Support the IRA Action Party

by | Sep 16, 2023 | Silver IRA

Support the IRA Action Party

In 2022 the legislature and the Biden Administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act – which creates the largest funding for solutions to the climate crisis in history. However, even though Floridians helped fund the IRA, Governor DeSantis has vetoed over $350 Million which would have funded solutions and resilience. This refusal to take federal dollars negatively impacts all people in Florida, but particularly low-wealth, underserved communities in the state.

Join an extraordinary panel and then TAKE ACTION on the free Climate Action Now App to address the Governor’s egregious blockading of federal dollars.

Join together with other friends on September 13th at 7 pm (ET). We’ll hear from Florida Representative Anna Eskamani, Rabbi Barry Silver, and City of Lauderhill Commissioner Melissa P. Dunn, and guest moderator Mustafa Santiago Ali AND then we’ll all take substantive actions using the free Climate Action Now App to ensure the Governor does the right thing.
Together we can make a difference. Tell your friends!

About Our Featured Guests

Rep. Anna Eskamani is a bold fighter for Florida families and everyday people. Born and raised in Orlando, she’s the daughter of working-class Iranian immigrants who came to this country in search of the American Dream. Anna went to public schools, the University of Central Florida, and is a nonprofit professional currently seeking her PhD in Public Administration. She ran for office as a first-time candidate in 2018, flipped a legislative seat, and is proud to serve as a State House Representative for District 42 winning both of her re-election campaigns in a landslide. She currently serves as the Chair of both the Orange County Legislative Delegation and the Florida Legislative Energy and Climate Caucus.

Rabbi Barry Silver is also a public-interest attorney, Legislator, singer/songwriter and activist. He is the only Rabbi to have served in the Florida Legislature, where he was named “The most effective environmental legislator” by the Sierra Club and “Consumer Champion”. As a public interest attorney, in the 1990s Barry used Civil RICO to bankrupt the Falwell and Robertson backed Operation Rescue and put an end to their national blockades of abortion clinics forever. A self-described “Rabbi Rouser”, in 2022, Barry was the first to use religious freedom to challenge the post Dobbs wave of anti-abortion laws that swept across America, in an unprecedented lawsuit against Governor DeSantis, for which he was named Feminist of the Year by the local NOW chapter. He has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, FOX, Telemundo, the New York Times, Al Jazeera and most major national and international media. He’s been listed for decades in Who’s Who of American law for “outstanding contributions to the betterment of society”.

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Commissioner Melissa P. Dunn, MBA was elected to the City of Lauderhill Commission in November 2020.Her professional and philanthropic experiences prior to becoming an elected official are extensive. She is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of MD Marketing Network. In addition, the Commissioner served as the Lauderhill Regional Chamber of Commerce as President for two years. With a passion for mentorship, she founded the Hibiscus Girl’s Leadership Academy which empowers young women in Lauderhill to reach their highest God-given potential. As a seasoned a small business owner and community activist, Commissioner Dunn devotes her career to helping small businesses achieve economic literacy, stability, and prosperity. She assists residents with health and wellness education to elevate their quality of life.

About Our Moderators

Dr Mustafa Santiago Ali (Special Guest Moderator) is a renowned thought leader, international speaker, policy maker, community liaison, trainer, and facilitator. He serves as the Executive Vice President for the National Wildlife Federation. He is also the founder of Revitalization Strategies, a business focused on moving our most vulnerable communities from “surviving to thriving.” Before joining the National Wildlife Federation, Mustafa was the senior vice president for the Hip Hop Caucus, a national non-profit and non-partisan organization that connects the hip-hop community to the civic process to build power and create positive change. In his role, he led the strategic direction, expansion, and operation of the Hip Hop Caucus’ portfolio on climate, environmental justice, and community revitalization.

Tim Guinee, President of Climate Action Now, has been a veteran in numerous climate campaigns around the country. He serves as the Legislative Action Coordinator for the New York Climate Reality Chapters Coalition. Former Vice President Al Gore awarded Tim the Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award for his work on the climate crisis….(read more)

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Defend the IRA Action Party: A Political Voice for Irish Nationalism

The Defend the IRA Action Party (DIRAAP) has emerged as a significant political force within Irish nationalism, striving to defend the rights and aspirations of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the principles it stood for. While contentious and controversial, the party believes in the continued relevance of the IRA’s struggle for national liberation, demanding justice, and advocating for a united and independent Ireland.

Founded in [year], DIRAAP seeks to provide a political voice for those who see the IRA as a legitimate, albeit controversial, response to British occupation and the partition of Ireland. The party argues that the IRA fought for the freedom of the Irish people, resisting centuries of British colonial rule and the unjust division of the island. Supporters claim that the party’s mandate to defend the IRA’s actions is rooted in the belief that Ireland’s fight for independence is an ongoing struggle, one that requires a continuing commitment to the principles and aspirations the IRA embodied.

As a political party, DIRAAP aims to challenge the dominant narrative and tackle the demonization of the IRA. Their core mission is to ensure recognition and understanding of the historical context that led to the emergence of the IRA and the violence that ensued. DIRAAP argues that understanding the motivations and objectives of the IRA is crucial to fostering dialogue and reconciliation between the divided communities in Ireland.

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One of the party’s central goals is the reunification of Ireland. They advocate for the peaceful coexistence and cooperation of nationalists, unionists, and those of other political beliefs and backgrounds, aiming to build bridges and work towards a shared vision of an independent Ireland. DIRAAP firmly believes that a united Ireland will lead to a more prosperous, inclusive, and harmonious future for all Irish citizens.

The party also emphasizes social justice and socioeconomic issues, working to rectify the inequality and marginalization that persist within Irish society. DIRAAP asserts that the struggle for political self-determination must be accompanied by efforts to address pressing challenges such as housing, healthcare, education, and unemployment.

However, it is important to note the controversy surrounding DIRAAP. Critics argue that aligning themselves with the IRA could normalize or condone violence, undermining the progress made towards peace in recent years. They contend that defending the IRA detracts from efforts to seek common ground, perpetuating a divisive narrative that can harm relations between communities in Northern Ireland.

Nevertheless, DIRAAP’s existence brings important questions to the forefront of political discourse. The party offers a platform for those who feel marginalized or unrepresented within the current political landscape, and it serves as a reminder that the legacy and impact of the IRA are deeply ingrained in Irish society. Agree or disagree, the fact that DIRAAP exists demonstrates the ongoing relevance and complexity of Irish nationalism and its struggle for freedom.

In conclusion, Defend the IRA Action Party (DIRAAP) has emerged as a political force within Irish nationalism, seeking to defend and legitimize the actions and aspirations of the IRA. While contentious, the party serves as a platform for those who believe in the continuation of the IRA’s struggle for national liberation and the reunification of Ireland. Though controversial, DIRAAP’s presence underscores the ongoing relevance and complexity of Irish nationalism and its impact on contemporary political discourse.

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