The Alarming Situation: Wheels Beginning to Fall Off

by | Oct 27, 2023 | Bank Failures | 17 comments

The Alarming Situation: Wheels Beginning to Fall Off

Jerome Powell just said something so absurd that I almost fell out of my chair. Also, Amazon tries to eliminate humans with 750,000 robot work force, and more economic reality.

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Title: This is Very Concerning – The Wheels are Starting to Come Off


In recent times, there has been a growing sentiment of concern as numerous unsettling events unfold around the world. The metaphorical expression, “the wheels are starting to come off,” vividly captures the worrisome nature of these situations. From political instability and environmental crises to social unrest and public health emergencies, we find ourselves navigating through a deep sense of collective unease. This article aims to shed light on the alarming challenges we face and explore potential ways to address them.

Political Instability:

One of the primary factors causing concern is the increasing level of political instability across the globe. The rise of authoritarian regimes, polarization, and erosion of democratic values pose significant threats to societies. The wheels of progress that once seemed firmly attached are showing signs of instability, leading to a loss of faith in traditional political systems. Upholding democratic principles, promoting transparency, and engaging in inclusive dialogue are crucial to reestablishing stability and regaining public trust.

Environmental Crises:

Another pressing concern relates to the environmental challenges experienced on a global scale. The wheels of environmental sustainability are wobbling as climate change, deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution continue to escalate. Scientists have been warning us about the consequences for years, and now we must recognize the urgent need for collective action. From sustainable practices in industry to individual choices in daily life, everyone must contribute toward rebuilding the wheels of a sustainable future.

Social Unrest:

Social unrest is becoming an increasingly common sight, both domestically and internationally. Issues such as inequality, racial discrimination, and injustice have forced communities to confront systemic problems deeply rooted in society. The wheels of social progress are grinding to a halt, compelling us to address these issues with determination. By fostering empathy, promoting inclusivity, and advocating for equality, we can work towards a more just and harmonious society.

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Public Health Emergencies:

The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of global health systems. This public health emergency has strained healthcare infrastructure, disrupted economies, and caused immense suffering worldwide. The wheels of public health preparedness and response have faced unprecedented challenges, emphasizing the need for stronger healthcare systems, global cooperation, and investment in scientific research.


In times like these, it is vital to acknowledge the concerns felt by individuals worldwide. The metaphorical expression, “the wheels are starting to come off,” accurately reflects the unsettling nature of the challenges we face. However, it is equally important to remember that this expression does not signify an inevitable catastrophe. Instead, it serves as a wake-up call, reminding us of the urgency to act collectively and make positive changes.

Addressing political instability, environmental crises, social unrest, and public health emergencies requires the concerted efforts of governments, communities, and individuals. By advocating for democracy, embracing sustainability, promoting equality, and investing in healthcare systems, we can rebuild and fortify the wheels of progress. With determination, empathy, and resilience, we can navigate through these turbulent times, ensuring a better and brighter future for generations to come.

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    If you voted for Byedon you must really hate America and be clueless about World Issues, or better yet a SELFISH person.

  2. Mike King

    They don't call it a crisis because it's not. It's a cataclysm.


    Vote Democrat so you can be Cool, Woke, and Broke.

  4. mg

    They're still bailing out the banks. Look up the bank term funding program if this comment doesn't get removed. 100b+ in bank bailouts for over 6 months

  5. vincentyeo88

    No worries.
    Wheels coming off will stop the train and save plenty of people instead of letting the train go over the Cassandra Crossing and killing plenty of people.

  6. Lecksite

    The rich are recovering money they never had from the poor

  7. andy

    we have been in a recovery for 15 years

  8. Chad Hobin

    I recently had to get my gallbladder removed in the ER. I was taken to the hospital at 4 AM. I am now in medical debt for $7 grand.

  9. Pura Vida

    The Fed and Powell are funding both the Ukrainian war, and the Israeli war. The U.S. doesn't have a war chest, they are broke. The Fed prints the currency for wars.

  10. William Bush

    the official government financial stance has always been, basically a lie, since we went off of the gold standard, so, of course,just like an individual does, they use a lie to cover up the first lie.

  11. Paddy O'Henry

    Hey dog faced pony soldier, the economy is strong as hell!

  12. pranksterguy1

    I'm truly sorry to say it looks like Weimar Republic II on the horizon.

  13. David Beidelman

    Yes, you are wrong. We are in recovery. Real GDP growth in the first and second quarters was 2.2 and 2.1 percent. The Atlanta Fed’s GDP Now estimator projects that the third quarter GDP growth will be 5.4 percent! So, despite inflation, the economy is growing. You are just looking at the wrong numbers.

  14. Thomas Crone

    Recovery? Inflation is 15-20%. Rents are insane in Vancouver, and they keep slamming up condos. Famine, War, the Political mess in Washington and in Ukraine, Gaza, Argentina interest rates 130%! The Banks are losing their pants as the Bond rout and the implosion of commercial real estate. God, I am glad I am an old man. God Help Us!

  15. Repent and know Jesus

    I see lots of people here in Phoenix driving new $70000 to $100000 truck and Teslas.

  16. William

    Banks can’t hide their unrealized losses on their bond portfolio or any other long term liabilities.

  17. Hank and Rex

    Hey JJ! I have been watching you since you were just a voice and no face. Great work. Keep it up. Take care! – PJ from Houston TX

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