The Definitive Guide to Retirement by Suze Orman

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 30 comments

The Definitive Guide to Retirement by Suze Orman

Join the acclaimed personal financial expert for essential advice on planning for and thriving in retirement. With empathy, straight talk, and humor, Suze provides information about key steps for anyone trying to achieve their “ultimate retirement.”

Credits go to PBS Video.

Published on March 3, 2021, at 9:07 AM (Pacific Time Zone)…(read more)




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Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide is a comprehensive tool to help people plan for their retirement. Suze Orman is a well-known financial expert who has written many books and appeared on numerous television shows, providing advice on personal finance and retirement planning. She has helped countless individuals and families improve their financial situations, and her latest book is no exception.

In her book, Suze Orman stresses the importance of starting early when it comes to planning for retirement. She emphasizes that the earlier one starts to plan, the easier it will be to achieve financial security and a comfortable retirement. The book is packed with practical advice on saving and investing, as well as tips on how to avoid common pitfalls.

One of the key areas covered in the book is the role of Social Security in retirement planning. Suze Orman offers guidance on how to maximize Social Security benefits and also provides insight into when it is best to start taking benefits. She also emphasizes the importance of having a plan in place for healthcare expenses in retirement and offers strategies for managing these costs.

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The book covers a range of other topics relevant to retirement planning, such as how to create a retirement budget, how to invest in stocks and bonds, and how to manage debt. Suze Orman provides clear and actionable advice on every aspect of planning for retirement, making the process less overwhelming and more manageable.

One of the standout features of the book is the interactive online tools that come with it. Readers can access an online retirement calculator that helps them estimate how much they need to save for retirement based on their current age, savings, and other financial factors. The online resources also include a retirement planner, which helps individuals create a personalized retirement plan that takes into account their unique financial situation and goals.

In conclusion, Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to plan for retirement. Suze Orman’s expertise and experience make her advice highly credible, and the practical tools included in the book make it easy for individuals to take actionable steps towards a financially secure retirement. Whether you’re just starting out on your retirement journey or are already on the path, this book is worth reading.

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  1. Dan Klein

    If you retire at 65 and do not take SS to get 8 percent per year until the age of 70 you will pay at least 15 percent taxes on your IRA/401K withdrawals.each year. Do the math. I did and it is not worth waiting unless you want to Lose Money.

  2. Mike Smith

    only a fool would take advice from this woman

  3. Mamahaiti

    Suze u r the best n thanks for all your help

  4. Frank Batista

    Her talking is so contrived it's too hard to listen to it so I'm out.

  5. 31acruz

    I bought this book on audio. WHAT A MISTAKE THAT WAS. Good lord, she spends hours talking about family therapy and promises that she will give financial advice which she never gets to, if she does it's so heavily peppered with these emotional stories of children and grandchildren you forget what you were looking for. Seriously its 99% heavy therapy sessions 1% advice, and another chunk of 99% of emotional discourse and 1% of advice and it goes on and on and on. SHE HAS NO REGARD for those WHO HAVE NO CHILDREN! OR GRAND CHILDREN! For crying out loud woman, why do't you put a disclaimer that non-children couples will find nothing here. Why don't you at least make a separate chapter, or separate book for childless couples and single men? don't we deserve financial advice? don't we matter? are we less of huma beings? Good lord!

  6. Josh Lowell

    I can't believe PBS actually took this con artist seriously and put their reputation on the line supporting this nut.

  7. Sarah Milner

    I love Suze. Im 42 ive only started a pension plan now. V late. Alzheimers runs deep in my family I always worry I wont even have a retirement to enjoy. My mom had it from about 60.. Sometimes I just want to enjoy my money now I Know Thats daft we never know the future but I do worry ill never enjoy this money im putting away now that I could be enjoying and travelling etc

  8. Spalding

    She’s a fraud and a crook. Why PBS still promotes this gangster is beyond comprehension.

  9. Chris Collins

    Why does PBS stil have this GASBAG on?

  10. Mitzi73

    Ed Slott recommends getting a life insurance policy to have your heirs pay for the Roth conversions.

  11. Alan J Swanner

    Great video except she’s a fraud and her wills won’t hold water! Another reason not to follow TV personalities!!

  12. mistermatsuda

    Let's tan, whiten teeth and get plastic surgery too!

  13. Jessica Wick

    Have to disagree about whole life, whole life insurance is not horrible! BUT I do disagree with buying a measly 10k policy and paying into it for so long that your paying amount doubles before it pays out. For people that DO NOT have money set aside to cover unforeseeable death (which is everyone bc no one knows their DOD) needs some type of policy. Why because you still have to be buried and you don't want your family burden with the financial aspect of buring you! Get a 10,20,or 30 paid up whole life policy, a whole life insurance policy that you pay for a set amount of time 10-30 years and it's paid off. Great for ppl under 45, and supplement the rest with cheap term, especially if you have a family or assets. Life insurance DOES serve a purpose just need to be smart in how it's used

  14. casino NYU

    I took my ssi and there giving me $ 2500.00 month and a paid off my home and no dept and this bitch is giving us counseling yeah right.

  15. casino NYU

    Suze is a real scammer stay away from her!

  16. Race


  17. Kelly Spilman

    Ripping people off one commercial at a time ! Don’t fall for her shit !!!!!

  18. Adam Agar

    Good advise but some is not the best.

  19. Peter Wakeman

    Thanks……loved the guests and their questions

  20. Aditi Haider

    you are listening to a con artist who fooled the American views for years

  21. Kia Ouattara

    I'am learning, applying and doing everything I can NOW to live comfortably, Travel and to do what/when I want. When I retire. Im 46 yrs old….Ty Suze

  22. Jose F. Rodriquez

    Come crash or not I am in this market for good. Algorithmic trading is all the wave now. without it i am not sure what my fate would have been in the market other than accumulating losses. but having bagged $430,000 in raw profits from just the last quarter, all without executing a single trade, i belive this is the future of all kinds of investing. technology has really come a long way in making life easier for us

  23. Joseph

    Retired with a 7 figure portfolio and received about $53k in dividends. I have been in the stock market for 20years. Am I worried? Am I selling?
    Absolutely not. I have purchased growth too a little time over the pa at few weeks. I am going to sit back and observe how all this plays out, adding more at a time. My investment strategy actually calms me down. Eyez on the price, stay on the course!

  24. Mike Gale

    This woman is no more than common scam artist just look at the debacle of the "Approved Debit Card" or the way she pushed gold then cashed out leaving people high and dry, same thing with property…

  25. Danielle Stevens

    I just watched a documentary on how she scammed America

  26. Delores Wilson

    Dummies make her rich.She is a FAKE.Always was and will be. Put her beside Bernie Made-Off!

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