Summer Wine Decanted: The Unintended Bloopers

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Bank Failures | 10 comments

Summer Wine Decanted: The Unintended Bloopers

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We spent about 30 days over a period of ten months in 2022 and 2023 filming for the “Summer Wine Decanted” series. It did not always go to plan. Here are some of the technical failures, fluffs and – as Dennis Norden would say – “cock-ups”… These are not the only out-takes, often what goes wrong is not captured by the camera!

The year 2023 marks 50 years since the pilot and first series of “Last of the Summer Wine” were broadcast. This series of videos is filmed in many of the well-known, and some less well-known, locations seen in the programme.


#LotSW…(read more)


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Bloopers: The Bits You Weren’t Meant to See

Bloopers, those accidental slip-ups and mishaps that occur during the filming of movies, TV shows, and commercials, have become a popular source of entertainment for audiences around the world. From actors forgetting their lines to props malfunctioning, bloopers provide a glimpse into the less-than-perfect world of filmmaking and can often leave viewers in stitches.

One of the most famous blooper reels is from the classic sitcom Friends, which features the cast flubbing their lines, breaking character, and bursting into uncontrollable laughter. These behind-the-scenes outtakes have become just as beloved as the show itself, with fans eagerly seeking them out on DVD extras and online.

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But why are bloopers so entertaining? Perhaps it’s the glimpse of the actors’ real personalities shining through, as they struggle to stay composed in the face of unexpected obstacles. Or maybe it’s the feeling of being in on a secret, witnessing the inner workings of a production that is usually polished and rehearsed. Whatever the reason, bloopers have become a cherished part of the entertainment industry.

In addition to providing laughter and entertainment, bloopers also humanize the actors and remind audiences that even those with seemingly flawless performances make mistakes. It can be comforting for viewers to see their favorite performers stumble and laugh at themselves, just like anyone else.

Of course, bloopers aren’t limited to the world of scripted entertainment. News bloopers are another popular genre, featuring journalists and anchors struggling with technical difficulties, mispronouncing names, and dealing with unexpected on-air surprises. These moments of unscripted chaos can turn a serious news broadcast into a lighthearted and memorable experience for viewers.

In the age of social media, bloopers have become even more accessible, with fans sharing their favorite outtakes and mishaps across various platforms. This has led to an increase in demand for blooper content, with some productions even releasing official blooper reels as a way to engage with their audience and provide additional entertainment value.

Ultimately, bloopers offer a unique and entertaining peek behind the curtain of the entertainment industry. Whether it’s a beloved TV show, a blockbuster movie, or a live news broadcast, the moments that weren’t meant to be seen can often be the most memorable and beloved by audiences. So next time you find yourself laughing along with a blooper reel, remember that even the most polished productions have their fair share of outtakes and mishaps. And that’s part of what makes them so endearing.

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  1. Upstaged by a Dog

    As these are out-takes, and even shots of scenes that did not end up in any of the videos, the sound has not been dubbed or processed – the clips are presented as they happened. However, there are full subtitles!

  2. Pete Murphy

    When will the book be back in stock at Amazon Leigh? Loved your series. Pete M

  3. DMfilmfan

    Poor dog, just wanted to join in on the fun!

  4. TheWy999

    have just ordered the book – so looking forward to it arriving

  5. Alex Smart

    Nice nice nice superb brave of you..

  6. SoRTs6233

    You really were 'Upstaged by a dog'! Thanks for showing this.

  7. David Sauls

    Can you imagine all the bloopers when filming our beloved show. Thank You Again !!!

  8. Barry Francis

    Seeing your trouble pronouncing the word millennium reminds me of when I was a child I would always pronounce the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars as the Minnellium Falcon.

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