Stock Market News (Russia, Recession, Economy, Inflation)

by | Jan 22, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 45 comments

Stock Market News (Russia, Recession, Economy, Inflation)

Stock market news today related to Russia, the impact it might have. But than again, it all depends on the price you pay for something. Of course, except for Russia where fundamentals don’t matter anymore given there is a war.

0:00 Market News
0:48 2021
2:19 Russia
4:15 Impact On Economy
7:19 Yield Curve
8:30 Central Banks
9:57 Investing

Klarman’s Video –

What is this channel all about? Value Investing:

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My passion is to look for low risk high reward investment opportunities with a long-term business owning like focus. I apply my accounting skills and investing experience in order to find the best businesses to own that offer the possibility to lead me towards my financial goals.
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See also  Abby Joseph Cohen reports an increasing likelihood of recession over the past few months.

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I often get asked about brokers, here is a low fee broker, an international one that allows you to buy on global markets, and also offers complex solutions like options for when your investing skills grow. For now, it is one of the best solutions I have found for global investors, also based on your comments and inputs:

Brokers video:

A good broker for Europeans is DEGIRO, simple and it even does your taxes is some countries (Netherlands for example):

Always keep in mind: “Investing involves risk of loss”

#stocks #stockmarket #stockmarketnews…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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  1. Value Investing with Sven Carlin, Ph.D.

    WARNING: As the channel grows (thank you all for that), there are more and more scammers impersonating me. The only thing I am selling is my Research Platform and Book ​​

    All that I do, the real links to my content are in the description of the video, I don't give out my Whatsapp number and I don't sell any Cryptocurrency related things! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

  2. Eriberto Souza

    Great educational material mr. Seven! A while back you mentioned Gazprom on your videos? Did you buy it? If yes, what are you doing about them? Or did you leave before the war?

  3. CRM82

    Funny note: you say that "investment managers spend 85% of their time talking to clients, 10% on legal and administration and only 5% on research" then you spend a lot of your time cleaning comments from your videos and research platform and answering the good ones under your videos.

  4. Maros Malcicky

    Hi Sven, do you see Sberbank as a potential buy after 90+% drop for a long term? The bank has been around for more than 150 years so that's why it might be interesting.

    Thank you for any input about potential buys due to the unfortunate situation in Ukraine.

  5. Phillip Doyle

    Inflation is not the catastrophe that most imagine. A weak dollar will increase jobs, and gdp will follow. Consumer prices are a tiny piece of the puzzle.

  6. Stefanos Michalis

    Sven, is company Evraz on your radar? Primary listing in UK no direct sanctions. Currently P/E 0.30 and dividend yield 50%+ goes ex dividend next Friday. Clearly mispriced risk I think, have you seen it?

  7. johndoe8964

    How do you think things will evolve for Polyus the Russian gold miner?

  8. manson1900

    Sven, what is the source of these slides? Can you please share?

  9. Oz

    Hi Sven, thanks for the vid as always & I have a difficult question for you…as you are invested in Chinese stocks and for many of us got to know you initially with the content of EM and China growth potential videos of you which were all convincing indeed. So my biggest position too…yet, I remember that you were saying there will be all the noise of this and that between USA and China but that doesn't change the fact market would eventually reflect the value to price even if it may take years…you also know how China thinks of Taiwan I think…if one day China also moves into Taiwan military, would you sell those Chinese stocks even in the case of big loss? Or apart from potential business failure in future what would make your mind change not to hold/invest in China any more? Thanks a lot.

  10. Adam Hopkinson

    Hey sven are still holding Lukoil and nutrien? Aren't they Russian?

  11. Rathwulven Bushcraft

    A little off-topic, but these days I decided to "invest" in the well-being of people. Got friends in Ukraine and both they and their countrymen are in such dire need of (medical) supplies – so I decided to not buy stocks but to give that position to organisations helping on location.

    I encourage all of you out there to consider doing the same thing. Just picture this: The Netherlands have 17 million citizens, Germany 81 million, and so on – if all of these would just donate a single Euro or Dollar, imagine the impact that could have.

    Food for thought – cause there is more to life than just accumulating money…

  12. kingkong8974

    I bought some LMT soon after Biden got elected. I just sensed that the current party in power wasn't smart about Chyna n Prussia

  13. דניאל גליק

    you had few investment in russia,have you sold out?

  14. cyllan anassan

    regarding wars….wait for China, they want to take over the world

  15. cyllan anassan

    polyus, polymetal, gazprom, are they a buy now?

  16. Michal Davitkovski

    Sven, i was wondering what is your current stand on Gazprom and other Russian stocks? I remember you mentioning various times that you are invested in Gazprom. Did you sell after the attack on Ukraine or do you hold? I was curious because you were also mentioning that tobacco companies are uninvestable for you from a moral standpoint, so does it apply for Russian stocks at the moment as well? hvala puno, lijep dan

  17. Jay

    Do you think very "locked" companies like Nornickel might cut dividends if the economics really get worse in Russia ?

  18. Artem Miakishev

    @Sven Today CBR restricted selling of Russian stocks that are owned by foreign investors. I think this is the turning point for Russian stockmarket doomed future…

  19. Joe Gomez

    Thanks for the great video. Your knowledge and insights are very good. There are no winners in war. Maybe taking Russia out of the Swift banking system will get their attention.

  20. Roman Marcincin

    Hi Sven, based on those charts which you showed I would say that the main driver of inflation right now is issue with supply chain. What do you think about that?

  21. Jason Voorhees

    Sven, you are spot on as usual. Thanks for putting out the good information

  22. Alexey N

    Is it time to buy usd/euro?

  23. Rasdim

    Long time follower, Sven you're a good hearted person, "mein bauchgefühl" never lies to me! Keep up the honest content brate!! Mirsad

  24. Pekka Viitasaari

    Sven….there definitely are winners and losers in war….war is arguably the most profitable business on the planet

  25. Valerio Martino

    Do you think the current energy crisis is similar to the '70s one? do we risk stagflation? a video where you compare the 2 situations would be very interesting.
    I hope somehow the war will magically end, but i think there will be a long war, possibly years, until the worsening of Russian economy will make Putin lose power somehow

  26. Imrényi György

    Thank you for the video. It is heartbreaking what’s happening in Ukraine.

  27. Mike H - From Bottom to Top

    They are about to exclude Russia from the SWIFT Banking System… they are one step before and I think it will come the next days ..

  28. pongop

    Thank you for the video and your perspective. I hope that one day humanity will transcend petty, unnecessary, and despicable acts like war. To this end, I wish for no borders, no empires, and no wars.

  29. TheKing

    Thank you Sven, keep the videos coming.

    And get well, sounds like you have a cold.

  30. Obi Juan

    Very good video. It appears that the Fed has no choice but to raise rates, which will still be relatively low historically. Also, for the last 12 years we have had low production of new single family homes as compared to the number of single family homes built the 10 years before the housing bubble 2005-2007. We maybe 4 million homes below the demand. So the demand on home prices will continue for 3 or 4 more years as new homes try to catch demand or we have a serious recession. I don’t think home prices are going to drop or slow it’s increase for 2 or 3 years, unless there is much higher interest rates or a recession. One reminder on Russia, it’s GDP would make it the 4th largest U.S. state, it maybe cash rich, but it’s not a big country in terms of GDP.

  31. Prosphorus11

    Thank you, Sven! What does it mean that investments has a catalyst?

  32. P T

    . Facebook's core advertising has a P/E 14 and $40b in profits.

  33. Andrew F Tutor

    Get better soon. Sounds like you have a cold.

  34. DaBigMakDonald

    Can you do an episode on the future of the Russian stock market? Would love your thoughts on recent moves in Sberbank or Tinkoff

  35. Vitaliy

    so, US & co invasion in Iraq, Afghanistan, bombing of Belgrad with no UN permission – is ok? ooh, its western countries interest, im so sorry for interrupting.

  36. Miro_ L

    Most of world is disappointed by Putins actions. Only some of us can remember time of the war. People like him can bring suffering to many of us beyond our imagination. If that happens money and stock market will be the last thing you will think about.

  37. V R

    Surprise with Sven's kind tone to Russia and this cruel war.. apparently he's too caught up in his stocks to understand what just happened and need some time to understand that fascist Nazi Putin Russia is the name of this country..

  38. Andro

    I'm buying Russian stocks and see what happens.

  39. Kethan Raman

    For those of you who dont want to watch a 10 min video: Sven Carlin and Warren Buffett are buying TTCF stock as it is not effected by the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  40. jackgoldman1

    Russia is now the honest freedom loving nation and America is the bitch of the global vampire squid bankers inflating and debasing the currency. Which way to go Sven? You said fantasy is worth more than reality. In the dishonest two dimensional world this is true. In the honest three dimensional world of children and families this is not true. We cycle back and forth. Fantasy is over priced. Reality is under priced. This is a war. What to do? Exercise, lose weight, eat whole food, avoid drugs, real labels. Fantasy is a drug. Protect yourself.

  41. jackgoldman1

    Fed types one trillion dollars in ten seconds. A child on Main Street works 30,000,000 years at $15 per honest hour to repay a ten second debt, as a child abusing abomination. We have a debt war, transferring labor, life, liberty, happiness from honest children on Main Street to evil vampire squid international bankers. We have an evil dishonest system. In honest gold money the Dow was 18 ounces of gold in 1929 and is 18 ounces of gold in 2021. We are dishonest, using evil unsecured debt as pretend squiggles on screens. Protect yourself.

  42. A.S.

    Are u still in Gazprom and are you buying the dip?

  43. Inam Nauman

    With current situation it looks like Fed will not be raising rates too aggressively

  44. Craig Outdoors

    There will always be poor and wars.

  45. Toni Prifti

    Sven all in Gasprom

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