The Future of Global Banking: What Lies Ahead

by | Aug 21, 2023 | Silver IRA | 23 comments

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Where do we go with inflation and the now never ending depositor bailouts of any size into infinity? Maybe +19 trillion more to the debt and the blocking of on ramps for crypto investment. Here the wrap of the first collapse events and possibilities moving into 2023.

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What’s Next for Global Banking

The global banking industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by rapid technological advancements, changing customer preferences, and increased regulatory scrutiny. As we move forward, it is crucial to assess what lies ahead for global banking and how the industry can continue to evolve and thrive in a rapidly changing landscape.

One of the key areas that are likely to shape the future of global banking is digital innovation. The rise of fintech companies has disrupted traditional banking models by offering innovative products and services with greater convenience, personalization, and cost-effectiveness. To stay competitive, banks must embrace digital transformation and invest in technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are expected to play a crucial role in enhancing customer experience and streamlining banking operations. By leveraging AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, banks can provide personalized and round-the-clock customer support, thereby improving customer satisfaction. Additionally, machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and make accurate predictions, enabling banks to offer tailored products and detect potential risks.

Blockchain technology has gained significant attention as it offers secure and transparent transactions, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This decentralized approach has the potential to revolutionize cross-border payments, trade finance, and identity verification processes. As blockchain technology matures, banks need to collaborate and develop interoperable solutions to harness its full potential.

Another trend that is expected to shape the future of global banking is the move towards open banking. Open banking refers to the practice of banks sharing customer data with third-party developers through application programming interfaces (APIs). This allows customers to access a wide range of financial services from different providers through a single platform, creating a more competitive and innovative ecosystem.

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The implementation of open banking regulations, such as the European Union’s Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), has paved the way for increased competition and collaboration between traditional banks and fintech firms. By embracing the open banking model, banks can leverage the expertise and agility of fintech companies to offer customers access to a broader range of financial products and services.

Furthermore, sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important for global banks. Customers and investors are demanding that banks operate in a socially responsible and sustainable manner. Banks need to integrate ESG considerations into their business strategies, risk management frameworks, and investment decisions to mitigate risks, attract customers, and align with global sustainability goals.

Lastly, regulatory challenges and cybersecurity threats will continue to shape the future of global banking. As the banking industry becomes increasingly interconnected and dependent on digital systems, the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches expands. Hence, banks must invest in robust cybersecurity measures, develop stringent risk management protocols, and ensure compliance with evolving regulatory requirements.

In conclusion, the future of global banking will be shaped by digital innovation, open banking, sustainability, and regulatory challenges. Embracing emerging technologies, fostering collaboration with fintech firms, implementing sustainable practices, and enhancing cybersecurity measures will be crucial for banks to thrive in the evolving global banking landscape. By strategically adapting to these trends, banks can remain competitive, enhance customer experience, and drive long-term sustainable growth.

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  1. Jennifer Reiser

    If it’s central bank anything it can’t be trusted I pray we won’t be the only one’s not playing this banking game !

  2. Mama Bear

    Thank you David..I been listening for years..went got more stuff..from wal wal world yesterday..

  3. J. Frank Garcia

    Welp… 79AD was Vesuvius… so.

  4. Jimmy Cees

    actually from the info i've gotten over the last few years, the US is over 300 trillion in debt. Not everything goes on the so called books. Know what i mean???

  5. Mystic Bengals

    When do raw land, property, home purchase costs go down ?? Or will this ever happen? Will it ever happen in Arizona ? Sincerely want to know because my townhouse that was in a relatives name only went into foreclosure when my relative likely stopped paying their half of the mortgage — or something was wrong with the deal to begin with. I'm not sure which because my relative never told me, I never got notified about the situation, I got zero warning whatsoever, I had no idea what was happening… So are the prices of raw land, property in general and/or houses actually going to go down and are sellers ever going to get more motivated, maybe desperate, to sell?? Are banks /lenders going to get more willing to finance tiny loans, like for raw land, or lower their qualifying standards for borrowers who have a stable job but not a lot for the down payment..?? How am I supposed to replace my townhouse?? And in Arizona not other States. And no if there's a foreclosure storm that won't help people like me because we won't have the cash to buy at sheriff sales — that'll always be far more even than a down payment on a cheap house now.

  6. Wild Heart

    Thank you !!!

  7. Erin Neill

    Thanks David. If you didn't tell us what's ahead into 2025, I doubt that anyone else with a YouTube channel would be doing it…..or there wouldn't be many. I will warn as many people as I can regarding Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov of this year in Australia in terms of solar activity. I really appreciate the effort you go to for our benefit.

  8. UwU smol bean

    Billionaire Bankster Bailouts

  9. Savage Lee

    I'm watching it twice.

  10. Savage Lee

    I'm growing potatoes,carrots,pumpkins,green beans,radish, and onions. Love your AR-15's America!!

  11. D D

    Thank you, David! I appreciate you and your analysis.

  12. Boss Dog

    Now the bank will go out and act recklessly, once again, with money that is NOT THEIRS to lose.

  13. Nick Malone

    No bailouts for reckless investors

  14. darthvader5300

    Regardless of whether your companies and banks are either WOKE TO BECOME FAILURES AUTOMATICALLY or NOT WOKE TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL, only unwoke companies and unwoke banks and other unwoke institutions will survive IF THEY ARE PROPERLY-COMPETENTLY managed and administered and monitored and secured BASED ON A MERIT SYSTEM CALLED MERITOCRACY WHICH IS "BY MERIT ALONE ONLY" IDEOLOGY WHICH ARE BASED ON FACTS AND REALISTIC FIGURES then they have a 50-50 chance to survive provided they have ASSETS RESERVES of everything and anything.

    Because we Russians has cut you Americans off from your READY-TO-LOOT-AT ANY-TIME UKRAINE which you have been looting to the tune of $4 trillion a week! Not just in raw materials alone but also in terms of VALUE ADDED ECONOMICS for as these looted raw materials are processed they increase in value, as they are used in making manufactures they increase in value, as they are used in increasing INDUSTRIAL productivity they increase in value, and so forth and so on.

    Since you have no Ukraine to LOOT anymore, only the NON-WOKE companies and banks and institutions, combined with ASSETS RESERVES, has a 50=50 chance of surviving the coming economic crises, If the brain DEAD biden administration ILLEGALLY PUSHES the illegal and unconstitutional Fed Coin then no matter what you do, the brain DEAD biden administration has committed ECONOMIC SUICIDE AGAINST AMERICA!

    I hope everybody understands on what I am saying because of the degraded state of American educational standards that has started to degrade since the early 1970s and has totally DEGRADED TO SHITHOUSE LEVEL IN 2023!

    The only Americans many foreign corporations WHO ARE IN THE KNOW will hire are the Americans who are educated in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. Especially from Japan when they have to pass through what the Japanese call as "EXAM HELL" before they are qualified to be allowed to enter Japanese college and Japanese universities.

  15. Kthara M'seye

    The Uninsured debt that the Fed is pledging to cover will be paid out in CBDC (control bank digital currency)
    Checkmate everybody…♟️

  16. Eddy Koning

    Banks are going to be nationalized

  17. Gustavo Alceu de Souza cruz

    Money doesn't exist anymore. It's all make believe. I think the communists won..

  18. Atlanta Page

    Since we are playing "money is free" how about there will be "no inflation ever again" ?!? Well when you are given lemons you make lemonade right? Just a little effort to lighten the doom we are facing. It is just sad how the greedy evil ones in power use that power against the rest of us. God is watching is all I can say! Vengeance is mine saith the Lord I will repay! (Holy Bible)

  19. jason henn

    Where's the cloud now can't find it, PROBLEM 4 N. A.??

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