The Greatest Cover-Up In History | Ep. 1676

by | Mar 16, 2023 | Simple IRA | 19 comments

The Greatest Cover-Up In History | Ep. 1676

The Energy Department and FBI finally admit that covid-19 probably started in a Chinese lab; Joe Biden can’t answer why he won’t go to East Palestine; and the Left proves that racism is fine, so long as it’s against white people.

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00:00 – The Greatest Cover-Up In History
18:42 – Scott Adams Says Something Racist
24:36 – Racial Double Standards
30:28 – Slack Suspends ‘Libs of TikTok’
35:45 – Biden Won’t Visit East Palestine
40:38 – China Proposes Peace Deal In Ukraine
46:51 – Investors Prepare For Economic Downturn
48:44 – Things I Like
52:46 – Things I Hate

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The greatest cover-up in history is a topic that has been discussed by historians and researchers for many years. The idea that there is something hidden from the public, something so significant that it would change the course of history, has fascinated many people. This cover-up is the subject of the podcast “The Greatest Cover-Up In History | Ep. 1676” and explores what it is and why it’s so important.

The cover-up in question is the true identity of William Shakespeare. Yes, you read that correctly. For centuries, there has been a debate surrounding the authorship of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets. Many scholars and enthusiasts believe that Shakespeare did not write the works that bear his name, and that the historical figure known as William Shakespeare was just a front for a hidden author.

The podcast discusses the various theories surrounding the true identity of Shakespeare. One popular theory is that the plays were actually written by Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. The theory suggests that de Vere wrote the plays anonymously due to social stigma, as writing plays for the stage was not seen as a noble pursuit in Elizabethan England.

Another theory puts forth the idea that the plays were actually written by Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher and statesman. This theory suggests that Bacon wrote the plays as a way to express his ideas and beliefs without fear of criticism, as he was still an influential figure in English society.

So, why does the cover-up of Shakespeare’s true identity matter? The podcast argues that it’s not just a trivial matter of historical curiosity but has significant implications on our understanding of literature, culture, and society.

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For one, it challenges the idea of authorship and what it means to create a work of art. If Shakespeare did not write the plays attributed to him, then who did and what does that mean for our understanding of those works? Does it diminish their importance or change their meaning?

It also raises questions about the power dynamics of society and the role of art in shaping culture. If de Vere or Bacon were the true authors of the plays, what does that say about the society they lived in, where writing for the stage was not a respected profession? And what does it say about the power of the arts to shape public opinion and understanding?

Overall, “The Greatest Cover-Up In History | Ep. 1676” is a fascinating exploration of an enduring mystery. It raises important questions about history, culture, and the power of art to shape our understanding of the world. Whether or not you believe in the conspiracy theories surrounding Shakespeare’s true identity, there’s no denying that it’s a topic that continues to capture our imaginations and challenge our assumptions about the past.

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  1. TSL999

    White people lack empathy, take things that aren’t ours and are violent???? This is absolutely disgusting and is racism in its purest form. I blame CNN and MSNBC for this view being acceptable.

  2. Sara

    thank you ben for just criticizing on both sides of the aisle here. You are my favorite speaker and I think other conservatives need to think through logical actions on both sides to actually avoid one extreme vs. the other. its too many isms and hypocrisy

  3. Aleck Alexopoulos

    If there was an outbreak of an Ebola variant next to Porton Downs, UK or of a new influenza virus next to Fort Detrick, Maryland, the UK and the US would NEVER be permitted to say "hey, it's from nature".

  4. Edward Bazydlo

    Why don’t people say it ? They believe (black people) that there ignorance is not there fault, rather, the whole of idea that a person should be judged by the character of there heart, the sum of there actions, and there willingness to participate in the raising of there children to be accountable, honest, and moral has never been a priority of the parents so each generation has become more despicable than the last,, thus creating a plague on society of unimaginable consequences infecting anyone and everyone that is unfortunate enough to come into contact with them!!! And it's not their fault ? Surely its not my white ass that did it to them, although you sure couldn’t tell by asking them who’s to blame, because if one was to ask my opinion (that really has no influence or power to oppress) its the parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who never took Responsibility for the children that they bore, let alone love them enough so that they wouldn’t be filled with hate and fear taking out there feelings of insecurity and guilt on all of society around them while they father more children they are only willing to abandon !!!

  5. Edward Bazydlo

    When we don’t realize that the thing our government desires to create is conflict between the races for by doing so the powers in high places may destroy all the nations of the world bringing it under control of the United Nations and its goal of a new world order, a one world government and more importantly, a one world religion led once again like it was throughout the dark ages under the control of the pope who is responsible for more horrific tortured and killed more people than all the wars ever fought throughout the history of mankind!!! 100 million people is not a stretch of those that suffered unimaginable torture, then died horrific death by burning them before eyes everyone in the community to create fear and submission so that they should not suffer at the hands of those demonic minions loyal to only the pope !!! We fight a spiritual war against evil that has only been defeated by Jesus Christ who defeated death, that is our only hope, although only few will find it !!!

  6. Zarkon Dutche

    Trump started a tariff war with china in 2019. They did not like it and suddenly a global pandemic breaks out from Wuhan hm……

  7. Lance Wilson

    My question is. Why is it when the powers that be in government and the media outlets all get caught in big lies about major issues when the truth comes out that they just are allowed to go on as if they didn't do anything wrong? Russia collusion , Hunter Biden's computer and on and on in the last 6 years lie lies lies. Yet the people that told the truth are still made out to be the villains. And the liars stay in power.

  8. Mr. Snicks

    As a Jamaican Canadian…black people like those in that video are disgusting creatures that would be better off aborted. So ashamed that wokeness originated in "our" communities. Feel sick to my stomach.

  9. Grey Fox

    Wasn’t that great of a coverup, many of us critical thinkers suspected wrong doing from the beginning. Nothing made any sense.

  10. Timothy Starritt

    So is it okay to eat bats now? Or did the virus start by bats flying around a lab building? What about free range bats? I'm confused.

  11. Neji

    I don't know about all the other black people here but i like white people.

  12. Joe Trimble

    I am sorry, but I have to agree with Scott Adams. It is time for whites to vote and associate with who has their interest at heart. They need to stop committing treason against their children and their future.

  13. C Hurrle

    Didn’t think Ben Shapiro would be so pro Ukraine war. It’s sad. You’re seeing a lot of republicans exposed by their desire to fund another pointless war started because our own antagonizing

  14. J. Ashley

    How does Fauci sleep at night?

  15. ElizabethKCALS7702

    Oh Ben, I LITERALLY agree with 90% of what u say but OF COURSE there is a double standard! Ask urself why. Literally. Ask. Bcuz of HISTORY And nothing else. THAT’S WHY.

  16. Ken Bourekas

    It did not leak. It was purposefully spread during the gathering of militaries from around the world in Wuhan, at the end of 2019 beginning of 2020

  17. Adam D

    The federal government can not be taken seriously unless Fauci and company go to prison

  18. Andrei P

    So.. if COVID was China's and USA's love baby, when will the reparations for the rest of the world roll out?

  19. augenbutter

    Hong Kong demonstrations and pandemic timing?

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