The Best Investments That Protect Against Inflation Are ON SALE Right Now | Jesse Felder

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Inflation Hedge | 35 comments

The Best Investments That Protect Against Inflation Are ON SALE Right Now | Jesse Felder

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Macro analyst Jesse Felder is concerned about persisting inflation in the years ahead, yet mystified that the assets he thinks are the best investments that protect against inflation are dirt cheap right now.

Energy, gold mining stocks and cash flowing commodity producers are trading at highly attractive valuations right now, especially relative to the general market.

At Wealthion, we show you how to protect and build your wealth by learning from the world’s top experts on finance and money. Each week we add new videos that provide you with access to the foremost specialists in investing, economics, the stock market, real estate and personal finance.

We offer exceptional interviews and explainer videos that dive deep into the trends driving today’s markets, the economy, and your own net worth. We give you strategies for financial security, practical answers to questions like “how to grow my investments?”, and effective solutions for wealth building tailored to ‘regular’ investors just like you.

There’s no doubt that it’s a very challenging time right now for the average investor. Above and beyond the recent economic impacts of COVID, the new era of record low interest rates, runaway US debt and US deficits, and trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal stimulus stimulus has changed the rules of investing by dangerously distorting the Dow index, the S&P 500, and nearly all other asset prices. Can prices keep rising, or is there a painful reckoning ahead?

See also  Richard Bernstein argues that the current dilemma for the Federal Reserve is whether to combat or encourage inflation.

Let us help you prepare your portfolio just in case the future brings one or more of the following: inflation, deflation, a bull market, a bear market, a market correction, a stock market crash, a real estate bubble, a real estate crash, an economic boom, a recession, a depression, or another global financial crisis.

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#oil #gold #inflation
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information and opinions offered in this video by Wealthion or its interview guests are for educational purposes ONLY and should NOT be construed as personal financial advice. We strongly recommend that any potential decisions and actions you may take in your investment portfolio be conducted under the guidance and supervision of a quality professional financial advisor in good standing with the securities industry. When it comes to investing, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss….(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



Truth about Gold
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  1. Wealthion

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  2. Group6

    When a professional money manager says that he has learned so much humility I would take everything else with a grain of salt. Having said that I am all in on miners

  3. SuperQuickfix1

    How will the gold stocks deal with the higher fuel cost?

  4. emanu

    Stock market Cap / GDP can be over 100% with so many multinational sales across S&P500 components.

  5. nozrep

    i understand inflation had been getting worse relative to the past few years. What I have never understood is why why why all these gurus, like the Fed folks and even the ones I really like and respect like Felder and people like him talk about inflation “rearing up” when in fact inflation has been inflating and compounding upon itself just like compound interest at around what, 3% or thereabouts for many, many years. Many decades! So yes, inflation is even worse. But also, before it “got worse”, before the plandemic, I still could not purchase a gallon of milk for 25cents USD like in the 1960’s or 1970’s, I still could purchase a gallon of gasoline for less than a dollar or a brand new car for less than 10k USD. Why? Because inflation has actually been pretty bad for many decades. It’s actually been compounding upon itself three percent on three percent on three percent for many decades. Wealthion, Felder, the Fed, they all know this, intrinsically, and THAT is why I never understand why the heck nobody ever say yah, hey guys, uhhhhh, inflation has kind of always been bad guys. And now it is getting even worse with the tyranny and money printing of our modern times.

  6. nozrep

    29:20; perverted way of thinking absolutely. However, I would also posit and opine that boom bust cycles are natural phenomena that occur regardless and have occurred regardless throughout history. And government banksters like bernanke and this ilk have always made them worse when simultaneously claiming to make it better. But that’s just my opinion. So… eating grains of salt and all that….

  7. nozrep

    did people simply forget about about the crash of Feb 2020? the dow was below 20k?! for yes, for a short period yes before the Fed started pumping it real hard because of the plandemic.

  8. Jakayla Hailie

    The Digital market sector is sizing up to be very exciting year for the cryptocurrency / stock market with many opportunities on the Horizon . Like any financial market . There are good eggs and bad eggs as the market is very unstable to Holding , it is essential that investors to do their own research properly and understand the investment plan before putting their funds at risk . However , mining store understand that not everyone has the time to research every coin on the market , it is best advice for every investors to engage into the Day-trading activities in other grow and accumulate more in their portfolio as have come to understand the graphical algorithm with the assistance of a pro – Trader Dr . Benjamin Bentley Westley . "Bitcoin (BTC) selling pressure is starting to wane after last week’s price dip.The cryptocurrency is holding short-term .The relative strength index (RSI) on the four-hour chart is rising from oversold levels, which typically precedes a brief price bounce. i will advice all investors and newbies to get to the Day trading activities and make more profits as have come to increase my portfolio from 1.5 to 5.5 BTC regardless of the down trend of the bitcoin price . Benjamin Bentley Westley can be contacted via what's app : +1(903)741-8032 and Telegram Ben_westley for further inquiries on crypto related issues .

  9. Jakayla Hailie

    The Digital market sector is sizing up to be very exciting year for the cryptocurrency / stock market with many opportunities on the Horizon . Like any financial market . There are good eggs and bad eggs as the market is very unstable to Holding , it is essential that investors to do their own research properly and understand the investment plan before putting their funds at risk . However , mining store understand that not everyone has the time to research every coin on the market , it is best advice for every investors to engage into the Day-trading activities in other grow and accumulate more in their portfolio as have come to understand the graphical algorithm with the assistance of a pro – Trader Dr . Benjamin Bentley Westley . "Bitcoin (BTC) selling pressure is starting to wane after last week’s price dip.The cryptocurrency is holding short-term .The relative strength index (RSI) on the four-hour chart is rising from oversold levels, which typically precedes a brief price bounce. i will advice all investors and newbies to get to the Day trading activities and make more profits as have come to increase my portfolio from 1.5 to 5.5 BTC regardless of the down trend of the bitcoin price . Benjamin Bentley Westley can be contacted via what's app : +1(903)741-8032 and Telegram Ben_westley for further inquiries on crypto related issues .

  10. Roland S

    Thanks for sharing views on financial markets

  11. Jo Quin

    Liked the video and comment for the algorithm

  12. Robert McManus

    Oil equities really overbought in the short term technically but long term Jesse is right. Bullish long term but don't forget to take advantage of micro opportunities

  13. cavscout888

    Thanks! Comment for the algo.

  14. rodfather

    GREAT interview,,,,,,,,,,,,this guy is smart common sence type of guy………there are many millennials pumping tech stocks out there that have never seen a bear market……PLUS,,,,,,,I'm the same as this guy I use oil and mining stocks for a hedge,,,,,,,I'm way long many dividend stocks…thanks

  15. Mr Me

    Heres what causes inflation.
    The world has 3 fundamental underlying problems which destroy our societies.  If we dont know them,  we can't fix them.  If we dont understand the root cause of the problem we will attack the symptoms or the actors, not the cause.

    The 1st problem is that large private and Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, with interest attached.
    This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts,  enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or Excessive taxation, surcharges, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, fees, rates, duties, stamp-duties, fines,  levies,  adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free.

    2nd. Fractional banking allows these banks to create almost any amount,  blowing massive bubbles (housing/stocks) and devaluing everyone's savings and work by raising all prices.   The fix?
    Stop all banks and financial institutions loaning out more than they have on deposit and return legal currency creation to national treasury departments with a zero Inflation policy.  This will not create inflation like bankers/economists would like to have you think.  It is not WHO creates money that drives the constant devaluation of your money & work,  it is THE VOLUME per population and productivity.
    The banks increased the base currency supply by over 40 % since march 2020. This is further multiplied by fractional banking. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can it not devalue our savings and wages by 40% as it enters the economy ?

    3. Fiat currency whether paper or digital has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system.
    Return to constitutional Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickle currency, designated by weight not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value.  These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against selfish human nature.  Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep the government mints honest as to premiums.

    Correct these 3 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear.

    Otherwise, prepare for destruction.

    Please educate yourself,  Print this out, and share it, Tweet, post.    Only we can save ourselves  !

    These 3 paragraphs can change the world and get you, your family & children out of everlasting serfdom.

  16. ptbtx

    At 13:19 Jerry mentioned something that sounded like spraw gold (backed by physical gold) but I'm sure I didn't transcribe it correctly. Does anyone know the correct spelling – or have a useful link? Thanks.

  17. RobFrank22

    Is it gold?

  18. Jonathan

    It astounds me that the portfolio leverage is not only allowed, but allowed to grow, despite the need for ever easy monetary policy. At what point does Portfolio leverage get outlawed and who would impose it in the US? In other words, leverage with stocks as collateral are not allowed until we can get rates back to a reasonable risk tolerance level?

  19. wnc817

    Gold and silver will be worthless when everyone is forced to use digital currencies. Even the scriptures talk about how worthless they are.

  20. Rof

    The problem is fiat debasement. They can keep debasing until stocks go up.

  21. Peter Glover

    Great interview, as per usual.
    If you're interested in prudent asset allocation, a book that covers this succinctly but sufficiently is, "The Little Book That Saves Your Assets" by David M. Darst.

  22. genericsomething

    Is that a Paul Reed Smith I spy in the background? If so, this guy has good taste.

  23. Joyce Koch

    I'm am hearing alot of contradictions- the fed is going to pop the market and then reinflate it?

  24. Jakayla Hailie

    The Digital market sector is sizing up to be very exciting year for the cryptocurrency / stock market with many opportunities on the Horizon . Like any financial market . There are good eggs and bad eggs as the market is very unstable to Holding , it is essential that investors to do their own research properly and understand the investment plan before putting their funds at risk . However , mining store understand that not everyone has the time to research every coin on the market , it is best advice for every investors to engage into the Day-trading activities in other grow and accumulate more in their portfolio as have come to understand the graphical algorithm with the assistance of a pro – Trader Dr . Benjamin Bentley Westley . "Bitcoin (BTC) selling pressure is starting to wane after last week’s price dip.The cryptocurrency is holding short-term .The relative strength index (RSI) on the four-hour chart is rising from oversold levels, which typically precedes a brief price bounce. i will advice all investors and newbies to get to the Day trading activities and make more profits as have come to increase my portfolio from 1.5 to 5.5 BTC regardless of the down trend of the bitcoin price . Benjamin Bentley Westley can be contacted via what's app : +1(903)741-8032 and Telegram Ben_westley for further inquiries on crypto related issues .

  25. Jakayla Hailie

    The Digital market sector is sizing up to be very exciting year for the cryptocurrency / stock market with many opportunities on the Horizon . Like any financial market . There are good eggs and bad eggs as the market is very unstable to Holding , it is essential that investors to do their own research properly and understand the investment plan before putting their funds at risk . However , mining store understand that not everyone has the time to research every coin on the market , it is best advice for every investors to engage into the Day-trading activities in other grow and accumulate more in their portfolio as have come to understand the graphical algorithm with the assistance of a pro – Trader Dr . Benjamin Bentley Westley . "Bitcoin (BTC) selling pressure is starting to wane after last week’s price dip.The cryptocurrency is holding short-term .The relative strength index (RSI) on the four-hour chart is rising from oversold levels, which typically precedes a brief price bounce. i will advice all investors and newbies to get to the Day trading activities and make more profits as have come to increase my portfolio from 1.5 to 5.5 BTC regardless of the down trend of the bitcoin price . Benjamin Bentley Westley can be contacted via what's app : +1(903)741-8032 and Telegram Ben_westley for further inquiries on crypto related issues .

  26. Steven Dessers

    Great stuff. So happy I found this channel. Keep it up!!

  27. scott hollis

    A great interview Adam.the guest as always gave a well comunicated insightfull and actionable perspective. Love your work mate

  28. J M

    why would you invest in mining stock if you mentioned that energy crises might be coming and energy price has increased and is likely to continue? wouldn't that add additional risk to mining stocks? especially as underlying asset gold/silver are manipulated?

  29. John Birman

    Who is this person waving around this prick?
    If I did that I’d get arrested.
    It can’t be the Fed, they don’t have one to wave. So, we must be in good shape.
    Unless of course the Fed wants to prove they’ve got one to wave.

  30. John Birman

    One could say “blowing the froth off an overly poured beer – without losing the beer”
    Tough to do perhaps? More likely some of the beer gets lost. One could wait till the froth settles down, but in a drinking contest which perhaps again might describe the “market” – unlikely.
    I’m stepping outside for a bit, still sober.

  31. Marxamillion

    Can anyone say an ETF for energy with companies that aren't selling out to ESG identity? I hate to reward bad behavior.

  32. Lew Bolt

    Hi Adam……really appreciate you and your channel…..this was an excellent interview……thank you for a sound balance view…..especially on gold

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