Take Action Now: Steps to Take During the Bank Failure Crisis

by | Jun 25, 2023 | Bank Failures | 44 comments

Take Action Now: Steps to Take During the Bank Failure Crisis

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Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and many others are dealing with the consequences of this volatile situation. Here’s what YOU should do!

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Title: Time to ACT! – What YOU Should do NOW during this Bank Failure CRISIS


The recent wave of bank failures has sent shockwaves through the global economy, leaving people worried about their hard-earned savings and financial stability. In times of crisis, it is crucial to stay calm, informed, and take appropriate actions to safeguard yourself and your assets. This article will guide you on what steps you should take now during this bank failure crisis.

1. Stay updated and informed:

To effectively navigate through this crisis, it is essential to stay updated with the latest news and developments. Monitor reliable news sources and financial institutions’ statements to understand the specifics of the bank failures and potential impacts on your financial well-being. Government entities, regulatory bodies, and financial institutions often provide relevant information and guidance during such times. Be cautious of spreading misinformation and rely on reputable sources.

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2. Assess your exposure:

Evaluate your level of exposure to the failing banks or financial institutions. If you hold accounts or assets in one of the affected banks, determine the extent to which your deposits or investments are at risk. This assessment will help you make informed decisions about your next steps.

3. Contact your bank and financial advisors:

Reach out to your bank directly to inquire about the safety of your deposits and any contingency plans they have in place. Understand the implications for your account, and if necessary, consider moving your funds to a stable or more secure institution. Consult with your financial advisors, such as accountants or investment professionals, to assess the potential impact on your investments and get advice on how to protect your portfolio.

4. Diversify your assets:

Spread your risk by diversifying your assets across different financial institutions and investment vehicles. This strategy helps mitigate the impact of bank failures by minimizing the concentration of your funds in one institution. Consider allocating your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, to balance risk and maximize potential returns.

5. Capitalize on deposit insurance schemes:

In many countries, governments have deposit insurance schemes that protect depositors’ funds up to certain limits. Familiarize yourself with the coverage provided by such schemes and ensure your deposits fall within the insured amounts. If necessary, spread your excess funds across multiple insured accounts to fully benefit from the protection offered by these schemes.

6. Be cautious with your investments:

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During a bank failure crisis, market sentiment can be highly volatile, leading to uncertainty and potential asset price fluctuations. It is crucial to exercise caution with your investments. Avoid making rash decisions or panic-selling your holdings, as this may result in unnecessary losses. Seek the expertise of financial professionals who can provide sound advice based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

7. Revisit your financial goals and budget:

Use this crisis as a reminder to evaluate your financial goals, adjust your budget if necessary, and ensure you are adequately prepared for future uncertainties. Consider creating an emergency fund that can cover your essential expenses for at least three to six months, providing a safety net in times of crisis.


The bank failure crisis can undoubtedly be daunting, but with careful planning and informed decision-making, you can navigate through these turbulent times. Stay informed, assess your exposure, diversify your assets, and seek expert advice as needed. By taking the necessary actions outlined in this article, you can protect yourself and your finances during this challenging period. Remember, while crises are challenging, they also present opportunities for growth and expansion.

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  1. Roger Johnson

    Google, Systemic Risk, The Masters Voice Prophecy Blog, YouTube

  2. Barbara Rote


  3. Linda Stewart

    there you go, halting trading. next, bank doors will be locked?

  4. Foo Foo Ka Choo

    HOW does one get their Direct Deposit Social Security Check changed from THAT to receiving your check in your mailbox??

  5. Karen Kinman

    Thank. You. ,for input.

  6. Bungikevin

    You are so on spot!

  7. Mary Outwater

    Thank you for all you do!

  8. Mitchell Hewett

    If you have any money in a liberal Bank get it out we as conservatives should not be doing business with any liberal.

  9. Vito Scatigno

    Thanks to lying Biden we wouldn’t have had this problem!

  10. Jerry

    You are correct when you say the FDIC will ensure accounts up to $250,000. However. these accounts are not insured dollar for dollar. Right now, the FDIC only has enough money for insuring these accounts at .0126¢ on the dollar. In simplistic terms, this means just a little over $0.01 for each dollar. Again, it is not dollar-for-dollar.

  11. HumorDash

    I just spent what I had.

  12. Paul Brackett

    Biden said banking is safe. I feel better already knowing he’s got it under control.

  13. Lou - eye

    Its all by design.

  14. 10% For The Big Guy

    The reckless betting on the stock market by shady banks and venture capitalists all along knowing that Biden rorbucks and his criminal cabal won’t dare let their best donors take a financial hit especially with an election coming up next year. Biden “you owe me big now, dig deep”

  15. Karen Perez

    What im doing is trusting the Lord not in horses or chariots or banks

  16. JR 3

    I can't imagine what a $1,000.00 in corned beef hash looks like.


    What should people do is not listen to you. DOW is up +433 points today. WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! No crash today, grandpa.

  18. GoneFishing

    The adults in our household keep only enough money in our checking and savings accounts to cover monthly expenses and those emergencies not covered by insurance. The remainder of our income gets invested in either the stock market or in long-term food and household supplies as ways to prepare for a worldwide economic depression, a regional grid-down or some other long-lasting emergency. We have zero debt, pay our credit card statements in full each month, own out right where we live and what we drive and have 55-gallon barrels of water and more than a year of long-term food storage. And we stay prepared for attempts to invade our home. No matter what happens to the U.S. banking system or even to the stock markets, our household is better prepared than most because we have made it a priority to be prepared for hard times.

  19. Spin Cycle

    The SVB bank is a woke left of left bank made up of major democrat donors. They will be made whole. Same with that Signature Trump hating bank in New York. Everyone else will be held to the $250K limit. Taxpayers will be soaked and life goes on.

  20. Spin Cycle

    Be your own bank. Keep most your money out of the system or become a victim.

  21. Matthew G

    The FDIC can barely cover 1% of all deposits.

  22. Roger

    Wasn’t this one of the main driving forces of the Great Depression? People went into tail spin about banks loosing money and started trying to pull it out in mass? Which caused an already bad situation to just fall even more? So fast forward to now, they came up with the FDIC to insure your money up to 500,000 in the bank. If people start pulling money out they play into the fear that certain groups want. Which gives them power to take away paper money and create use digital currency. Which means paper will be useless and no one will take or use it. Guess what? Then everyone who pulled theirs out will not have anything, why? They will pass a law during this time saying all paper currency is no good and as such we do not recognize it or accept it. Just food for thought, people playing into the “game”

  23. Carla Ratton

    Thanks for kaping us up to date!

  24. NHOptimist

    The problem is as always. Insiders sell off their stocks and bonus are miraculously paid right before things go south. How is it that bonuses can be earned much less paid in these kind of circumstances? Who isn’t in jail that should be?

  25. Edsel Greaves

    The best thing you can do right now is go out shopping with your credit card. Ironic isn't it? Whatever you think you will need during the next 2 years – food, clothes, batteries, shoes, socks, soap, etc. – BUY IT NOW!!! You don't want to wait and find out this crisis is spreading to the retail sector too. Use your credit card to buy supplies, go home and pay off the credit card through an online transaction. Now the banking system can't use your deposit as a buffer to protect SVB and those billionaire tech moguls. You have limited your risk and increased your assets. No need to withdraw cash and risk a money printing crisis as well.

  26. Don H

    Biden announced he's (buying out the bank) covering all the deposits.

  27. Joanne Slattery

    Thank you so VERY much for ALL THE INFORMATION you give us. We in your group or at least I APPRECIATE IT SO VERY MUCH. GOD BLESS AND BE WITH YOU.

  28. Catwoman

    I have this awful feeling we are at the beginning of something terrible. I did of course withdrew some money from my bank today.

  29. Ruthann Graff

    I do not trust anything that biden says .thus is going to be like 2008. I am taking my money out of the bank

  30. Judy Luchies

    I have never trusted the banks, we had to pay for the bail outs last time

  31. Vesta Norman

    Where were the bank regulators?

  32. Laugh it off

    My understanding is that, Joe is covering all deposits. No one will lose one cent.

  33. Marc Smith

    Not concerned. I can assure you this is no more "the beginning to the end" than the 2008 "financial crisis". was. SVB was poorly invested and managed. The "run" was created by their CEO last week. Evidence that they suffered from poor management.

  34. Carmen Ortiz

    I've studied the Great Depression and my trust for the government is getting close to negative numbers. During the Great Depression people were told "don't worry" on a Friday, many of the banks NEVER open again and people's money disappeared along with the people running the banks. Don't worry, be happy doesn't work with me. What worried me if my bank closes, what is going to happen with my Social Security check, is someone in Washington going to come bring it to me? How about the people in jobs? Where is their pay going? (I'm preparing for Greater Depression.)

  35. William Saltzmann

    I like having my cash under my control, not the bank and the government.

  36. MainMotto

    Ppl are secretly getting their money or something. I went on F.b and no one is talking about it! I have thousands of friends and not 1 person is mentioning it…

  37. Daniel Morse

    Thank you. Oil on water.

  38. portercbl

    Don't believe Biden! HE IS A HABITUAL LIAR!

  39. Jac Spring

    Who keeps more than just enough money in the bank to cover their bills? I mean why? They pay you nothing for it… so invest it instead.

  40. Ranger1

    I'm not concerned one bit for those who have over $250k in the bank. I'm only concerned about my money which is within the 250k limit.

  41. sherm dog

    My wife works for a very large well known bank. I heard the government is going to cover the losses for those over 250k. The larger the bank the more likely you will be covered by the FDIC insurance. Smaller banks and credit unions I would be more nervous. Also the FDIC coverage is $250k per account holder.

  42. Jim Wallace

    2009 didn't teach these banks anything. Let those banks go belly up. Fed government should NOT BAIL THESE BANK OUT.

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