Surgical Treatment for Multiple Adjacent Recession-Type Defects Using Tunnel Technique with Mucoderm® and Emdogain®

by | Mar 30, 2024 | Recession News | 4 comments

Surgical Treatment for Multiple Adjacent Recession-Type Defects Using Tunnel Technique with Mucoderm® and Emdogain®

Gum recession is a common dental issue that can occur due to a variety of factors such as periodontal disease, aggressive tooth brushing, or genetics. When left untreated, gum recession can lead to tooth sensitivity, root exposure, and even tooth loss. Fortunately, there are surgical techniques available to help correct this condition and improve the overall health and appearance of the gums.

One of the most effective surgical techniques for treating multiple adjacent recession-type defects is the tunnel technique with mucoderm® and Emdogain®. This innovative procedure involves creating a tunnel in the gum tissue to access the root surfaces of the affected teeth, followed by the placement of mucoderm®, a collagen matrix that serves as a scaffold for new tissue growth. Emdogain®, a bioactive gel that contains enamel matrix proteins, is then applied to the root surfaces to promote the regeneration of new bone and soft tissue.

The tunnel technique with mucoderm® and Emdogain® offers several advantages over traditional gum grafting procedures. One of the main benefits is that it is a minimally invasive technique that preserves the existing gum tissue and avoids the need for harvesting tissue from the roof of the mouth. This results in less discomfort for the patient and faster healing times.

Additionally, the use of mucoderm® and Emdogain® in this procedure has been shown to promote better long-term results compared to traditional gum grafting techniques. Studies have demonstrated that the combination of these two materials can stimulate the production of new bone and soft tissue, leading to improved periodontal health and a reduction in the risk of further recession.

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Patients undergoing the tunnel technique with mucoderm® and Emdogain® can expect a relatively quick and comfortable recovery period. Most individuals are able to resume their normal activities within a few days following the procedure and can expect to see significant improvements in the appearance and health of their gums within a few weeks.

Overall, the tunnel technique with mucoderm® and Emdogain® is a highly effective and innovative surgical option for treating multiple adjacent recession-type defects. This procedure offers numerous advantages over traditional gum grafting techniques, including minimal discomfort, faster healing times, and superior long-term outcomes. If you are experiencing gum recession and are looking for a solution that can restore the health and appearance of your gums, be sure to discuss the tunnel technique with mucoderm® and Emdogain® with your periodontist.

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  1. @rassepa

    Great surgery. I would like to see the results. Thanks and regards

  2. @honeyfm1

    What is the name of the instrument?

  3. @helenw7054

    Could this replace missing pappillae

  4. @ankursnd

    nice video

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