States Take Bold Steps to Restore Sound Money and Freedom

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Silver IRA | 19 comments

States Take Bold Steps to Restore Sound Money and Freedom

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In this exclusive report, Gary Franchi unveils a groundbreaking development: U.S. states are making a bold move to redefine gold and silver. Oklahoma and Missouri have introduced legislation to treat these precious metals not as commodities, but as actual money. This shift challenges conventional financial systems and proposes a new era in the U.S. monetary landscape. Join us as we delve into the implications of this change, the conflict with the Federal Reserve, and why this matters for every American. We’ll explore the legislative measures, expert opinions, and historical context, unraveling the full story behind this potential financial revolution. Don’t miss Gary’s final thoughts on why this shift could redefine our economy. Watch now for a detailed analysis that could change how you view money forever.

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REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation

Gold has long been cherished as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It has been used as a form of currency for centuries, and its value has remained relatively stable throughout history. In recent years, however, the US dollar has become increasingly devalued, leading many to question the long-term stability of fiat currencies.

In response to this growing concern, several states have launched initiatives to restore sound money and financial freedom by reintroducing gold and silver as legal tender. These efforts, known as the “Gold Rush,” aim to provide residents with an alternative to fiat currency and protect their wealth from the potential risks of inflation and economic instability.

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One of the most prominent examples of this movement is the Utah Legal Tender Act, which was passed in 2011. This legislation allows gold and silver coins to be used as legal tender in the state, providing an alternative means of exchange and enabling residents to conduct transactions using precious metals.

Following Utah’s lead, several other states, including Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, and Wyoming, have also taken steps to promote the use of gold and silver as legal tender. These initiatives have been driven by a desire to protect against the erosion of purchasing power and the devaluation of the dollar.

Supporters of the Gold Rush argue that reintroducing gold and silver as legal tender can help to stabilize the economy and provide greater financial security for residents. They believe that by allowing for the use of these precious metals in everyday transactions, individuals can protect their wealth and savings from the risks associated with fiat currency.

Advocates also point to the historical use of gold and silver as currency, highlighting the enduring value and stability of these precious metals. They argue that by reintroducing them as legal tender, states can help to restore confidence in the monetary system and provide a means of protecting against the potential risks of inflation and economic instability.

Despite these efforts, the Gold Rush movement has faced opposition from some quarters. Critics argue that reintroducing gold and silver as legal tender could create logistical and administrative challenges, as well as potentially complicating financial transactions. They also express concerns about the potential impact on the stability of the monetary system and the effectiveness of monetary policy.

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While the Gold Rush movement continues to generate debate and controversy, the initiatives taken by several states to restore sound money and financial freedom represent a bold and innovative approach to addressing the challenges posed by fiat currencies. By providing residents with an alternative means of exchange and financial security, these efforts could help to promote greater stability and confidence in the monetary system.

As the movement gains momentum, it remains to be seen whether other states will follow suit in reintroducing gold and silver as legal tender. In the meantime, the Gold Rush offers a compelling example of how states can play a proactive role in protecting their residents’ wealth and financial freedom.

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  1. @nunya9370

    Since taxes are unconstitutional these states still allow federal taxes, thier state and local taxes.
    You people are fools



  3. @ChrisSmaller

    Gold Back Currencies = Good Fair Friendly Trade
    US Petro $ = Backed by Debt and War and Opression of Humans

  4. @oscarwindham6016

    REALITY CHECK…, for the umpteenth time which is to say that gold and silver, but focusing on gold by stating that gold is a paleo/financial/economic holdover that absolutely has no place as a currency in our 21st century financial/economic system nor will gold ever again be seen as nor used as a currency, at least not in the U. S. because of a myriad of reasons which main reasons are sheer bulk, the ease of counterfeiting gold with today's technology and then there is that time consuming assaying process.
    Gold will never again be seen as nor used as the asset basis for valuation of our U. S. $ thanks to the more 'enlightened' being in charge of such matters which is to say that it is now understood that the true asset basis for valuation of our U. S. $s is derived from as well as being based upon our nation's most valuable, our most 'precious' asset which is… we the people. Not gold, not silver, not diamonds, and not crude oil or any other commodity, but again, we the people are the true asset basis for valuation of our U. S. $ and we really always have been. This is to further state that when using such commodities as 'gold to back our currency' is to use gold as a psychological crutch for those who lack the intellect that would enable them to recognize that we the people are and have always been the true asset basis for valuation of all currencies.
    By way of further explanation, when we accept the reality of, we the people of every sovereign nation being the true asset basis for valuation of our different currencies, we are saying that we the people are an absolute "x" value which value never increases nor ever decrease but is an eternal fixed absolute "x" value that is impossible to ever vary.
    With these facts thus established one can then further establish the fact that in order to accommodate an increase or a decrease in the cost/price of all things we need to therefore recognize that this increase and or decrease in the cost/price of all things is indeed accommodated by the 'worth' of our currencies which worth is derived from the numerical designation printed on each paper note that is equally represented in our electronic currency system. For instance, if your bank statement says that you have a $100 balance, you then have $100 'worth' of buying power.
    In order to, more or less, put everything in its proper perspective we should end this REALITY CHECK with pointing out the absolute fact that we currently have an international one world currency that everyone is aware of, even though most have been dumbed down, brainwashed and therefore deluded to the point that they don't realize that they do indeed know exactly what this international one world currency is, without knowing that they know. Our current international one world currency which has been around for millennia is, of course…, paper. Every sovereign nation on our little planet has a 'valueless' in and of itself, paper currency that is accepted on the international market and out of necessity, this international paper currency will soon have to be of the same type…, globally. Hopefully it will be the $, but whatever 'type' of international one world paper currency it turns out to be, it will immediately result in there being the elimination of a 'reserve' currency and, of course, there will be the elimination of the International Monetary Exchange, just for starters.
    In other words, Franchi and Paul don't know what they're talking about.

  5. @elizabethvandecoevering6042

    Gold and Silver needs to be back to be used as Currency that the Government can not touch and also the Government should never attack our right to use physical currency and should never force us to use ditial currency because ditial currency could be use by any form of tyrannical draconian Governments to control People's lives on who are allowed to use ditial currency and who are not allowed to use ditial currency which why our right to use physical currency should never be stripped away from us, and also People should have a right to choose whatever form of currency they want to use no matter if it is physical or ditial.

  6. @ChrisWard64658

    Sounds good to me. Great report.

  7. @williamkelly8237

    What we need to have is to be on the gold standard, but we have a problem here in the country of the United States. The problem is we are the reserve capital of the world and that’s what makes us so strong and good soul to be a hard time to jump off that horse and go a different direction.

  8. @williamkelly8237

    Now maybe we should reflect on FDR’s presidency when he took us off the gold standard to increase inflation after he re-priced it

  9. @wordplayistheirplay

    In 1930 a roll of 90% silver dimes cost 5 dollars that same 5 dollar roll today cost you 122 dollars that is inflation

  10. @gigir6761

    God, help America!

  11. @MWH12085

    States actually are allowed via the Constitution to create their own money, but it MUST BE gold and/or silver.

  12. @AlaGoose09

    Proud to be an Okie!!

  13. @douglasjones2014

    Abolish the IRS. Wage tax and property tax are a criminal fraud perpetrated by so called "authorities".
    Have you forgotten that WE THE PEOPLE are the AUTHORITY?!

  14. @jimmime

    Jesus cast the money changers from the Temple. Is not our country our temple?
    Same people from the past doing the same thing to us using a different name.

  15. @David-rz7jj

    Im buying goldbacks and silver. Soon ALL STATES will accept goldbacks.

  16. @dg9265

    That sounds like a great idea and I hope the other states adopt it it needs to be done

  17. @jimmime

    Ron Paul was full of great ideas that were never utilized.
    I see this was from 2017, he's still right.

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