The Demand for Increased Central Bank Bailouts Grows Louder, Urging Intensified Intervention.

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Bank Failures | 33 comments

The Demand for Increased Central Bank Bailouts Grows Louder, Urging Intensified Intervention.

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Calls For More Central Bank Bailouts: Intervention Getting Louder

Amidst the ongoing economic turmoil caused by the global pandemic, calls for more central bank bailouts and interventions are becoming increasingly louder. Leading financial analyst Gregory Mannarino weighs in on the situation, shedding light on the potential consequences of further government intervention.

Throughout history, central banks have often played a key role in stabilizing economies during times of crisis. However, the current situation seems to be pushing the limits of these institutions, prompting calls for further bailouts and interventions to prevent an economic collapse.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on global economies, with businesses shutting down, supply chains disrupted, and unemployment soaring to unprecedented levels. To counter these effects, governments around the world have turned to central banks to provide massive stimulus packages, including lowered interest rates, quantitative easing, and direct cash injections.

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While these measures initially managed to calm markets and prevent financial systems from collapsing, critics argue that the reliance on central bank interventions is becoming disruptive in the long run. Mannarino suggests that continuous bailouts create a false sense of security for market participants, allowing irresponsible behavior to persist without repercussions.

The risk associated with excessive central bank interventions is inflation. As the money supply increases, there is a potential for a decrease in the value of currency, leading to higher prices for goods and services. This could erode the purchasing power of consumers, causing significant economic hardships for ordinary citizens.

Furthermore, the reliance on central bank interventions risks distorting market forces and creating asset bubbles. Low-interest rates drive investors towards riskier assets in search of higher returns, leading to overvaluation and potential market crashes when these bubbles eventually burst.

Calls for more central bank bailouts also bring forth concerns about the moral hazard. When institutions know that they will be rescued by the central banks, they have little incentive to act responsibly or make prudent financial decisions. This creates a cycle of reckless behavior that not only undermines long-term economic stability but also exacerbates income inequality.

Mannarino argues that it is vital for economies to find a balance between government intervention and a free-market system. While central bank actions may be necessary during times of crisis, a long-term reliance on bailouts and interventions can have detrimental effects on the overall economy. He emphasizes the need for governments to promote responsible financial behavior and accountability to avoid excessive reliance on central banks.

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As the calls for more central bank bailouts and interventions continue to grow, it becomes increasingly important for policymakers to carefully consider the long-term consequences. While temporary assistance may be necessary to stabilize struggling sectors, a sustainable economic recovery can only be achieved through a combination of prudent financial management, responsible market behavior, and targeted government interventions.

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  1. Pimmie H.

    F. the banks/governments and buy bitcoin!

  2. PhilipsMedia5

    Same thing the EU (Germany) did to Greece!

  3. Bob Arnold

    Greg I watch your favorite money channel and Cramer once in a while and all Ii see and hear is 2008 speak. Everyone sold their souls. Now they are vampires. I appreciate your help. You are the grown up version of the kide from A Tale of the Bronx.

  4. Matt Bopp

    Yea Greg. It's frikin toast.

  5. Michael Mayes

    Turkey needs help why do not the imf inform the banks that the loans are payable and will be paid back with no interest or the IMF, takes over the loans on their book and order Turkey to pay back the capital only with in a period of time, and tell the banks tough cooky you will get the capital back over a period of time but no interest.

    Why must the banks always win! they took on the risk if the loan collapses so be it the banks lose.

  6. Robert Burns

    Sure sounds like it throw gas on the fire …Just go after the bankers like eradicating cancer . Use the Military and just start cuffing them . never once have they been audited . if they can Audit the DOD why not them . They come over here Bildeberg and make there plans to squash Us . I mean how fucking long can we sit here and let this happen ? Hey if your tied to human trafficking we can freeze your assets . The Rothschilds bailed out Trump the last time he went belly up . How else can we stop these fuckers .

  7. Paul Hebert

    Keynes…..The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. We must always remember this….

  8. Alfred Epding

    Absolutely right on Greg…………….These debt systems are beyond saving already I'm afraid. The train has left the station. Delusion has become the norm.

  9. Alfred Epding

    If the Eu Central Bankers can help it and President Erdogan (Who can tell) agrees you will see the same thing that happened to Greece happen to Turkey. 35% unemployment rates anyone? Who's next?

  10. Russell Jackson

    Makes a lot of sense Greg. Let nobody tell otherwise!

  11. Marco Matta

    Yes Greg! The free market has disappeared worldwide! The USA and the West are guilty but so are China (government debt rising, corporate debt rising) and Japan frankly….it is disgusting…..

  12. La J

    The whole system IS gonna end Greg.

  13. Jay

    Greg, I applaud you for speaking the truth, and warning us what will happen. Most of us Americans have woken up, because of people like you, but nobody will do anything about it until it all is taken away, and we are no longer comfortable. We Americans are spoiled, and selfish, and really don't care what is going on, as long as we have our luxuries, and our comfort. Unfortunately, most people are not like you, and they worry about themselves, and prepare to preserve there own comforts, and there own lifestyle. You sir, are a rarity, and have the mindset of helping others, and not just yourself. Thanks!

  14. Concerned Patriot

    Fake book,Shitter, Amazong Also TESLAla all going down so the dips can buy it cheep ! So looks like America’s can go die this is a sick corrupt system.

  15. Tom Lee

    Gregory you hit the nail on the head. It is certainly a worldwide managed market. Novus ordo seclorum

  16. H. Carson

    Print them magik dollas!!!!

  17. Daniel Pete

    As you stated, the system is long over due, to collapse. What would you expect them to do, in the last days of the current system ,as we knew it ? Pull back the reins? They are going to squeeze every last drop out of the fiat paper system as they can. Sure, its sickening, but it is what it is. Those that are prepared , and moved away from paper assets, will be the ones to weather the "storm" the best, with the least amount of damage. All will be damaged in the coming global financial reset. Those with a majority of their assets in paper, will most likely be wiped out. Tangable assets, have been proven over history, to be the best investments for survival. We all know the sky is falling, at least those of us that are aware……………….. scream all you want on how corrupt the system is, it is nothing new, is it? Its been corrupt for over a century. Why are you acting like its a surprise ? What is your suggestion to weather the obvious global financial reset ? Land, Gold, Silver, Food, Water, Guns, and Ammo ?

  18. 2TROLL1

    "Free markets?" The market Rewords & punishes'. I didn't get the memo'.  Nothing is for 'Free' .

  19. George Brown

    GCR – Global Currency Reset. See Dr. David Janda. Slow down Greg. Love the passion!

  20. clarence clark

    funny my little town in Pennsylvania just keeps building more and more branch banks what is up with that

  21. 2MauiAngels

    I thought of this channel last nite while reading a book about our history with the Rothschilds. They were deeply involved with our Civil War, & if anyone is interested in a simple history of how they started manipulating our financial system, & infuriating Wall Street, you may find this very interesting: *PAGE 177! Greg has such a great way of simply explaining the financial situations, today. Its just UNbeliveable how it all started, & how similiar things are Now to over 100 years ago. This book is not written by the website posting it. Great info!

  22. Katherine TheGreat

    Positive thoughts and Vibes. Thank you very much for all of your energy and work. We see what is going on. Please don't abandon us in what is bound to be a great hour of need. My husband and I both have been following all of your videos.

  23. Mateo Nelson

    The US has been a socialist country since 2008.

  24. Ross Lusby

    surely you will Audition for the next GODFATHER MOVIE Greg,

  25. Objective reality.

    It gets to the point where it's easier to disociate & place attention on some form of mindless escapism, but this solves nothing.

  26. James Howlett

    I know most don’t like hearing it but whether one believes it or not, it’s a spiritual war above all. It’s a seed war between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent and the serpent seed is winning the battle, but won’t win the war. The Jesuits run everything and their Black Knights are working to get Jerusalem back, which is why Trump did what he did. They will absolutely achieve in putting their false prophet in power and then ultimately crown their king, the Lawless one. He will be part human and also part divine, hybrid literal seed of the Adversary. It matters not whether anyone believes it or not, it’s already happening.

    The only fight the Lawless one will have is from the true Israelites. The Most High’s chosen people, whether genetically Israelite or grafted in. Only those that guard the Most High Elohim’s Torah and posses the testimony of Master Yeshua will war with the Lawless one. All we have to do is Hold The Line till our long awaited King, the Set-Apart One, returns to finish the fight in the biggest blood bath in human history, completely one sided end.

    All this to say, pray if you can. Pray for your country, your friends, your family, and your enemies. There will be no greater pain felt EVER than the one a person hears if Messiah rejects you. Being rejected by Master Yeshua would be the culmination of all the pain you’ve ever felt multiplied at least a hundred fold. Again, what one believes and ultimately chooses is completely up to that individual, but it’s coming to fruition so there is nothing to prove. Just don’t wait

  27. R R

    Central Banks have been fighting against the second great depression with currency creation. Will they be able to keep postponing it?? World collapsing around us. Middle East, Africa (south Africa incoming failed state), South and Central America, Turkey, Romania……wars, terrorism, corruption, hyperinflation, droughts, water shortages, food shortages, fires………world is overpopulated and resources are depleting……water is the first one.

  28. Lois Agena

    Their are no free markets it’s all Bull Shit, pump and dump the market as much as you can. To make as much money as you can then collapse it. Get ride of the central bank!

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