The Falsehood of US Inflation

by | May 12, 2024 | Invest During Inflation | 3 comments

The Falsehood of US Inflation

US Inflation has gone up to 3.5% and everyone is panicking.

The stock market is tanking, the Fed is saying they will not cut rates, and the media is selling fear.

But is this inflation data actually bad? Why is it high and what’s driving the increase in CPI?



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Inflation is a term that is often thrown around in discussions about the economy, but few people truly understand what it means or how it affects their everyday lives. In the United States, inflation is often seen as a necessary evil, a byproduct of a healthy economy that helps to keep prices stable and encourage consumer spending. However, there is a growing chorus of voices that are starting to question whether inflation is as benign as it seems.

Many economists and financial experts believe that inflation in the United States is a scam, designed to benefit those in power at the expense of the average citizen. They argue that inflation is artificially manipulated by the government and the Federal Reserve in order to maintain the status quo and enrich the wealthy elite. This manipulation, they claim, has led to a situation where the value of the dollar is steadily decreasing, making it harder for ordinary people to afford the basic necessities of life.

One of the main arguments against inflation is that it erodes the purchasing power of the average American. As prices rise, the value of the dollar decreases, meaning that people need to spend more money to buy the same goods and services. This is particularly damaging for those on fixed incomes or in low-wage jobs, who struggle to keep up with the rising cost of living. Inflation effectively acts as a hidden tax on the poor and middle class, redistributing wealth upwards to the wealthiest individuals and corporations.

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Proponents of the inflation scam theory also point to the fact that inflation is not evenly distributed across all sectors of the economy. Prices for essential goods such as food, housing, and healthcare tend to rise at a faster rate than other items, placing an undue burden on those who can least afford it. Meanwhile, those with investments in assets like real estate or stocks often see their wealth increase significantly during periods of inflation, further widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

Critics of the government’s inflation policies also argue that the official metrics used to measure inflation are flawed and often underestimate the true extent of rising prices. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is used to calculate inflation rates, fails to take into account the skyrocketing costs of housing and healthcare, leading many to question its accuracy as a reflection of the real cost of living for most Americans.

In conclusion, the idea that inflation is a scam in the United States is gaining traction among economists and financial experts who see it as a tool used by the powerful to maintain their wealth and control over the economy. As prices continue to rise and the purchasing power of the dollar declines, it is clear that something needs to change in order to ensure a fair and equitable economic system for all citizens. By questioning the true nature of inflation and demanding greater transparency and accountability from those in power, we can work towards creating a more just and sustainable economy for future generations.

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  1. @toomanymarys7355

    The lifespan of wind and solar is massively over reported, so YES, renewables are much much more expensive than promised. A lower lying figure doesn’t matter. It is still a lie.

  2. @henrikarboejensen812

    Insurance companies. They who can afford to have people sitting in uniforms on a bucket in the corner that nobody knows what is doing, and having 1000 is of paper millionaires in the mold form drives inflation. They sell a shirt that cost 50 $, and charge you 52 $ for it. It is correlated to the dysfunctional helth-insurrence tradition. The smartest knives moved into the car insurance industry. The numbers speak. .

  3. @publicguy1664

    One thing everyone should know is also, the Fed controlling interests rates is supposed to be a SECONDARY MEASURE to STIMULATE an economy not stifle it, and control inflation. Government spending is supposed to be the primary means to stimulate the economy.
    The definition of inflation is "too much money chasing too few goods". Not just higher prices, we DO NOT HAVE EITHER HALF OF THAT EQUATION. Also, everyone learn MMT, so you can get even more pissed off.

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