Steven Crowder’s wife reveals him as an abuser in shocking exposé

by | Sep 3, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 44 comments

Steven Crowder’s wife reveals him as an abuser in shocking exposé

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Title: Steven Crowder Exposed as Abuser by Wife: Unveiling Disturbing Allegations


In recent times, the world has witnessed an increased focus on holding individuals accountable for their actions, especially those in positions of power or influence. One such individual under scrutiny is Steven Crowder, a prominent conservative commentator and host of the “Louder with Crowder” show. Allegations have recently surfaced regarding his alleged abusive behavior towards his wife, shedding light on a dark side that has remained hidden behind his charismatic persona.

Unveiling the Allegations:

The accusations against Steven Crowder come directly from his wife, who bravely spoke out about her experiences with abuse. Crowder’s wife has claimed that she endured years of physical and emotional mistreatment at the hands of her husband, painting a distressing picture of their relationship. These allegations, once brought to the forefront, have sparked a wave of conversations, exposing an uncomfortable truth about the seemingly untouchable figure.

Pattern of Abuse:

According to Crowder’s wife, the alleged abuse followed a defined pattern within their marriage. She claims that physical altercations were a recurring theme, often driven by anger and a desire for control. Additionally, emotional abuse tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and isolation were deployed to silence her and maintain dominance. These allegations, if proven true, shine a light on the alarming prevalence of domestic abuse that can be present even in seemingly high-functioning relationships.

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A Closer Look at Power Dynamics:

Abuse within relationships is often rooted in power imbalances, and this situation is no exception. Crowder’s influential position within the political sphere arguably bestowed him with a sense of entitlement and the belief that he could act with impunity. Such dynamics can foster an environment where abusive behavior goes unchallenged and victims are left trapped in a cycle of suffering and silence.

The Impact of Speaking Out:

The decision by Crowder’s wife to come forward takes immense courage, as survivors of abuse often face challenges in voicing their experiences. By speaking out, she has provided a voice for others who may be enduring similar situations and has initiated a much-needed conversation about accountability in the public sphere. It also serves as a reminder that public figures should be held responsible for their actions, regardless of their status or popularity.

Response and Repercussions:

As news of these allegations spread, calls for accountability and justice have begun to gain momentum. Crowder’s supporters are grappling with the difficult task of reconciling their admiration for his public persona with the disturbing allegations leveled against him. The focus has now shifted towards investigating the claims and ensuring that appropriate actions are taken to address the situation.


The exposure of Steven Crowder’s alleged abuse by his wife has opened up a dialogue surrounding domestic abuse, accountability, and power dynamics within relationships. This case serves as a reminder that no one should be exempt from scrutiny, regardless of their public image or standing. Only by addressing these issues head-on can we create a safer society for all, where victims of abuse are empowered to speak out, and abusers are held accountable for their actions.

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  1. Daniel

    Some incel chud at 4chan:

    Yeah, show them females their place. Tradwifes should RESPECT the man of the house… Where is my submissive tradwife now?

  2. lisa mercer

    Please dox him

  3. lisa mercer

    Omg we have a laugh in our family but at least my mum can pick a car and a mobility scooter which is hilarious!!! Oh and she has an electric bike ! In fact my dad bought a new motorcycle so my mum bought a $200 kettle to match the kitchen !!!! Now that’s respect i

  4. Mila Hristova

    I think he never wanted a devorce , he just wanted to manipulate her into thinking he was able to leave her

  5. _Gay_Grim_

    2:09 he's an abuser, if he has a second car than his ex-wife could have left whenever she wanted without a fight like this. I hate it but I know that well.

  6. Juan Linhares

    Hassan, i am a brazilian young adult and i love your chanel about EUA politic, principaly with left wing vision (comunist). My english is not 100% and because it normaly i use subtitles, the automatic subtitles from youtube sucks to be honest and i am here to ask you to put your own english subtitles, please do that not for me but for all your foregneirs subscribers.

  7. Bella Nova

    This is thoroughly abusive control. I’d know. It’s awful.

  8. Elaine Henry

    She is amazing. I wasnt able to remain as calm with my ex and it would escalate when I would get upset at his controlling bs or ask to end the relationship as I was tired of the stalking etc., this scared me to watch.

  9. jack gordon

    Dont usally comment but you hv had enough of today's weak minded delusional soeity all these insanity ridcoulous things they class as abuse is awful you dont even care about crowder but the word abuse gets chucked round to f easily thse days if any one classes this video as abuse you r part of the reason why real suffers dont get anything how he is acting isnt good no but to bang on this is abuse bs

  10. Joshua Brant

    Shows a profound lack of honour on his part to berate his pregnant wife to do menial tasks. I wonder if he is aware that the decline of traditional gender roles is in large part because of the empowerment of people like him to abuse his authority in this way.

  11. percibal twinkus

    i pray she gets all of that asshole's money, fuck him. good for her for leaving before her kids could remember. it would've only gotten worse.

  12. Jessica Prado Hanson

    Personally I think he used things like the car to physically abuse her and was able to control her with just that until now. I have had both types and its terrifying both ways because abuse hurts emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically even if nobody hits you. We really need a better education on this for us all to improve this.

  13. Jessica Prado Hanson

    I hope she releases a new video every time he disrespects her or her children’s boundaries again. This is how we push them to grow up. Let’s stop making it easy to be a man child and be a real man that does manly duties like learning about healthy boundaries. She deserves half after putting up with that shit. She earning it being his second mother so she should be paid for enduring the abuse…..

    I hope she never settles again and does too much labour….. This song is for all of us that have endured such toxicity…I can’t stop repeating it!

    Labour Paris Paloma

  14. every thing

    "watch it!" Dude you might as well hit her wtf

  15. popcornTM

    Some kind of Stockholm Syndrome going on here.

  16. Jesse Cain

    This is what is wrong with our society today. I'm glad we allow people to hang themselves publicly like this. If crowder was in his wives position saying the exact same words and she was saying exactly what he said, No, that's not okay, you can't just leave me here stranded alone and say you'll be back when you're back. He would still be the bad guy. There's no winning when your mind is made up for you. You idiots can't think for yourselves

  17. Silith

    I love how he claims that the leaks were out of context as if that would safe him. I can think of no context that would make his abuse excusable in the slightest.

  18. MegoRex

    His tone and what he’s saying reminds me so much of my ex husband who was a narcissistic sociopath who cheated on me for years, lied about having cancer and being in the navy, and when our divorce was finalized he married his mistress. I cannot imagine going thru that abuse while pregnant, just awful.

  19. emma

    I apply minoxidil with a small, flat, and dense makeup brush to avoid it melting into my hands. You can spray it into the cap or something else and then scoop it up. As long as it’s kept somewhere Kaya can’t reach it, that might work!

  20. Metal Disciple

    People like Steven make me embarrassed to be Christian

  21. Metal Disciple

    Love how he is still uploading to this day without any apology

  22. Lucas Wickman Sound

    I would give up a month’s worth of pay to see Steven’s reaction to the camera footage being posted

  23. Milk Steak

    Crowder pullin an old school DaxFlame move and dressing like Superman

  24. Rachel Coyle

    Man sounds like a toddler. That's embarrassing

  25. shAp

    Do they think the pregnant were out foraging while the man smoked a cigar in the hut?

  26. J Ton

    How do people talk to their significant other like that? It’s so sad that people are living like this when there’s so much more

  27. Tiffany Dombrowski

    Is he a mob boss or a husband because his bullshit bravado act is sickening talking to his pregnant wife like she's nothing but a work horse. He can f' off. Hope the best for her.

  28. Hubert

    If i had a pregnant wife, she wouldnt have to lift a single finger for anything if i didnt have my hands totally full!

  29. Heavy Metal Rebel Nightmare

    I used to watch Crowder a lot when I was in middle school and early high school (I am a cis woman BTW) and it was because my dad watched him and agreed with him on a lot of things politically. As I grew older I stopped watching him because life happened and I learned how stupid a lot conservatives are when it comes to things like LGBTQ+ issues, religious tolerance of any faith outside of Christianity, and womens' rights to bodily autonomy in healthcare and law. Now I am so glad I stopped watching him at like 16 because holy shit what a narcissistic, entitled, arrogant, violent prick he is. I hope his ex wife gets justice and is able to recover from this and have primary custody of their children.

  30. Jon Snow

    steven crowder is such a good husband, that he actually….bwahahaha I CANT i cant….

  31. امك

    Oh wow im so shocked by this

  32. Omar Nsiri

    Does Hassan think that married couples don't get into fights and arguments?

  33. Pastel Oddity

    My (soon-to-be-ex) husband was insistent that it was part of my “job” as a SAHM to scoop the litter boxes when I was pregnant with our first and only child. Aside from having Ankylosing Spondylitis—which makes bending and lifting hard when I’m not pregnant—toxoplasmosis is a real issue, and because of my autoimmune disease, my OB didn’t want me anywhere near them. I had to call my fucking sister to scoop my litter boxes…and he berated me later for being a “lazy cat owner”.

  34. bigheadrhino

    Funny how he claims fathers are useless during paternity when he’s literally demanding his pregnant wife do a bunch of things he could be doing instead of sitting on his ass smoking a cigar.

  35. Blitz

    She seems like an incredibly genuine and sweet girl…. I don't understand why this seems to be the same story over and over with sweet girls ending up with jackass guys

  36. DangerousDavies2008

    He’s only got one car to control her movements, it’s a sign of coercive abuse.

  37. S Smith

    steven coward got that divorced dad dye job already

  38. Marqrk

    “I don’t love you”




  39. Exotic Eio


  40. Matthew Irish

    My sister dealt with this with her ex and honestly so glad she got away from the pos, wasn't worth the air he breathes

  41. The Seeker

    That’doesnt wurk EITHHherrr

  42. FlufftheCake

    I hope his wife brings all his unhinged BS to the court. Like he's saying all this stuff related to his divorce, plus that ring video….he's going to get destroyed in court, and he deserves it. I hope he never sees those babies again. He would ruin them with all the crazy shxt he believes in anyway. That poor woman. I'm glad she got out. Good for her. Now take him for everything he's worth Hun!

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