Swiss flag after credit Suisse implodes this week

by | Oct 2, 2022 | Resources | 31 comments

Swiss flag after credit Suisse implodes this week

Swiss flag after credit Suisse implodes this week

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Swiss flag after credit Suisse implodes this week

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Swiss flag after credit Suisse implodes this week

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Swiss flag after credit Suisse implodes this week



  1. No-Worldliness3163

    Moody’s has just given an A2 rating on mortgage notes issued by CS. Another 2008 checked point.

  2. PandaChewing

    Debit suisse

  3. kloricker

    Can someone explain wtf is happening with them or link something where it is explained? I just see memes. It’s like seeing smoke, but not the fucking barbecue

  4. dabears---318

    the time to buy puts has passed – my strategy is to wait for the insolvency news and buy cheap calls for the inevitable bailout

  5. cashflow_is_ded

    This is a very funny joke.

  6. AdamoA-

    Red flag was there but everyone ignored it

  7. _wervin_

    Quick maths ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

  8. relevant_rhino

    Azeig isch dusse.

  9. [deleted]


  10. tothemoonandback01

    Based Credit Squeeze “joke”

  11. Gonnaroff

    CS was in trouble a decade ago when I worked for them. They’re also with one leg in jail most of the time and have a horrific reputation. The Swiss don’t let them go belly up anyways.

  12. Cy83rCr45h

    The flag is square, not rectangle

  13. BadBlake_1980

    Having trouble finding option chain for puts on several platforms. Anyone else having issues as well? Sounds like easy money shorting but can’t seem to fine a platform to do so. Any feedback is appeciated.

  14. raaphs

    i was giggling at all the Credit Suisse memes, when i remembered that I sold a put expiring in Dec some time ago. Only one, so not much money lost, but suddenly the memes seemed less funny lol

  15. gridflash

    **$600 Billion:** What Lehman Brothers held in assets when they crashed and took the economy with them.

    **$2800 Billion:** What Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank control in AUM. 4.6x more.

    *- Graham Stephan*

  16. UltimateTraders


  17. ksa20

    Based just-kill-everyone-who-tries-to-invade plus-flaggers

  18. luoyuke

    I bought CS at 10&5, should I buy moar?

  19. WidePeepobiz

    Debit Suisse ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)

  20. gaamabata

    Can someone explain how an Swiss financial institution ,will affect usa market

  21. life-is-blessed

    what would happen to my puts if it goes bankrupt or bought out or bailed out?

  22. Khyta

    Implodes? What did I miss?

  23. Brightnels


  24. GR9898

    Credit Suisse may run out of credit..

  25. downonthesecond

    Not even Red Cross can save them.

  26. Graphiccoma

    I’m a total n00b sooo, what happens if people start investing in cs now?

  27. TheAssasin66

    Can someone explain to me credit suisee? Why are they so important?

  28. sakata_gintoki113

    if you think it will implode, then you are clueless

  29. buffalo_Fart

    Credit Suisse is just an evil company, Tie rocks to all the executives and throw them in Lake Geneva.

  30. CompetitionForward67

    Underrated meme

  31. Bro_Nobodycares

    So this is how this civilization falls? Rome went down in a blaze of glory and us over a bank. Where is all the Jew gold they stole? Where is all the drug money that they laundered?

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