Steve Selengut Guides You Through Mastering Stock Market Volatility

by | Dec 17, 2023 | Vanguard IRA | 1 comment

Steve Selengut Guides You Through Mastering Stock Market Volatility

Welcome back to another episode of “Get Your FILL: Financial Independence and Long Life,” where we explore ways to achieve those two goals. Today, we have a special guest, Steve Selengut, a seasoned investor and author of two investment books, retirement income independence coach.

In this episode, Steve will unveil the secrets of making stock market volatility your best friend. Join us as we delve into the world of closed-end funds, exploring how they yield over 10% on market value and provide a diversified portfolio with securities from Nasdaq technology stocks to oil and drug companies.

Chris asks Steve about the realized income from his investment portfolio and whether it’s growing every quarter and every year. Steve reveals the power of closed-end funds in generating income, sharing insights into their unique structure and how they weather market fluctuations.

Discover why closed-end funds pay monthly dividends, offering a consistent income stream that aligns with your financial goals. Steve addresses common misconceptions about fees, leverage, and the relationship between market value and net asset value.

Tune in to this episode for expert advice on achieving financial independence through smart investment strategies. Join us on “Get Your FILL” with Steve Selengut!

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Mastering Stock Market Volatility with Steve Selengut

As an experienced investor and financial advisor, Steve Selengut has seen his fair share of stock market volatility. With over 40 years of experience in the financial industry, he has learned valuable techniques for mastering the ups and downs of the stock market.

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One of the key principles that Steve Selengut teaches is the importance of having a well-diversified investment portfolio. This means spreading your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. By diversifying your portfolio, you can reduce the impact of market volatility on your overall investment returns.

Another important aspect of mastering stock market volatility is to have a long-term investment strategy. According to Selengut, trying to time the market or make short-term trades in response to market volatility is a losing strategy. Instead, he recommends focusing on long-term investments and staying the course during periods of market turbulence.

In addition to diversification and a long-term approach, Steve Selengut also emphasizes the importance of risk management. This includes setting and regularly reviewing your investment goals, as well as establishing a disciplined approach to buying and selling investments. By managing risk effectively, investors can better weather market volatility and protect their investment portfolio.

Selengut also advocates for a conservative approach to investing, particularly as investors approach retirement. By prioritizing capital preservation and income generation, investors can better protect their wealth during times of market uncertainty.

Finally, Steve Selengut encourages investors to seek out the guidance of a knowledgeable financial advisor. By working with a professional who has experience in navigating market volatility, investors can gain valuable insight and expertise in managing their investment portfolio.

In conclusion, mastering stock market volatility requires a combination of strategic investment principles and a disciplined approach to risk management. By diversifying your portfolio, adopting a long-term investment strategy, and prioritizing risk management, investors can better navigate the ups and downs of the stock market. With the guidance of experienced professionals like Steve Selengut, investors can build a strong foundation for their financial future.

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1 Comment

  1. @maryloulou370

    Great show Christian! Thank you for having Steve Selengut on the podcast. He may not know it and I'm just starting to realize it….he's changed my investment life. Where I was leary I'm now assured. I've learned (and continue to learn) so very much from his books. You couldn't have had a better guest on your show. Thank you

    Christine McCarron

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