband in which we intend to move to canada as for i, return to my country with my husband and son.

    the whole process is very confusing. Thanks you in advance.

  10. mariana m

    Olá. O teu registo criminal não veio com english translation em frente das palavras?

  11. Chogyal Yolmo

    hi do we have to fill up the "additional dependent/declaration IMM0008" if we don't have children ??

  12. jazzart100

    None of my documents would print. Also when you sponsor your spouse you are not required to provide proof of income.

  13. Younes Oudrhiri

    hello there any new news for ur application 

  14. talia gram

    Hello. I am Mrs Grand. from Canada I am the  CEO of Canada Hotels,
    Hotel­ need Men and Women, who can work and live in Hotel Canadian .you work in any hotel before in your Country?I shall furnish you with adequate information needed if you are interested contact us only via mail address below. (canadahoteljobs@worker.com)

  15. Ciara Valentina

    Hi, which site did you get the application? I can't seem to find it if you can please leave the link

  16. Lidiane Lustosa

    Oi, como vai? você sabe dizer sobre a possibilidade de sair do Canadá,enquanto estiver com o processo inside. Obrigada.

  17. Younes Oudrhiri

    any news from ur application 

  18. Mja Wilson

    I could really use your help…tried to email you on here, but could not find a link for that. 

    In Part 1: Application to sponsor and undertaking

    it says if you are found ineligible to sponsor, indicate whether you want to: *withdrawal your sponsorship application. all processing fees less $75 will be refunded OR *the second option says: *Proceed with the application for permanent residence. Processing fees with be retained.

    I don't know which box to check off when I fill out application, the second box means they return no money if found ineligible to sponsor. SO why would they be proceeding with application for permanent residence if found ineligible to sponsor??lol…it is so confusing…I thought maybe there is more explanation to that second option..but it does not explain ahhh ("could it be that the second option is there in case found ineligible to sponsor, then they keep your paper work on file for applying again at a future date?") I am weary to check off that box until I know it's full meaning. I would be out a lot of money, if they just keep it, if found ineligible 🙁

    Anyways if you know what they mean please let me know, so I can check off the correct option. I try contacting cic, but no luck yet.

    Thank you in advance to you linguagestual 🙂

  19. kurosh eskandari

    hi i need to know the number of document checklist plz

  20. Gina Grosse

    only one  i can  find  that  is  real  help  and  seeming  to help 

  21. Gina Grosse

    love your  help   thank  you  Im outside  one  but  doing  our  best  to learn  this  and  do it 

  22. marvey speede

    hi do you need to apply so that they can check your eligibility to be a sponsor? or you only have to fill out the application form and just send it in

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