“The Economic Downturn: A Rare Chance to Create Long-Term Wealth” – Robert Breedlove

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Recession News | 20 comments

“The Economic Downturn: A Rare Chance to Create Long-Term Wealth” – Robert Breedlove

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On Today’s Episode:

You think you know what money is and how it works, but then you watch this conversation with Tom and Robert Breedlove and now you’re questioning everything.

During our current financial crisis, prices in the market are a lot higher than what they’re reporting inflation to be. You spend $100 in groceries and you’re leaving the supermarket with what feels more like $60 or $70 worth of groceries. How is this possible when inflation is reported to be closer to 9%?

Robert Breedlove hosts the podcast, What Is Money. He is a freedom maximalist, and bitcoin philosopher that gives you plenty of food for thought. His breakdown of inflation, theft, and corrosion of big government is hard to ignore.

In this episode you can take away some money strategies that will help get you through this crisis. Robert is exposing what true debasement of your hard earned dollars really means, and why you should be outraged as a private citizen. Is bitcoin truly the answer to ending economic corruption people have been sold?


0:00 | Introduction Robert Breedlove
0:19 | Money Strategy in Financial Crisis
21:12 | False Economic Theory
36:22 | Impact Of Printed Money
47:15 | Private Property Rights
1:01:18 | Violation of Private Property
1:08:53 | Economic Axioms & Stories
1:20:58 | Are Rich People Evil?
1:29:22 | Why People Are Angry
1:37:24 | Bitcoin Is Incorruptible


“Inflation is quite simply, legal counterfeiting, and counterfeiting is illegal inflation. They’re mechanically the same thing.” [1:10]

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“Setting a legal monopoly to steal from all of society is a really convenient wealth acquisition strategy.” [7:28]

“I’m not advocating for bitcoin as your checking account, I’m advocating bitcoin for your long term savings account.” [10:20]

“The moment we entered fractional reserve banking it became a pyramid scheme.” [27:04]

“The only thing you can do with printing money is violate the property of others; you cannot issue any equitable benefit to an economic system.” [28:28]

“Debt shrinks people’s time horizon, […] Instead of delaying gratification and saving for the future, I now want to sell the future and buy today.” [32:56]

“Monetary dilution is inflation, and monetary enrichment is deflation.” [39:35]

“What we’re doing when we print money is inducing or incentivizing consumption actions over investment actions, and investment actions are what drive innovation.” [43:53]

“The degree to which you are violating private property is the degree to which you are not rewarding productive members of society, and you are rewarding political actors in society.” [1:06:05]

“Institutions don’t follow the laws that they promulgate, institutions follow the individuals that run the institutions, those individuals tend to be corruptible. They will bend the publicly applied rule for private gain. That is my definition of corruption.” [1:51:43]

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BREAKING: Recession News


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The word “recession” often invokes fear and uncertainty in the hearts of many people. It is a time when the economy takes a downturn, businesses struggle, and individuals face financial hardships. However, one man, Robert Breedlove, believes that a recession is not a time to fear, but rather a once in a lifetime opportunity to build wealth.

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In an article titled “Recession: A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity To Build Wealth Is Here,” Breedlove argues that recessions provide unique opportunities for those who are willing to seize them. He believes that during a recession, there is a wealth of opportunities waiting to be seized by those who are brave, enterprising, and forward-thinking.

Breedlove points out that during a recession, assets such as real estate, stocks, and businesses often become undervalued. This means that for those who have the means to invest, there are significant opportunities to acquire valuable assets at a fraction of their true worth. In addition, many businesses struggle during a recession, creating opportunities for those who have a vision and a solid business plan to step in and fill the void left by failing companies.

Breedlove also believes that a recession provides an opportunity for personal growth and development. He argues that during times of economic hardship, individuals are forced to adapt, innovate, and think outside the box in order to survive. This can lead to personal and professional growth, as individuals are pushed to their limits and forced to develop new skills and strategies to navigate the challenging economic landscape.

Furthermore, Breedlove points out that during a recession, there is often a shakeup in the market, with new industry leaders emerging and old ones fading into obscurity. This presents an opportunity for ambitious entrepreneurs to make their mark and become the next big success story.

In conclusion, Robert Breedlove believes that a recession is not a time to lament, but rather a golden opportunity to build wealth and create lasting success. He encourages individuals to take advantage of the unique opportunities that a recession provides, and to think creatively, strategically, and ambitiously in order to come out on top. While many may see a recession as a time of loss and struggle, Breedlove sees it as a once in a lifetime chance to thrive and succeed.

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  1. Tom Bilyeu

    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!

  2. JPR jr

    Please don’t listen to Bitcoin maximalists like this guy. This is a religion to him, so anything else is blasphemy.

  3. Jerome Haymaker

    Jesus Commandment is on the Tablets In Axum. The return to Israel will create the Rapture.

  4. Jerome Haymaker

    The dollar is a ponzy and you think bitcoin is not another skeime when it is so hard to produce each new one and the invented owns 51 percent of all bitcoin.

  5. Garden Eat Sleep Repeat

    I LOVE this interview. Has a ton of great info and theories

  6. Julez0131

    How is it inflation strictly, if CEO”s and corporations are posting record profits?

  7. Mr Right

    Very inspiring interview!

  8. Isidro Lifford

    Recently, the cryptocurrency market is unstable, so it is reliable to earn on Crypton cryptocurrency, because it is stable.

  9. Alecio Calixto

    ads in the video, ads over the video, ads during the video, ads between videos. dude you gotta see 30+ ads during one videocast

  10. Sekhmet137

    I was thinking on what he is talking about – the character development part and the moral corruption of society. I came upon this video while thinking about these same axioms. Thanks Robert Breedlove.

    The only thing I'm not getting is the indoctrination and then the re-introduction of doctrine as the mythological stories that might play a part in our economic narrative.

  11. Myles Charlesworth

    lol the Chinese don’t believe in individual rights until they’re the individual the collective wants to murder. Yeah no duh people in the bandit group don’t mind hurting people labeled enemies of the group for “for the good of the collective” which is really just what’s good for the individuals in that group. So really it’s about individual person gain not the collective anyway and people are all for that…til they are the one that gets “too rich or powerful” and the group turns and labels you the enemy. They’re brainwashed.

  12. donaldjohnson

    You have to go back to the original Federal Reserve agreement to see why economics books use 3% annual inflation as some sort of norm. When the original system was created, the setup was that the Treasury would have to pay rent to the Fed on new dollars for the first year they were created – and that was 3%. Once that system of building national debt is in place, one has to forever keep the money supply expanding to make any payments.

  13. Gover Ment

    Bitcoin is no gold. Or was the gold market invented and the price was almost 0. So one alone can buy half or 80% and so control it. With gold its not possible because gold is already distributed over the world and avaiable everywhere for everyone

  14. Lando

    Between this guy & Raul Paul, is difficult to freak w the narcissism.

  15. Darwonboy

    Please stop bringing people on to your channel to talk about crypto that got rich of btc by being early. Their opinion is irrelevant and they have spent years changing and refining their sales pitch. Btc maxis are poisonous to the crypto industry

  16. CryptoJeff

    You need to do a video on XRP as a vehicle for investment and generational wealth now that it is the only Top 100 crypto with Legal Clarity.

  17. hammami oussama

    10%: useful information
    90%: this is very difficult blablabla

  18. Tomi Adventures

    Ur videos are amazing. However, i dont think u realize how detrimental the constant ads are. Ur own ads u place into the video r fine, but the youtube ads intrude on sentences, i have to go back 10-20sec each time. I would rather listen to 2 or 3 more of ur own ads where u ask for donations/subscriptions (and actually pay) than these invasive ads. I rele like ur videos and am trying to be respectful, so i cant say enuf how much i actually hate these ads when it interrupts such greats thoughts spoken…From an iphone.

  19. Patrick

    buy btc but then oay taxes on inflatiin profit

  20. Brian Pomeroy

    @twenty minutes USA is a hodgepodge of criminals.

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