Strategies for Earning Money Amidst Inflation

by | Jun 18, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 36 comments

Strategies for Earning Money Amidst Inflation

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Hello everyone, I am Daniel Pronk and in todays video I discuss the ways I make money from inflation. These ways are contemporary artwork, real estate, utilities, and companies with strong brands which leads to pricing power.

Inflation is on everyone’s minds in 2022 since inflation is at a 40 year high of 8.5%. This made me think that this video would be a relevant one right now, and one that many people could benefit from.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor, and nothing I say is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. I will NEVER ask you to send me money to trade for you. Please report any suspicious emails or fake social media profiles claiming to be me. Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing.

My videos may contain affiliate links or sponsorship to products I believe will add value to your life and help you. No matter what I or anyone else says, it’s important to do your own research before making a financial decision.

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00:00 – Masterworks Sponsorship
01:50 – Inflation Hedge #2
05:55 – Inflation Hedge #3
09:32 – Inflation Hedge #4

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How To Make Money During Inflation

Inflation is an economic phenomenon where the prices of goods and services rise over time, eroding the purchasing power of money. While inflation can be detrimental to an individual’s financial well-being, there are strategies one can employ to make money and even prosper during inflationary periods. Here, we explore some of the ways to mitigate the negative effects of inflation and potentially grow wealth during these challenging times.

1. Invest in Real Estate: Real estate is often seen as a hedge against inflation. During inflationary periods, property values tend to rise along with the prices of goods and services, allowing investors to benefit from capital appreciation. Additionally, owning real estate grants individuals the opportunity to generate passive income through rental properties. As rental rates generally increase during inflation, this can provide a steady stream of income while protecting against the erosion of cash holdings.

2. Diversify Your Investment Portfolio: Inflation tends to impact different asset classes in varying ways. While the value of fixed income assets, such as bonds, may decline in real terms during inflation, equities can offer protection. Historically, stocks have shown the potential to outperform inflation, especially if invested in companies that possess pricing power and can pass on cost increases to consumers. Consider diversifying your investment portfolio to include stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate investment trusts (REITs) to hedge against inflationary pressures.

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3. Invest in Commodities: Certain commodities, such as gold, silver, oil, and agricultural products, often appreciate in value during inflationary periods. These tangible assets can act as a store of value and provide a hedge against rising prices. Investors can gain exposure to commodities through commodity-linked exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or by purchasing the physical assets themselves.

4. Start a Side Business: Inflation can create opportunities for entrepreneurs. As the cost of goods and services increases, there may be a demand for alternative, more affordable options. Starting a side business that addresses these needs can be lucrative during inflationary periods. Consider identifying the areas where prices are rising the fastest and offer products or services that cater to cost-conscious consumers.

5. Invest in Yourself: Inflation often leads to higher wages and salaries as employers try to retain their workforce and compensate for increased costs. Take advantage of this opportunity by investing in personal development and acquiring new skills that are in high demand during inflation. This can position you for promotions, job offers, or even the possibility of starting your own business.

6. Hedge with Inflation-Indexed Securities: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are government bonds that offer protection against inflation. Unlike conventional bonds, TIPS adjust their principal value based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The interest payments from TIPS also increase with inflation, providing investors with a hedge against rising prices.

While inflation can present challenges, it also creates opportunities for individuals to position themselves strategically and potentially profit. Whether through astute investments, self-improvement, or entrepreneurial ventures, making money during inflation requires adaptability, versatility, and a keen understanding of the economic environment. By employing these strategies, one can navigate the complex landscape of inflation and potentially secure a brighter financial future.

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  1. Marlon Elias

    He’s good looking!.!.

  2. Desmond

    But arent real estate prices expected to fall this winter cause housing lags. Also if high inflation persists longer coz supply chain are only getting worse wont Gold be a better hedge.

  3. Jack Bisson

    Daniel do you know anything about Phase Bio? They have these Reversal Agents for blood thinners and it seems like something to invest in. Have you heard about it?

  4. Ari Gutman

    Solid video, Daniel, it is funny how during times of volatility people forget that process shouldn't necessarily change… A matter of fact, with a great process, that is all one should be doing is doubling down on what they are already doing… Take investing, people get fearful at all the wrong moments and miss out on opportunity…

  5. E. C.

    Is this not like "Close the gates when the bulls are out" approach? Inflation is here now, why I should buy inflated estate investments now?

  6. BL

    Been buying FSTA (fidelity consumer staples ETF) with a .08 expense ratio.

  7. Jerome Young

    Hmmm…do I pay my utility bill this month or buy more Brookfield Infrastructure?

  8. Andy Nguyen

    Company that have “pricing power”. Commodity especially oil and metals are best hedge against inflation! Check Elon earnings call yesterday. Inflation will be high for rest of 2022.

  9. Rod 98000

    I’ve really enjoyed your videos Daniel but I think you’re on a slippery slope with the paid promotion.

  10. Matheus Vilar Mota Santos

    What about BIP balance sheet? It looks bad, so much debt and a low interest coverage…

  11. Pavel Rusev

    what about financials and banks ??

  12. Susan Gallo

    Thanks for the video, I’ve been following your writing on seeking Alpha since the since January of 2020. You along with Brad, Wolf Report, and ( Michelle Francis Elo ), who is currently my advisor , have helped me put together dividend growth portfolio that I have come to love. Many thanks , keep up the awesome work.

  13. Retire and Go

    Great advice! My dividend portfolio is full of solid brands. I have been consolidating my growth stocks in to my highest convictions. The companies I think will own this century. Tesla, Amazon, MSFT, Apple, AMD and Nvidia. I love my Brookfield Renewables and Canadian Solar and consider them part of my energy holdings. Fewer companies, better holdings, positioned for inflation and recession concerns. Thank you Daniel for the great videos.

  14. A Mathiasen

    What the fuck is this… Starting a video shilling this masterworks crap without making it clear you are promoting a product. Respect lost.

  15. Basil Maz

    I wish I could buy more stocks. I need more money. I do have lots of dividend stocks and have to wait to get more treasure in the summer.

  16. Eran Deser

    Talkheads link inflation to interest rates' and then to increased bank profits|stock prices. Would be interested what you think ?

  17. Eran Deser

    Art work: liquidity ?

  18. KP14

    Congrats on reaching 200k. Well deserved!

  19. erdelito33

    Why do my comments disappear?

  20. Shishir Kumar

    Thanks for the Video!
    I would love to see a video on Portfolio allocations to your Stocks/ETF/REITs/Bonds/Other asset classes!

  21. Richard Head

    Rolex and Patek watch prices are through the roof.

  22. Abrhaley Yemane

    congratulation on your 200k!❤

  23. ChoPhoSho

    Congrats on 200k!

  24. Vladimir

    people saying that utility companies don't benefit when the prices are going up…it's not Netflix which you can cancel at any time to save some money. You need heating, water, electricity…you can't just cancel it because prices are going up, you need it

  25. Alexander Schlink

    Hi Daniel, why you picked not a REIT with a higher yield like Omega Healthcare or AGNC with a double digit dividend ? Kind regards Alex

  26. Sharp Invest

    My favorite monthly dividend REIT is LAND. I'd love to know your thoughts on it.

  27. MrFrescocotone

    Problem is that the inflation narrative is so strong and the global markets act so fast, that basically all the inflation shielding stocks and utilities are already pricing in inflation. At this stage I would say that the best bet would be to buy value stocks that are undervalued

  28. Lee Brock

    Comment section is useless. Half are trying to be "first", the other half begging for advice. None will achieve their goals.

  29. Gregory Kealey

    Another great vid. No tuna this time though

  30. Jeremy Newell

    Investing in art as a retail investor is a terrible idea for so many reasons. It only works if you are already filthy rich and can afford $1M+ works of art.

  31. Hehee

    Googl is sitting at a nice support.

  32. Richard K


  33. Nirat S


  34. luvjagsca


  35. Dash


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