The Basics of “Infinite Banking” (Seminar @ Private Real Estate Club)

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Qualified Retirement Plan | 37 comments

The Basics of “Infinite Banking” (Seminar @ Private Real Estate Club)

How to ‘Become Your Own Banker’ using ‘the Infinite Banking Concept®’. And learn how to combine Real Estate cash flows with a “banking” life insurance policy.

(This video was filmed in October, 2016 at Help Flip America Real Estate Group in Dallas, TX.)
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All content on this site is for informational purposes only. The content shared is not intended to be a substitute for consultation with the appropriate professional. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of James C. Neathery & Associates, Inc., unless otherwise specifically cited. The data that is presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made by James C. Neathery & Associates, Inc. as to another party’s informational accuracy or completeness. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with your Adviser, Financial Planner, Tax Consultant, Attorney, Investment Adviser or the appropriate professional prior to taking any action….(read more)

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Infinite banking is a unique financial strategy that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The concept of infinite banking is based on the idea of using a whole life insurance policy as a way to build and access your own personal banking system. This system allows you to store and access your own money, instead of relying on traditional banks.

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At a recent seminar at the Private Real Estate Club, attendees were given an introduction to the basics of infinite banking. The seminar focused on how infinite banking works and how it can be used to create a secure financial future.

The first step to understanding infinite banking is to understand the concept of cash value life insurance. Cash value life insurance is a type of policy that builds up a cash value over time. This cash value can then be used as collateral for loans, or it can be withdrawn as cash.

The seminar then discussed the benefits of infinite banking. By using a whole life insurance policy as a personal banking system, individuals can access their own money whenever they need it, without having to pay interest or fees to a bank. This allows individuals to become their own banker and have more control over their finances.

The seminar also discussed the potential risks of infinite banking. It is important to understand that whole life insurance policies can be expensive and can require significant up-front costs. Additionally, if the policyholder fails to pay their premiums, the policy can lapse and the cash value will be lost.

Overall, the seminar provided a great introduction to the basics of infinite banking. Attendees were able to gain a better understanding of how infinite banking works, the benefits and risks associated with it, and how it can be used to create a secure financial future.

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  1. ronald nunn

    Never found a bank that would do a fixed HELOC loan

  2. David Zarate

    Why is the Infinite Banking Concept never clear? It's always an hour long video with no clarity. Honesty is brief and to the point. I'm not a fan of Dave Ramsey, but he can explain IBC in one sentence.

  3. Jimmyvash

    This was a great video!!

  4. Aiman Adzhan

    The lending of money at interest is usury.

  5. ETEtoile Dominique

    Do you have seminars information for those over 70 yrs old for infinite banking?

  6. Over Comer

    Dentists graduate 1M in debt..

  7. PIMP for life

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I wish i have known about this when i was i my 20s. Thank you.

  8. Reggie G. The House of Wilson

    Mr. James are you still in Fort worth? I was hoping if its ok if i send you an email? Just to pick your brain on a personal matter that im sure you'll understand being from Fort worth OG Funkytown…. lol in hopes that it could shed some light on my situation. I recently created my business
    "Love Thy Neighbor Property Group" llc on 6/19/2020 and still working hard trying get the ball rolling Its been challenging. But one of the proudest moments of my life.

  9. Teresa Nolivo

    Whats the least amount we need to start and how much we got to put in each month.

    Im so low income i qualify for all welfare benefits. So intact im even lower income then that cuz I refuse to take any welfare. Any extra money I would have is all gona be spent buying medical insurance. I'm self employed. . Corona isnt going to take my business. Im not giving up.

  10. Sopel Arias

    Enjoyed the video… Your content is a must click…

  11. Roman Romanowski

    I think your math is wrong , if you divide $ 100,000 and loan the money at 6-9 % , it is not the same as you would lend the whole $ 100 000 at 44% ?

  12. Elijah Pullum

    I am new to this concept. I am a 25 year old male with 2 children both under the age of 2. I have been soaking up so much information the last few months about wealth and financial freedom. I have so many questions about this concept. Can I pay for an hour or two of your time to go a little deeper into this concept? I want to retire in 10 years or less, but right now I work a job making about $38,000 a year.

  13. SuperModelJaz

    This wealth of information! Thank you, Sir, GOD bless you!

  14. Roslyn Smith

    I'm new to the ibc concept, I just don't understand how this works, I'm so confused. I get the being your own banker, I don't understand how the policy works? So I have a big lump sum of money coming….. trying to figure out what to do

  15. DR

    Thank you for this great education Sir.

  16. Reggie G. The House of Wilson

    im from fort worth sir .. good too see a great mentor i never new about you unti now you better believe fort worth will know you know im sharing all your content.. thank so much for your teaching and educating us.. god bless you and your family..

  17. lenny delatorre

    I have a question, what if i deposit 100k in the policy, do i have 100 percent availability of that money, the know the payments i only have 70 percent

  18. FidelHimself

    Is there a limit to what you can buy with the loan? Can I buy Bitcoin!?

  19. Derrick Rhame

    i understand everything he is talking about,i am already about a millionaire next yr

  20. Chris Chatman

    Hi ya, I'm in midlothian do yal have local meetings?

  21. Give Me Face Co

    But what if the insurance company goes bankrupt or something??

  22. Christian Davidsson

    Would this be possible for non US Residents/citizens?

  23. Good Life

    What about a person just past 50 who only has minimal savings, some home equity and trying to finally build for retirement after losing so much during the crash of 2008? Thoughts on how this can help at least get something set in place for the 62-65 mark?

  24. R B

    Who can help me set this up?

  25. Curtis Rasmussen

    OMGsh! Might I strongly suggest that you get somebody who can do some plain english graphics and overlay them so that there's NO CONFUSION! Build it toward an audience of 7th graders (the average American reads/comprehends on the 7th grade). Unfortunately, the way it was done creates confusion which creates distrust in the idea. No one buys if they're confused and this seems far too valuable to leave it improperly illustrated and explained.

  26. Tom Vogt

    Using lines of credit and zeroing out those lines of credit, while using them to boost capital access (by the ever increasing size of lines offered to you) and get rid of bad debt extremely fast. Using lines then to create cash flow assets, increasing overall cash flow. Use the banks tool of simple interest lines to fund your life and buuld wealth.
    Lastly your home is NOT an asset, if its not putting money in your pocket, its a liability.

  27. Paul Fugère

    Always use your Dividends (Actually Return of Premium) to purchase Paid-up Additional Insurance. Keep rolling the snowball down the hill.

  28. Robert McCuiston

    Well we understand that the qualified plans are shit, but beyond the shit I have one question? Are the Permanent Whole Life Insurance premiums that I am paying are they tax deductible each year from your 1040 Tax Form filing each year. We all understand everyone has his own agenda. It seems everyone talking about the Infinite Banking system seems to leave out the important details.

  29. V12 Bat

    Best way for real estate beginners is to start with a single family home, it involves less overhead, fewer things to go wrong and just less risky when mistake inevitably happen.

  30. gp5

    Will Trump’s new tax laws affect life insurance in terms of taking out loans?

  31. Kevin Kennedy

    But I need to wait 6 years to access enough cash to buy real estate. With a 20k a year premium I could use that as a down payment and still have the asset. I get that this is a long term strategy but the younger generations will struggle to have a 20000 excess cash for an annual premium

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