🚨 The Gold Standard: Bailouts and Bank Failures

by | Jun 29, 2023 | Bank Failures | 24 comments

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Viewer Questions:
Question 1: 0:52
Do you think the implosion of derivative markets taking place in Bond Trading now will lead to more bailouts like back in 2008? I assume this will spread in many more markets and potentially bringing down the whole Fiat System.

Question 2: 7:55
Is silver just as good as gold when it comes to store of value?

Question 3: 11:23
How much is too much gold and silver to have at home?

Question 4: 12:10
What would make you think that the Federal Reserve is going to give up its power and return back to a gold standard?

Question 5: 13:09
Do you think this is the last of the Bank Failures we will see? If not do you think that the Feds will bail them all out or do Bail Ins?

Question 6: 15:13
As a Canadian should I be pulling out my money?

Question 7: 16:17
​Is time the biggest factor in derivative’s market?

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Title: 🚨 Bailouts, Bank Failures, and The Gold Standard: Exploring the Past and Implications for the Future


Throughout history, financial crises and the subsequent responses have shaped the direction of economies and influenced policy decisions. Bailouts, bank failures, and the role of the gold standard have been recurring themes in this ongoing narrative. This article aims to provide insight into these topics, tracing their historical significance and discussing potential implications for the future.

Bank Failures:

Bank failures form an integral part of financial crises. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, numerous banks have experienced collapses that have sent shockwaves through the economy. These failures are often attributed to risky lending practices, speculation, and inadequate regulation. The aftermath of these failures brings significant economic turmoil, as depositors lose their savings, businesses face credit scarcity, and confidence in the financial system wavers. These crises fuel broader recessions, often requiring government intervention to stabilize the situation.


Bailouts emerge as a response to financially distressed institutions, aiming to prevent their collapse from devastating the entire system. Governments inject capital into these institutions, rescuing them from insolvency. Bailouts become controversial due to the use of taxpayer funds, as critics argue that they reward irresponsible behavior and create moral hazards. However, proponents argue that bailing out these institutions is crucial to prevent a domino effect, with the failure of one institution leading to systemic collapse.

Gold Standard:

The gold standard, prevalent in various countries from the 19th century till the mid-20th century, pegged a nation’s currency to a fixed quantity of gold. This system aimed to ensure stability by limiting inflation and maintaining confidence in the currency. However, the gold standard had its limitations. Fixed exchange rates limited the ability of governments to employ monetary policy to manage economic cycles. Moreover, the reliance on gold constrained governments’ ability to inject liquidity during financial crises, exacerbating their impact.

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Future Implications:

The lessons learned from past financial crises and their subsequent responses have influenced policymakers in shaping regulations and policy frameworks to prevent future crises. While bailouts can prevent systemic collapses, they must be executed judiciously, addressing not only short-term stabilization but also long-term structural changes to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

The gold standard has largely fallen out of favor, with most economies moving towards fiat currencies not pegged to any physical commodity. Independent central banks now employ flexible monetary policies to stimulate growth or curb inflation, taking advantage of the insights gained from historical economic crises.

In recent times, debates have emerged regarding the need for stronger regulation and oversight to prevent excessive risk-taking in financial institutions. The role of central banks and regulators in preserving financial stability has become critical. New tools, such as stress tests and capital requirements, are being implemented to limit excessive exposure, ensuring financial institutions are better equipped to withstand economic downturns.


Bailouts, bank failures, and the gold standard have all played defining roles in shaping the economic landscape. While bank failures often create panic and instability, bailouts have become indispensable tools for preventing widespread devastation. The drawbacks of the gold standard have led to the adoption of more flexible monetary systems, allowing greater maneuverability in responding to financial crises.

As economies continue to evolve, it is crucial to learn from past mistakes. Striking a balance between regulations, government intervention, and free-market principles remains an ongoing challenge. The ultimate goal must focus on creating a resilient financial system that can weather future storms, ensuring stability, and fostering sustainable economic growth.

Truth about Gold
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  1. Chip's Place

    Thsnks you guys for the clarification of the FDIC monies. I was under the impression that they used ALL of the money to bail the banks out. The FDIC money and the new monies from the Fed. Which would have left our back side exposed….hahaha…like it isn't already.

  2. City of Joy

    I think all the corrupt politicians and businesses across the world are in big trouble. If swiss banks collapses all black money will be wiped out. Act of God.

  3. P

    Love your message Lynette! Been a huge fan as always! Would you recommend getting gold and silver regardless of price and premium if affordable to hold for the long run especially right now?
    Thank you!
    God Bless you!!!!

  4. Straight Shooter

    Silver is used in much more many things and is hugely under valued

  5. Andrew Quinn

    I don't understand the spot market crap

  6. Andrew Quinn

    You are such nice people, I could listen to you guys all day. Oh yes, and extremely knowledgeable.

  7. cafu andre

    Lady you should fire that guy

  8. Firoze Bukht

    Social security/ pension fund?

  9. Theodore Boosalis

    There's a bottom line. The USD is DOA. We are almost DOA. If you don't own PMs at minimum you are in serious trouble. Period.

  10. Howard Turner

    The dollar is very near the end game

  11. Pleasewakeup

    Most are like me. We don't have gold money.. We have silver money..

  12. Iztherelife1

    A good recommendation to make would be how many months of typical expenses to cover would be. Since it’s different for everyone. If hyperinflation wasn’t a factor, we have a period of years worth of money, gold and silver on property.
    Our biggest fear is green backs vaporizing from the system. We’re trying to balance our dry powder with what we’re willing to lose in the system.

  13. Deb Wilson

    The Fed Reserve is a private entity. It was given a charter by Congress to operate. This is the 3rd charter. Andrew Jackson removed the Reserve during his term. We are in the 3rd. Interest rates, debt was a creation of the Central Bank i.e Federal Reserve. It is and has to go down! Monopoly money in our purses are going away.

  14. J B

    Hyperinflation is always blamed on the public. but the Fed and Banks are raining money into existence to prop up that 185 Trillion and behind that is 4 Quadrillion dollars of fake currency. The ultimate Ponzi Scheme

  15. Ray Bush

    There is more gold in the world than silver so shouldn’t silver really be changed to a 1 to 1 with Silver

  16. Awake Alex

    Where is the Spanish channel?

  17. SuperDutyOHV

    They are some of the few that understand the level of urgency we are in right now. While the world has no idea what is coming…it’s going to be a bloodbath. It won’t crush society until people’s 401K’s and pensions are gone.

  18. Brent Holt

    She is going to have to describe what she means by compressing derivative trades. No idea what she means.

  19. Mags Gil

    Lynette you look great. And Thankyou for so many teaching videos every week xx

  20. nd22121

    My other problem is with gold…if we know they use it to gain confidence back and we hate the system so much, why are we piling into gold and not silver????? We’re being compliant by getting gold.

  21. nd22121

    Sorry, completely disagree with you on silver. It’s absolutely as good a store of value. Contrary to what you always say about how many uses there are for gold, it’s absolutely doesn’t even come close to what silver is used for.

  22. Tara Potter

    How do you store gold at home so it is not detected by metal detection machines?

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