Stiglitz Says Raising Interest Rates Won't Fix Inflation Problem

by | Dec 28, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 34 comments

Stiglitz Says Raising Interest Rates Won't Fix Inflation Problem

Columbia University Professor Joseph Stiglitz says the problem of surging global inflation will not be resolved with interest rate hikes alone. “Raising interest rates is not gonna to solve the problem of inflation, it’s not gonna create more food,” Stiglitz says at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland on “Bloomberg Surveillance”…(read more)

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  1. Lucia

    Most people are taught that "you only need a good job to become rich". These billionaires are operating on a whole other playbook that many don't even know exists❤️.

  2. shane heried

    I must say you are an inspiration because I started up investing and trading as a scared investor who doesn’t want to lose money, glad to say I’m very profitable now and bought my first house through it

  3. David Werking

    Stiglitz believe that A.) women want men's jobs (hint they dont) and B.) the class war won't mean burning it down (it will)

  4. merry John

    Despite the economic downturn, I'm happy ☺️. I have been earning $60,200 returns from my $10,000 investment every 13 days

  5. Larry Solomon

    The amount of time we spend believing we can't is more than enough time to learn how you can

  6. Rose Link

    ' Supply side interventions'

    Oh my. I've been reading for a month straight about inflation. This is the first rational intelligent contribution I have heard. Thanks to this man. I will be looking into his books and other thoughts.

    Also, interviewers please don't interrupt your guest. Let them finish their thought. We want to hear.

  7. Hyper Jang

    Totally agree!, raising interest rates is not going to create more food OR kill demand for food. They are completely off-target.

  8. Name Surname

    Please what is going on ????

  9. Name Surname


  10. Delvin Russell

    Amazing video thank you for breaking it down !!, Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy I have been earning $ 60,200 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days,,

  11. Classicphotos

    Stocks are falling and bond yields are rising, but markets still don’t seem convinced the Federal Reserve will pursue plans to keep increasing interest rates until inflation is under control. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $117k stocck portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

  12. Noureddine El houssni

    Salut, après quelques jours vers la direction régionale de banque populaire du Maroc a but de régulariser notre situation avec cette banque concerne des transferts d'un montant de 5,1 milliards euros reçu sur notre compte bancaire de défferentes banking européens bce FMI et autres et que la banque populaire du Maroc a rein déclarée, que peut-on conclure a propos de cette banque ?!!
    Noureddine elhoussni

  13. Snowcat 9146

    Youtube – "Milton Friedman: Inflation in 30 seconds" And remember who put us in this mess with their reckless spending over the past two years. What does this guy propose? The Inflation Reduction Act 2.0 and flood the economy with even more free money.

  14. Richardson Cuthel

    Best day of my life was when I stopped spending borrowed money and only what I earn from my investment… Also Destroyed my financial credit score so can't borrow money.. it's definitely a bad addiction.. kids need to learn this quickly.. Investing your money is misunderstood by many as a "risky way to grow your wealth!" When in reality it is actually a necessary act to fight inflation and get a plethora of wealth. Have my net worth by $1M in the last 4 years.

  15. Duncan Kow

    Love how Prof Stiglitz basically said to the stupid interviewer that China as an enemy doesn't exist and the US govt is wasting money on arms on that

  16. George Yao

    It's not interest rates that needs to go up but money printing has to stop or what happened in Germany before WWII will happen in the western economies.

  17. Mike Marchlik

    This guy doesn't know what he's talking about



  19. sptrader

    To reduce inflation, bring back energy independence. Inflation started when Biden took office, what did he do first ? He killed the keystone pipeline and restricted oil drilling. Lookup an inflation chart and see for yourself. Everything that gets shipped depends on fuel, if you raise fuel costs 50% then products go up too.


    If the elite doesn't team up with the middle class they will be the middle class and the poor will be desprate and bad things can happen that will be no safe zones… but they dont care.. This guy and most in this video have no idea whats its like on a normal every day person. He is talking out his… and it shows

  21. River V

    This guy wanted to say more, but they interrupted him or changed the subject

  22. Ashraf Aryan

    The rich stay by spending like the poor and investing without stopping while the poor stay poor by spending like the yet not investing like the rich. INVEST NOW!

  23. Theodore Araujo

    When Trump said the same things to the German's the world laughed at him. Why have all the Economists lost their minds? They care more about equity than the economy.

  24. Erik ANDERSSON

    Germany put all their eggs in the Russia basket bc of the tight links between Russian elites and SPD (particularly Schröder & Co)

  25. 진교 마

    중국은 제2의 나치다.
    미국은 중국을 방어를 해야한다

    내가 내린 결론이다

  26. Teague

    Germany's reliance on Russia's gas IS the result of trying to move to renewable energy.

  27. watched

    Raising interest rate won't fix inflation? Are you kidding me. It does. Feds need to raise it to 20% immediately

  28. Christian Duval

    With the inflation noise on the media…..I was able to increase my price of 20% and cut cost of 10% (reduce production) ..a gain of 30%..
    Not because I have to……because I can…….
    Don't worry, I produce specialize component made with automated and robotic manufacturing operation…….not for regular customer

  29. Jon Kayl

    What debt? Debt is 40% less than you think due to QE and all the bonds held by the FED. Inflation? Base Interest rates can only control the creation and destruction of money in the system, the majority of money is created by private banks. It has no effect on imported inflation apart from holding up the dollar (small help). Increased energy prices takes money out of US pockets and places it into non US pockets, this is taking dollars out of the US economy. increasing Interest rates will only push the US and the world into a recession by choking private banks money creation. The one silver lining is that recessions kill inflation =(. What is needed is quantitative tightening and that will then push up government debt to match what every one thinks it actually is. what a mess! All central banks created 16% more money in 2020 and 2021 alone. Deep cause of inflation?

  30. Sam Sung

    We saw this coming when we raised the minimum wage. Inflation is the 1% way of passing the buck to someone else and keeping their profits rising. What needs to happen is the 1% should find ways to reinvest in their country instead of just hoarding all the money. We desperately need high speed rail in this country. Yes that would cut a slice of the auto industry but we need to think about our people instead of profits.

  31. Tomas Loucka

    on record leverage the fed will rise interest rates its a sueside

  32. swee chen

    "Our democracy is at risk". This is a democracy that serves the interests of the elite.

  33. DKK

    Should have moved to renewable energy……and I stopped listening.
    He’s no expert with comments like that.

  34. Arjun Chatterjee

    That's what in the past year or two the defence economy gained tremendously vis a vis the consumer technology based economy… The reason is the war: the Russian and Ukrainian defence companies stand to gain from it because every piece of hardware they had ever produced was given a smash test run through the field of battle… It is only unfortunate that Ukraine cannot ever give it's solidarity to the US, NATO, EU or the West being beholden to Russia from obligations that stem from blood and race rather than the shifting sands of world politics… Getting back on topic though, the USA and Russia are the same on this front: low born cowards! They only fight against the weaker foe ignoring his great adversary the enemy and tormentor… USA fights China and Afghanistan ignoring Russia his great enemy…. Whereas Russia fights Ukraine ignoring the United Kingdom his great tormentor… This is the nature of low born serfs that get their day in the sun from looting the homesteads of their masters: they seek only the low hanging fruit and cannot see the axe of death hanging over their heads… How unfortunate would it be if that axe would drop…

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