“The Decline in Sexual Activity: Exploring the Risks of Modern Dating and the Decrease in Sexual Activity” by Emily Morse

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Recession News | 31 comments

“The Decline in Sexual Activity: Exploring the Risks of Modern Dating and the Decrease in Sexual Activity” by Emily Morse

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This provocative discussion with Emily Morse explores why 26% of adult Americans are NOT having sex, what people get wrong about the power dynamic of sex in the bedroom, myths around human sexuality and the truth about size and penetration that may surprise men and women.

Emily Morse is the sex expert and host of the wildly popular podcast, Sex with Emily. If talking about sex is super uncomfortable and embarrassing for you, or if you can’t talk about it enough, Emily is the go to sex therapist and sex educator of this generation. Removing the shame of sex and giving people the information they need to have consensual, healthy, fulfilling sexual experiences with themselves and others is what she does best.

We want you to prioritize having a healthy sex life, deeper intimacy, and stronger connections with others and yourself.

Check out Smart Sex by Emily Morse here:

Sexy Truths and Thoughts with Emily:

“There’s a lot of things that are replacing our desire for connection and intimacy.”

“For any kind of attraction to happen, somebody has to be leading and somebody has to be following.”

“If we’re talking about the reasons why there hasn’t been as much sex happening is because we’re not understanding that you need to create that dynamic to create attraction and arousal.”

“Pornography without sex education is dangerous.”

“Most of the porn that you see is created by men for men under the male gaze.”
“We’re also more open in our desire and arousal. Women find a lot of more things more attractive than men.”

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“Foreplay is not a suggestion. It’s actually a requirement.”

“Men I have found are way more obsessed with their penises than women are.”

“It makes sense that a lot of men aren’t feeling great about their penises, and a lot of women aren’t feeling great about their vaginas or their vulvas.”

“One of my missions is to make sex less about procreation, less about penis and vagina and penetration, but more about exploring and more about eroticism and touch.”

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Sex Recession: The Dangers Of Modern Dating & Why NOBODY Is Having Sex Anymore

In today’s modern dating landscape, something alarming is happening. People are having less and less sex, and it’s not just a coincidence. Studies have shown that the frequency of sex among adults has been steadily declining over the past few decades, and this trend is even more apparent among young adults.

This phenomenon has been dubbed the “sex recession,” and it has some troubling implications for our society. From changing social norms to technological advancements, there are many factors contributing to this decline in sexual activity. So, why are people having less sex, and what are the dangers of this trend?

One of the main contributors to the sex recession is the rise of technology and social media. With the advent of dating apps and social media platforms, people are spending more time interacting online rather than in person. This can lead to a decline in face-to-face interactions and a lack of genuine connections, which are essential for sexual intimacy.

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Additionally, the pressure to always be “on” and constantly connected can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact a person’s sex drive. Not to mention, the constant exposure to highly curated and idealized versions of other people’s lives online can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, further inhibiting sexual desire.

Another factor contributing to the sex recession is the changing social norms and attitudes toward sex. With the #MeToo movement and the increased awareness of sexual harassment and assault, people are more cautious and hesitant about engaging in sexual activity. This heightened awareness is important for creating a culture of consent and respect, but it has also led to a decline in sexual exploration and experimentation.

Additionally, the rise of hookup culture and casual sex has made it more difficult for people to form meaningful connections and cultivate lasting relationships. The emphasis on physical appearance and instant gratification can lead to a shallow and unfulfilling dating experience, further contributing to the decline in sexual activity.

So, what are the dangers of the sex recession? For one, a lack of sexual activity can lead to decreased intimacy and connection in relationships. Sex is not only a physical act but also a means of expressing love, desire, and affection. Without regular sexual activity, couples may find it difficult to maintain a strong emotional bond.

Furthermore, a lack of sexual activity can also have negative effects on a person’s physical and mental health. Regular sexual activity has been linked to a range of health benefits, including stress reduction, improved mood, and a stronger immune system. Without these benefits, individuals may experience increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

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It’s important to acknowledge that the sex recession is a complex issue with no easy solution. However, there are steps that individuals and society can take to address this decline in sexual activity. This includes fostering genuine connections, promoting healthy attitudes toward sex, and creating a culture of consent and respect.

Ultimately, the sex recession is a symptom of larger societal issues, and its implications go beyond just a decline in sexual activity. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to this trend, we can work toward creating a healthier and more fulfilling dating and sexual experience for people of all ages.

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  1. Tom Bilyeu

    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!

  2. Free And Critical Thinker

    Emily, human psychology does NOT change in a short time period….. human pysc today is the same as it was thousands and thousands of years ago, very likely tens of thousands of years…. So don’t fool yourself into drinking from the magical thinking well, as It’s always gonna delude you regardless of the area focus.

  3. Free And Critical Thinker

    How does she NOT know what female Hypergamy is? Given her field I found this basically, unbelievable….. yea very much unbelievable in every sense of the word….

  4. Axel Rånes

    My wife brings stability and trust to the relationship. However, she takes away all sexual activity and intimacy.
    I stick to spending my life with her since we have 2 kids, and she brings the most valuable things in life with stability and trust. This is the most important for both kids and myself.

    However, every single day, I feel lonely. Will I be able to be happy and have a mantal healthy life for the rest of my life like this? I hope so…

  5. Ven Haris

    I agree. Last few years me and the wife had it about twice year. She passed away suddenly last July so I guess I'm not getting anything going forward.

  6. qrsx66

    As a man, the reason why I'm not having sex is no woman wants me, not stress, or inflation, "the dishes are not cleaned" !


  8. Gordon Clay

    At around 1:07 you were talking about how parents should be teaching their kids about sex. Maybe research how sex is taught to girls in Latin America that get married to an older boy about the time they go through their first menses, start having children, and their daughters get married around 15 so by the time they are 30 they are already grandparents., They usually marry a boy around 20 or so so that the girl can best insure he an provide. And the Catholic Church sanctions these young marriages while in America, religious people are outraged with even considering a girl gets married that young but also don't consider teaching girls that on your first menses you are officially a woman and can have kids. I think the youngest girl to have a child was in Peru at 5 years old.

  9. Gordon Clay

    History shows that some monks, not sure of the tradition, have a meditation that includes self-stimulation of the prostate with their own finger.

  10. acilirp

    Nah, experiencing a boyfriend obsessed with sex will make you not care about it anymore.

  11. Haylie W.

    This is why I prefer terms like “yin and Yang”, or something less genderized.

    I agree with opposites. But, you find quieter, softer men with bold, feisty women.

    Between all the sexes, there is polarity, but our hormone levels are so different, that those softer and harder mannerisms aren’t always strictly defined by genitals.

  12. J

    All planned by gates n the bankers n the govt to screw us all and even fund circumcision to start us out traumatized from birth … how can dudes get aroused when women now are supposed to be more powerful and everything else and dudes are demons … then they took dudes jobs n responsibilities and paid woman to birth kids alone thanks bankers and educators! Good luck turning this bust around… woman are half brainwashed now to think I somehow have some role in their self imposed brainwashed oppression then they sell their ass to my perv friends on only fans word no point to try w so much of this… we were attacked by so many plans to get ZPG zero population growth and now it’s gonna go negative yeah bigly and they broke society

  13. Morris Wheatley

    She has no clue what she is talking about.

  14. Paul Kramer

    Women are NOT "godesses".

  15. Heath Jonas

    So I wonder if back in her college years, did she need candles and warm baths or did she just get horny and go get some sausage? I've picked up a bunch of hookups. I don't recall candles and crap to be DTF. I think this is what they do to work themselves up to have sex with beta males. A true alfa makes them DTF with no candles required. Blah blah blah.

  16. Sean Salter

    Rule # one never take advice from a women on how to be a man.

  17. spyguyjim

    Whose the interviewer? This guy’s an expert on every subject why does even have people on the show?

  18. David March

    Only 5 mins in and I don’t feel like this will be insightful. Not sure exactly why this is.

  19. susan nicky

    Inflation is far more harmful to individuals than a collapsing stock or property market because it directly affects people's cost of living, which they immediately feel. It is not surprising that the current market sentiment is extremely pessimistic. In today's economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive.

  20. DaveTheBasha

    All these angry femenist worker women.

  21. Somot

    Why is the assumption that sex=good?

  22. Bart O'Higgins

    You had me until Emily went into this great explanation about masculinity, femininity, and toxic masculinity. Beyond being sick of having this shit crammed down my throat, remind me why women can do no wrong? Serial killers in prison are mostly men. Women serial killers are in the medical field with much higher body counts. Google this phrase only, "Teacher arrested". Now select images. What do you see? What were they arrested for? I was looking forward to hear her input on the "Sex Recession". She did a disservice to all women. Sorry Tom, I won't listen to anymore women on your channel. It's not worth the risk. Everyday I am reminded about what a slime-ball piece of SH!T I am by society because I'm a male and I want to do better in life. Thanks for your other shows.

  23. C S

    A pillar is feeling likes.

  24. Ikem Reacts

    Erika and her "conditional femininity" nonsense. A woman doesn't just switch off that inner man when she's spent 8 hours in the office charging around like a bull in a china shop.

  25. digital nomad

    The clitoris is not on the inside so the man orgasms first. If the females clitoris was on the inside and she might has the orgasm before the man she would push him out and there were no babies.

  26. erich84502ify

    Sex; the answer to and the cause of all the world's problems. Don't forget sex makes babies and disease sometimes

  27. Rares Onofrei

    Sorry, just sounds unbearable untrue this woman…

  28. Paul Stein

    PLENTY of MASCULINE MEN enjoying eachother in the GAY community. About half NOT born this way, after divorce, broke on criminal child support, who would tap any woman's vagina again, why risk ruin to get off.

  29. Paul Stein

    Without the financial resources due to a screwed job market why risk a pregnancy. No suprise men and women are going the gay/lesbian route. Not enough energy after working to try & be the perfect partner. Congratulations BILLIONAIRE class, greed has stalled birth rates in America.

  30. Sterling Lowery

    In the dating game, as soon as we leave, memories slowly fade, and new flirtations arise.

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