Tchir’s Analysis: The Economy is Gradually Sliding into Recession

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Recession News | 10 comments

Tchir’s Analysis: The Economy is Gradually Sliding into Recession

Peter Tchir of Academy Securities says “we are in a slow bleed into the recession,” and that it’ll start at the white collar level
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Tchir: We are in a Slow Bleed into a Recession

As the world grapples with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, economic experts are becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of a global recession. Many indicators are pointing towards a significant downturn in the near future, and one analyst, Peter Tchir, believes that we are already in the midst of a slow bleed into a recession.

Tchir, the head of macro strategy at Academy Securities, has been closely monitoring the economic landscape and identifying signals that are indicative of an impending recession. According to him, the current situation bears several resemblances to the events leading up to the 2008 financial crisis.

One of the major indicators Tchir points to is the widening corporate credit spreads. Corporate credit spreads reflect the difference between the yield on corporate bonds and the yield on safer treasury bonds. As economic uncertainty grows, investors demand higher yields on riskier corporate bonds, causing credit spreads to widen. This is one of the earliest warning signs of a slowdown. Tchir highlights that we are currently witnessing a widening of credit spreads and warns that this pattern is reminiscent of what occurred just before the 2008 crisis.

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Additionally, Tchir argues that excessive leverage in the financial system is another concerning factor. When companies and individuals borrow too much money, they become vulnerable to economic shocks. With the pandemic causing businesses to shut down and people losing their jobs, this excessive leverage could exacerbate the severity of the recession. Tchir believes that many borrowers will struggle to meet their debt obligations, leading to a wave of defaults and writedowns, further deteriorating the economic situation.

Moreover, Tchir emphasizes the role of central banks in the current crisis. Central banks around the world have been implementing unprecedented measures in an attempt to stabilize markets and support economies. However, Tchir argues that these actions may have unintended consequences, such as fueling asset bubbles or pushing investors to take on excessive risks. This could create further vulnerabilities in the financial system, eventually leading to a deeper recession.

While Tchir acknowledges that the government stimulus packages have helped to alleviate some of the immediate economic damages caused by the pandemic, he cautions that these measures may not be sustainable in the long term. As governments accumulate significant debts, there may be limited room for further monetary and fiscal interventions. This lack of ammunition to combat future economic downturns raises concerns about the prolonged effects of the recession.

Tchir’s analysis serves as a wake-up call to policymakers and investors around the world. It highlights the need for a cautious approach and further measures to mitigate the economic fallout. It also highlights the importance of diversifying portfolios and being prepared for potential market volatility.

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While it is crucial to remember that forecasting the precise timing and severity of a recession is challenging, it is indispensable to pay attention to experts like Tchir who bring valuable insights to the table. As we navigate through these uncertain times, a comprehensive understanding of the economic landscape is essential for individuals and policymakers to make informed decisions and ultimately mitigate the long-term effects of the recession we find ourselves slipping into.

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  1. John Daniels

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless." – Thomas Jefferson

  2. harry Soothsayer

    Slow bleed is weak Fed – hit it hard

  3. chris biden

    China's GDP growth in Q1 was 4.0% y/y, and is expected to see its GDP growth at 5.4%. The US is not benefiting from China because of your sanctions on Chinese businesses and the abuse of USD as the reserve currency. China has reduced their investment in the US.

  4. Hazel Equinox

    The last recession stopped?

  5. K

    We've been in it for a while now

  6. Lewis

    Some things can’t be rushed. Patience.

  7. richardincm

    This is good news, because it means that we're closer to the Fed pausing rate-hikes, after next week's 0.25% one.

  8. DrScopeify

    Recession is a dirty word we have inflation so we are seeing declines for months now from an elevated place back down to normality if we go negative or not just seems like semantics at this point.

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