by | Sep 24, 2022 | Spousal IRA | 30 comments


There is a big secret about medicaid that nursing homes won’t tell you because it results in less money in their pockets.

It is SO EASY to end up going broke in a nursing home, but there are a lot of different ways to protect your assets and those of your loved ones.

In this video Dana will take you through a common nursing home scenario that comes into our office ALL THE TIME.

Don’t let it happen to you! Come to one of our free workshops to learn more and to get started on getting your ducks in a row!…(read more)




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  1. Kaylene Dawn Buteau, Fitness BUJO, MRM Author

    I had to fight a nursing home in probate court that illegally held my mother for the insurance money. I'm writing a graphic memoir and it starts with this story. I used my health and fitness knowledge to stop my mother with mild dementia from forgetting me, and it worked. I tricked her off caffeine, then no prescription meds, forced her/tricked her/incentivized her to drink water, kept her away from high fructose corn syrup and other poison, because they made her mean and delusional, and kept her away from gluten.

  2. iampeaceluvdojah

    I’m worried about my grandparents and I’m so glad you made this video.

  3. Ann

    In the meantime, 2 million illegal immigrants have crossed our boarder and receiving benefits, places to live, all of the resources they need – our citizens, not so much.

  4. Isabel Morfa

    They are not telling you !!! A lawyer is going to cost you !!! they will charge accordingly!!! work for some not for others !!! the contact with them will said a the end they do not guarantee !!! the outcome due to the Law change all the time etc….

  5. Irene

    Click bait! When u put that title up, you should at least answer the question! Not tell people to make an appt to find out the answer…..that's just a freaking ad!!

  6. LEE


  7. joseph osvath

    The Idiots who make the laws are totally anti-Americans, They welcome all the penniless immigrants, who automatically get all the goodies free and the middle class as an insult the time when they need help, they are robbed blind,

  8. Kord Taylor

    Thank you so much! A great video and very helpful!

  9. castlev1986

    wouldn't be better if we just do the logans run idea we kill off all the so so young people before they get old so you don't need a nursing home at all

  10. Damien Hernandez

    The Medicaid secret is you get f*** with zero lube in sight

  11. Jake Highland

    The cost of nursing homes is ridiculous.

  12. Xftbllplyr

    This is depressing. Our politicians really don’t care for us. People fight for one party but don[t realize they are both fleecing us

  13. happy single

    Sooo, the best thing a young person could ever do is : NEVER go to work at all, on your 18 th birthday have your 19 yr. old pregnant sister take you to the welfare department and sign up on ebt, medicaid lieap ect. This was an excellent video, Thank You !

  14. clay usvet

    Well done thanks

  15. Don Don


  16. Greta Sandstone

    Excellent quality video! Thank you. Question… I loaned my aunt money to pay off her home mortgage. I had a promissory note completed and used her home as collateral. I'm have a first position lien. There are no other liens on this home. If my aunt goes into a nursing home down the road and Medicaid places a lien on her home will I be paid in full before Medicaid?

  17. Tarzan

    What a rip off 8,000 a month

  18. Sandra GREG

    That is a horrible horrible video that you just did. I don't know why you would tell people the monster is thing that happens but you wouldn't go into how to prevent it. What are you stupid or something? I can tell people right now what you need to do is put your home in a living trust. My mom had dementia but it was undiagnosed until two weeks before her death. Her second husband died in 2004 at that time she was not on Medicaid or Medicare or anything like that. She wasn't even working. But a year after her husband died she was working on call. That was 2005- when she started working because her second husband died in 2004.

    And she worked at the same place until 2013 when she realized she could not keep up with the young twenty-year-old because there was so much documentation that she had to do in writing notes and they were not clinical notes because she wasn't a therapist but they were still notes like clinical notes. And she just couldn't use the descriptive words that the job wanted her to do and she decided to quit. 2013 she had to retire at the age of 62 I supported her and she had no other job to go to which I regret not telling her to do. Her income went about $2,000 a month or more down to about $ 1200 a month. And I had to help her out and I had to look for work because I was living with her. I had my own bills but my mom needed help because she couldn't pay everything. But her house was paid off because Peter died in 04 and she got the life insurance money and she was not on med!-cal..

    And her and I reviewed the trust the living trust paperwork that the house was in. And we had to update it sometime around 2013-2014. We had to pay about $100 a year to ameristate for them to keep the trust up and running and current every single year.

    My step sister and I were co-executors and according to the trust the house had to be sold and the proceeds would be divided up equally between me and my stepsister. And it didn't really matter according to the trust if I decided to go with a real estate investor or a real estate agent.

    My mom passed in 2018 in February and she went in the nursing home about a month prior to her death.

    Now I had POA over my mother. But the hospital that my mom was in in December 2017 didn't believe me and I was under so much stress and stress that I did not think of getting the PO paperwork and showing the doctors and showing the nurses and showing the administration that I was indeed my mom's POA..

    And Adult Protective Services was involved and they thought I was neglecting my mother and I wasn't. I didn't really have a lot of help I don't have any brothers and sisters my mom does not have any brothers or sisters and my mom didn't have any friends so everything's I love me even though I had a real job outside the home and I needed to keep that real job to pay my bills and to pay my mother's bills as well..

    Once my mom retired in 2013 and her income one down she basically had to go on Medi-Cal. And that's when everything changed because she was 62 years old and you don't want to go on Medicare or Medicaid in your fifties…

    You don't you don't want to go on Medicare or Medicaid especially if you're in your fifties and you are a homeowner because they will tell you this and the administration of the nursing home told me this stuff in this video

    And I came back and I said you're wrong the house is in a trust you can't do anything with the house because we have legal we have legal documents that say the house is in a trust you can't take any of the money!

    And I kept on telling everybody at the hospital before she went to the nursing home that I have POA my mother and she could not stay another week or two in the hospital and she needed nursing home care and I could not take care of my mother full-time because I had to work. And IHSS expected me to quit my job and just take care of my mother full-time which I could not do. These people with 80s nihss are really retarded!!

    So about two weeks before my mom's death I kept on telling the administration of the nursing home that they could not do anything. I filled out the paperwork for them even though it was very difficult for me to fill out the paperwork. My mom got in the nursing home around the 3rd or 5th of January of 2018. But she passed the 3rd of February 2018. My mom got her social security check around the 1st or the 3rd of every month. I think it was direct deposited into her account. I had her debit card and everything so I was able to take out the money of her checking when she was in the nursing home and I was able to pay her bills. And again she died February 3rd 2018. The administration. Their paperwork about a week before my mom passed away

    And the sad thing is all the other doctors were telling me I was wrong and I didn't know what I was talking about because I have a Masters in Business Administration but I don't have a doctor degree. I knew my mom had Alzheimer's and Dementia. She was not diagnosed until January 25th or January 23rd 2018. I guess things started to change once she got that diagnosis. I mean saying started to change in the business administration part of the nursing home. I filled out the hospice paperwork on the 25th of January and my mom was on hospice for 9 days. I was scared to death that this Administration that is the evilness of the world that nursing home Administration is like the black plague you never want anyone to go in a nursing home for longer than a month or two. So I was scared that this entity was going to take my mother's home with all the equity in it because the house was paid off and I thought no this is my inheritance. I said what am I going to do I was talking to myself what am I going to do I was so scared I thought they were going to take my step sisters and my inheritance because I knew that we could get at least $200,000 from the sale of the home

    Well I'm not exactly sure what happened with the administration there at the orange tree nursing home in Riverside California. I guess they dropped the case because my mom died I guess they figured leave me alone I just lost my mother and there was no expense has to be paid because my mom only lived 3 days in the month of February and I don't know how anything was paid for in the month of January when she was there pretty much all month in January. The nursing home did not take any money from my mom's bank account in the month of January. They couldn't because I didn't turn in the paperwork until about the 22nd or 25th of January. And… My butt was saved because my mom and my step dad went to ameristate and did legal planning and did they put their house in a living trust.

    Me I'm scared!
    I'm a 47 year old single woman I have no kids I have no spouse I have no family have no brothers I have no sisters I have basically no one and I live alone and I'm a renter. But I'm also on medical and I don't know when I will be able to be a homeowner. All I need is a job and I don't know why it's so hard for me to find a job. It's not like I'm disabled or something I'm not slow. I don't have any really big problems to where I can't work. And once I do find a job my life will change and I will be able to move away from this place that I have and my life will change and someday I know I will become a homeowner. But nursing homes and the law of the federal law they are literally the devil. They do not want people that are low income owning their own homes. And they also don't care if the surviving house has to live in poverty. If you are in your 50s and you are a homeowner and you make low-income just barely enough to pay your mortgage and I'm saying about 20 or $30,000 a year I beg of you to find a way to get off Medicaid or Medicare and find some other insurance that you can pay out-of-pocket or you need to start paying ameristate or place like that about $100 a year and you're going to have to put a bigger down payment for them to work with you but you need your house in the living trust.

    Any other thing is my mom and stepdad both had prepaid funerals. I didn't have to pay out-of-pocket for anything for my mother's death except maybe $100 for some death certificates. And I think I asked for twenty death certificates because every place once an original. The nursing home got nothing from my mom's house. If my mom had died in April or May of 2018 it may have been different. They may have taken me to court. I'm not sure what would have happened because my mom's house was a living trust. Don't underestimate the power of a living trust


    Sounds like wanda and Harry had shite retirement and estate planning.

  20. Malum Inse

    Piss off, lady! P.S. – Maybe you should opt for the salad today at lunch

  21. Pittsburgh Estate Sales

    Life is finite, do everything you can to prepare to die at home, while you can, if possible. God Bless – peace and prayer to anyone dealing with this now.

  22. Patricia Muniz

    These places are so disgusting! I'm in a battle with one right now for there double dipping tactics

  23. Book Snobs Cafe'

    Aetna & United Healthcare is Organized Crime… extorting funds from Medicaid, enrolling homeless people in their plan without their permission or knowledge and getting $1,400.00 per month, those homeless people doesn't even know that United is making so much money from their names while they're living in the streets…

  24. Andy Jameson

    Great explanation of the Medicaid spenddown, but the "secret" is to contact this firm. So, no secret revealed give here.

  25. Jack Sycz, Jr

    Please Read: So Medicaid Recovery does have a few exceptions and generally this is accurate. At some point, Wanda would want to apply for QMB for her husband and herself and that would stop some of the drain for doctors visits, some states do cover hearing aids.

    Under federal recovery laws, inpatient hospital and outpatient claims are NOT recoverable if they were paid on Medicare, premiums, deductibles, the 20% coinsurance paid by the state is all except from recoupment

    The state has the option to go for just the nursing home/community based care or everything minus QMB expenses,

    Also, If the billing is incorrect or disputed, it can be thrown out of asset recovery as well. Any medical coder trained in QMB should be able to help,

  26. JP Comp

    Just one of the most awful things I've ever seen – a scammer attorney

  27. Lorraine Foglia

    I heard some coupled get a paper divorce that exonerates a spouse from financial responsibility should other spouse need to apply for medicaid.. anyone have any experience with this?

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