Stop Self-Sabotage: 8 Money Habits That Lead to Poverty

by | Jul 23, 2023 | Fidelity IRA | 35 comments

Most of what we do with our money everyday is unconscious. The more aware you are of your money habits, the faster you can reach your financial goals. Without realizing it, you might be doing these 8 money habits that keep you poor. See if you recognize any of these bad money habits in yourself, and what money habits to break this year. These habits keep you poor, and in this video I share my best personal finance tips for breaking bad money habits and replacing them with GOOD money habits!

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I Will Teach You to Be Rich (hilarious how-to book on personal finance for millennials)

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (Jack Bogle’s classic advice on index funds)

InvestED (step-by-step, millennial-friendly advice on how to pick stocks like Warren Buffett)

Unshakeable (this book = courage. blast ALL the fears & misconceptions you have about investing)

Rich Dad Poor Dad (#1 selling personal finance book of all time… need I say more?)

Think and Grow Rich (the ultimate book on money mindset and wealth consciousness)



YNAB (I literally can’t live without this budgeting app, so obsessed)

Wise (like Venmo but for international currencies – I use this app a LOT for my life in Mexico)

High-Yield Savings Accounts (don’t settle for 0% when you can get 3%+ on your savings)

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Ledger Nano S (crypto storage hardware wallet, because “Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto”!):



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8 Money Habits That Keep You Poor (STOP SELF SABOTAGE)

Money management is a crucial skill that can determine our financial success or failure. However, many people find themselves caught in a cycle of financial struggle due to poor money habits. It’s time to break free from self-sabotaging behaviors and develop healthy money habits that can help you build wealth. Here are eight common money habits that keep you poor:

1. Spending beyond your means: One of the most significant contributors to financial struggles is spending more money than you earn. This often leads to high debts and an inability to save money. Create a budget and stick to it, ensuring that your expenses are lower than your income.

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2. Not tracking your expenses: Failing to track your expenses is like driving blindfolded. It is crucial to keep a record of where your money is going. Use tools like budgeting apps or spreadsheets to monitor your spending patterns and identify areas where you can cut back.

3. Impulsive buying: Instant gratification is a common trap that keeps you poor. Resisting impulsive buying is essential for financial stability. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it is a need or a want. Consider waiting a day or two before making a decision to avoid regrettable purchases.

4. Neglecting savings and emergency funds: Saving money should be a top priority, no matter how much you earn. Failing to save leaves you vulnerable to unexpected expenses or emergencies, which could lead to debt accumulation. Make it a habit to save a portion of your income regularly.

5. Ignoring financial literacy: Lack of financial knowledge is a significant hurdle to financial stability. Educate yourself about personal finance, investments, and budgeting. Start reading books, attending seminars, or even following reputable financial blogs to improve your understanding of money matters.

6. Relying on credit cards and debt: Credit cards can be useful when used responsibly, but relying on them without discipline can lead to a financial disaster. Accumulating debt and paying high interest can keep you trapped in a cycle of financial struggle. Aim to pay off credit card balances monthly and limit your reliance on debt.

7. Living paycheck to paycheck: If you are solely dependent on your monthly income, a sudden loss of a job or unexpected expenses can be devastating. Try to build multiple streams of income, such as investments or side hustles, to create a safety net and overcome the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.

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8. Failing to set financial goals: Without clear financial goals, it is challenging to build wealth and make progress. Set realistic short-term and long-term goals, such as saving for retirement, a down payment on a house, or paying off debts. Having goals gives you purpose and motivation to make better financial decisions.

Breaking free from self-sabotaging money habits can be challenging, but it is essential for financial stability and growth. Start by identifying which habits are holding you back and commit to making positive changes. By adopting healthy money habits, you can pave the way towards a brighter financial future.

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  1. Bani Sen

    This video is amazing.l really enjoyed this video

  2. Noel Castrillo

    I’m a hairstylist by trade and I love your hair on this video.

  3. Angela Price

    How do you recommend gaining a credit score if we buy everything in cash? Just curious. Would love your insight.

  4. SonicBoomC98

    I have 5% of my direct deposit go direct to savings

  5. Amanda Sherman

    Thank you for making this so approachable. I’m almost 50, divorced, with kids, and a teacher- man, I’ve got some heavy financial lifting to do to make up for lost time- you make this exciting! I look forward to being smarter about my money! My kids are on the right track, so that makes me happy!! Thanks, love!!!

  6. CorsoComo

    Don’t worry, Biden will forgive your student loan

  7. Eönwë

    "Don't be ostentatious. Do not overspend in order to make an impression." ~Fan Li

  8. StalkedLawStudent NoName

    Anything except censorship is self sabotage in this jurisdiction!

  9. Kira Al

    Making your own coffee is an investment actually !

  10. Chetan Gusani

    Thank you so much. Love from India

  11. Peter Q

    I'd agree HSA is "saving" on taxes. 401k though, don't you have to pay tax eventually anyway?

  12. Super Friday

    Here I am again, binge watching your videos. It makes me smarter.

  13. Silver Penn

    She talks weird. Like everything is a question. Very exhausting to listen to. Sorry. English is not my native language.

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    1. Women 2. Women 3. Women 4. Women 5. Women 6. Women 7. Women 8. Women…

  15. Henk Rijn

    The most stupid poeple don't invest. They think money grows bigger with inflation.

  16. Schroed on the Road

    So much wisdom here, wish I could find a wife like her

  17. Leon Carlton

    African Churches shoul teach this kind of things.
    Mostly in Kenya…
    They all talk about nyota with no financial Discipline.

  18. marisa suryatenggara

    What app is she using to organize the finance stuffs?is it available in my country ( indonesia)

  19. George Kiosses

    Is there anything else that you care about apart from making money ?

  20. MarcoAntonioBaltierraRocha Baltierra Rocha

    To be a millionaire is to became amisonary visionary the richer and rightshes is in God cool during God wive as everything don't let materithing get to you head it will to you from the spirit

  21. john tracy

    Putting loose change in a bucket is a good way to save money also. You'd be surprised how much you can save up in coins in just a month.

  22. G0uL

    $180000 at age 20?

  23. Joon Kim

    Rule of thumb: Don't buy things that depreciate in value, which is pretty much everything. Unless its a necessity Avoid coupons or any other gimmick that "saves" you money. Discounts don't save you money!

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    #3 You really should be paying for everything with a credit card though. Just use it like a debit card. Pay in full and pay on time!

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    Cute Asian girl, I stay

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    Careful with Mint or credit Karma, they try selling you debt

  27. fay afshar

    haha you are like my clone, i also update my spreadsheet every sunday and it spits out a graph of my savings, seeing the visualisation of the savings in a graph is like a game. If you gamify it, its so much more fun

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