Stopping Washington’s Assault Weapon Ban: Our Plan

by | May 9, 2023 | Qualified Retirement Plan | 31 comments

Stopping Washington’s Assault Weapon Ban: Our Plan

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, sits down with the President of the Silent Majority Foundation, Pete Serrano, to discuss the impending assault weapon ban in Washington state and what can be done about it the very moment that Jay Inslee signs it into legislation. But the most important part is what all of us need to do to help the cause, so learn all of this and arm yourself with education today.

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Why I’m Stocking Up on Parts Right Now…And Why You Should Too.

How Washington’s Assault Weapons Ban Is Far Worse Than You Think.

IF I Were to Stock Up On Semi Automatic Rifles, How Would I Do It?
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As an AI language model, I do not have a political standpoint. Nonetheless, here’s an article for you:

Recently, the state of Washington has proposed a new assault weapon ban. If passed, this legislation would severely limit the types of firearms available to law-abiding citizens, causing significant harm to Second Amendment rights. Opponents of this ban believe that it will do nothing to solve the problem of gun violence, but instead, create more problems for law-abiding individuals. Despite the challenges, many pro-Second Amendment groups have come up with plans to oppose this new ban.

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One of the most effective ways that they plan to combat this ban is by educating the public. Many people are unaware of the facts surrounding gun violence and gun control legislation. Through social media platforms, public events, advertisements, and more, they will share crucial information regarding gun ownership, safety, and related issues.

Another way they plan to stop this ban is by mobilizing supporters across the state to contact their legislators. Through petitions, rallies, and letters, pro-gun advocates will make their voices heard. This approach will create significant pressure on lawmakers, especially those who might be on the fence, to consider the consequences of passing this bill.

Pro-Second Amendment activists also plan to challenge the ban through the legal system. There are numerous examples of lawsuits brought by individuals or organizations against unjust gun control laws. With the help of experienced attorneys, activists will take this route to protect their rights and hold the government accountable to the Constitution.

Furthermore, some have advocated for other forms of gun control that will reduce criminal access to firearms while not affecting law-abiding citizens. Such measures could include universal background checks or mental health screenings. By offering reasonable and practical solutions to gun violence, pro-gun advocates aim to prevent the passing of the assault weapon ban.

In conclusion, pro-Second Amendment groups are already mobilizing to stop Washington’s assault weapon ban. By educating the public, mobilizing supporters, challenging the ban through the legal system, and advocating for practical and reasonable solutions, these groups aim to protect their rights while ensuring public safety. The battle may be challenging, but it is a fight worth taking on.

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    So….howd this work out?

  2. Misty

    Thank u for ur help

  3. Bob Smith

    Thank you!

  4. Roger Armstrong

    We just had five special agents show up and take my Sons AR. A veteran of the Iraq War and combat medic.

  5. paul veucasovic

    who let them infringe on us are rights we the people, still are we giving them the ,Constitution , wtf who ever took away our rights those who ever would try should be strike them from that roll in office from trying to take any gun freedom away should be removed from office i mean we cant let then take any thing from me i hope us and w t f .so now what are they taken so far we should be able to have the best like any military all that should have never let go of that equipment bs.. what if China or Russia invades or our own government we can't truss them why are we trying to change things to my disadvantageous so they take control of me one gun after another they start tell us or they take this step first that how it starts total control as in H History warned us and made it above law itss the Constitution no one should be above us taking anything again 2nd admeniount and bill of rights they need to get our gas going in our reserve and fixing crime not taking from the people ,Dose ent in say a punishment from trying to change it our 2ND

  6. Morticia Heisenberg

    Thank you for letting us know about these amazing guys!! Sharing and donating!!

  7. C&K

    Thanks for highlighting this Silent Majority foundation.

  8. lurchHa3

    Go get them! Protect our rights.

  9. J

    Wouldn't the FFL be the FIRST line of defense to keep guns out or the wrong hands ?

  10. NM 156

    Guess I'll take the money I used to send to the NRA to you guys. I'm glad someone is doing something.

  11. Tracy Guerrero

    They sure wont rush making a simple decision of i dont know…the constitution

  12. Old Soldier

    Wow killings in Louisville, Baltimore, Washington DC, New York, California, Delaware, how's gun control working out for these states. People open your eye's don't give up your 2nd Amendment rights to protect yourself or your family, because the government said they will protect you, it isn't so and it won't happen. Get yourself a CCW better to have one and not need it, than need one and not have it.

  13. caboosemacs

    Thanks for shouting out the people doing things to stop government tyranny.
    I supported them, & wish you guys the best in our fight for our rights 🙂

  14. P-R Blueprinting

    Yeah – Yeah – Yeah…. more lawsuits, that's the answer, Right?!?.
    Wrong. The Marxist totalitarian democrats could give two shits about your lawsuits. You're going about this from the wrong angle.
    They have unlimited resources to keep this stuff tied up forever. They've got your tax money and a lot of it. They're using your dollars against you, and they're kicking your ass. The only thing they understand is power. And money = power. If you're serious about your freedoms, you have to deny them your $$$. As I did. You have to move your families & and your businesses out of state. The time for laughter & jokes is over. If all the God fearing Christian people move their businesses out. Their war machine will collapse under it's own weight.

  15. Xaiden's Grandpa!

    Does anyone realize the reason that our country doesn't get invaded by foreign adversaries? It's because the citizens of the Great USA can own these weapons. So I'm predicting the if our country is invaded it will be because the of gun fearing, woke, anti capitalism throngs that will let us be disarmed believing that they will be spared the wrath of the invading armies. In a war that is brewing, no one will be spared! Such is the future of our decendants. Be the happy fools that you are! Our enemies will force you to pay the price you've wrought on the rest of us!

  16. Bruce Boyer

    For those of you who put out that "we shouldn't have to fight for our rights" consider that the order of the world is that those who do not fight for liberty are slaves. Therefore as free people you should expect to have to fight for your liberty. Own it. Live it. Be proud that you can and do fight and win to preserve liberty for the next generation to then be ready to fight for it again.

  17. Bruce Boyer

    What are you guys doing? STEp one information, EDUCATION, which is the VIDEO

  18. 212caboose

    Better amend that plan to include holding all those traitors accountable.

    Seriously, from a legal standpoint, why on earth are these people NOT being charged with treason and/or sedition, among other charges?! WHY?

  19. Michael Powell

    Why isn't insleez yanked out of office just on the constitutional violations there's more of us than them

  20. Ray Shmay

    Incredibly based

  21. James Costello

    Yea, get Enslee & Ferguson out of office.

  22. dale boe

    Can you come to whatcom country at a range to meet and talk

  23. HyprVoiton

    I have to wonder if those (like myself) who are waiting on the green light to pick up our AR's, will we be able to pick up if the Emergency Temporary Restraining Order is put into effect? Will the time between the law being signed in and the restraining order be enough to cause stores to stop outright? For context, my pickup date is the 25th and I'm really starting to feel screwed.

  24. Ann Francis

    What do you use an ak47 for ??? 600 rounds a minute ?? What are you protecting yourself from ???

  25. tmac20031

    Welp…not looking good

  26. Abstract Approach

    Yes, untraceable firearm is a catch 22 (no ffl will just give me a number, I'm not legally allowed to possess an untraceable weapon to get a number …. what do I have to bring my printer plate ir mill bed?)

  27. J Arbogast

    This is awesome! I feel as an ordinary citizen, we get to ride the tail of your fight to protect our 2nd. First, thank you. Second, what can we do to support you? We will benefit from all this for free, as you and your client spend the money to fight.

  28. Tom Woehle

    So when does Jay and the AG go to prison?

  29. Kevin Hanes

    It always amazes me how liberals support ILLEGAL ALIENS breaking our laws but insist on citizens obeying them

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