The Battle Against Inflation Has Ended

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 11 comments

Inflation is often thought of as a global phenomenon, but in reality, it is local and depends on the actions of local central banks and their management of the money supply. Initially, it was described as a temporary issue due to supply chain disruptions, but now it is being acknowledged as more persistent. Central banks have been tightening the money supply in response to combat inflation.

Watch more of this short video from Inflation To End As Arriving Recession Now ‘Baked In’ | Steve Hanke.

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The fight against inflation has been a long and difficult one for many countries around the world. However, a new report has revealed that the battle may finally be over, at least for the time being.

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According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the world economy has now stabilised, and inflation is no longer the major obstacle that it once was. In fact, the latest figures indicate that inflation rates in major economies are now below the OECD’s target rate of 2%.

This is a significant achievement, given the challenges that have historically plagued economies around the world. For many years, inflation was a major concern for policymakers, as it eroded the real value of savings and made it difficult for individuals and businesses to plan for the long term.

However, a combination of factors has helped to bring inflation under control. One of the most important, of course, has been the pandemic. The global health crisis has had a profound impact on the world economy, with many countries forced to implement strict lockdowns to contain the virus. These lockdowns have had a knock-on effect on inflation, with many goods and services either unavailable or in short supply.

In addition to this, governments and central banks around the world have implemented a range of policies aimed at controlling inflation. These have included measures such as interest rate cuts, quantitative easing, and targeted fiscal stimulus. While these policies may have been controversial, they appear to have had the desired effect of keeping inflation under control.

Of course, it’s important to note that the fight against inflation is never truly over. The global economy remains highly unpredictable, and no one can say for certain what the future holds. However, the fact that inflation rates are now stabilising is a positive sign, and one that should be celebrated by policymakers and citizens around the world.

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Moving forward, it will be important for governments and central banks to remain vigilant and to continue implementing policies that help to keep inflation under control. At the same time, there will be many other challenges to address, from rising inequality to environmental degradation. Nevertheless, for the moment at least, the world can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the inflation fight has been won.

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  1. Brandon


  2. John Merlino

    Inflation is Global! The USD is the Reserve currency, we EXPORT our Inflation to countries that we buy global products and services from, like China. If the USD's value goes up compared to other currencies, then they need more of their currencies to buy food, energy, and everything! Inflation will remain highly elevated in the US and if the USD Drops in relative value then inflation will lower in countries that trade with the US.

  3. seantube21

    "They crushed the money supply so much" is 100% false. Take a look at charts of: 1) Fed's balance sheet 2) M2 Money Supply and 3_ M3 Money Supply. They've ALL grown a minimum of 400% in the past 20 years, then have gone down about 5% in the past year.

  4. John Doe1.1

    You can't taper a Ponzi scheme. Inflation is here to stay, so long as the system itself does…

  5. Richard Janes

    These Shorties are Deep.
    Keep up the Great Work.

  6. Max Smith

    Best guest for a while

  7. Brad T

    Whats the best way to protect against it right now?

  8. Chris Seal

    Did not expect the Charlie Puth light switch graphic but I’m here for it

  9. kyle petan

    translation: please give me zero percent interest rates. I dont like expensive money.

  10. Micah Robinson

    What a laugh the 3 trillion in reverse repos are inflation waiting to be unleashed

  11. Paul Vella

    Inflation is the price we are paying for printing too much money, especially during the pandemic, when it reached insane levels… And there’s no way to escape it… It all just has to play out… We have to get used to tightening our belts, and getting less for our money… It’s time to be smart about everything; how we live, how we work, how we do everything…

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