The Hidden Lies of Inflation & the Stock Market

by | Dec 15, 2022 | Inflation Hedge | 42 comments

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🗣 What will it take for everyone to realize that we are living through the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of money? From the moment the Fed was born. Inflation has been silently robbing you of your wealth. And especially once the backing of gold was gone. But it’s not so silent anymore, is it? Have you checked your food and living expenses lately? What most people don’t realize is that historically, when a currency is about to completely collapse, it is matched with both record levels of inflation and the illusion of a stock market going up. This will be the next historic transfer of wealth, and those who hold gold will be the few who maintain privacy and control over their wealth. Pay attention closely because this video will show you the clear process which is about to unfold and exactly what you can do about it while you still have time!

📖 Chapters:
0:00 Greatest Ponzi Scheme
1:54 QE Colossal Mistake
3:55 Beware of a Rising Stock Market
5:02 An Overnight Reset
7:23 Purchasing Power
9:10 Zimbabwe
12:30 Turkey’s Inflation

🔗 To see Lynette’s slides, research links or questions from this video:

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If you want to know what to DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

Yes, Gold and Silver, but what types, what dates? How much of each? What strategy? And what long-term plan?

If you’re asking these questions, you’re already ahead of the game…

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We’re here to help, as our mission is to safeguard the public from the inevitable downfall of the dollar, global markets, and the current real estate bubble. As our Chief Market Analyst, Lynette Zang has over 50 years of experience in economics, banking, and currencies. Along with our entire team of consultants from financial backgrounds; we’ve spent the last 25 years developing a complete strategy designed not only to protect our clients from standard crashes and recessions…but to position them properly for a complete currency collapse and economic Reset (which is the stage we’re now in).

We are the most recommended precious metals company in the industry for a good reason because we create lifetime relationships with our clients and facilitate strategies for lifetime security.

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#inflation #gold #finance…(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



Gold IRA Advantages for Baby Boomers Nearing Retirement
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  1. george lind

    Will see !!

  2. No Crisis In Falling Housing Prices

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  3. Roslyn Tchakedjian

    Thank you Lynette your advice is always appreciated.

  4. OG Reggie B

    Gold sounds like a good safe haven and it is, provided it's not outlawed again, as it was on April 5, 1933 by our then president Franklin D Roosevelt.

  5. Joyce Koch

    China is buying Russian gold as Russia sells off it's gold to fund it's war.

  6. Harold McAllister

    So much truth! People are so dumb and ignorant and cowards. The people can stop all this, but they won't. All perception! The Bible foretold all this happening now. God's judgment is coming. Jesus Christ is your only hope.

  7. Joey Socks

    Wondering what you think of Credit Suisse's Zoltan Pozsar saying gold will go to $3600 if Russia accepts gold for oil?

  8. Mad

    love these epic intros!

  9. Theodore Boosalis

    When you more than double the balance sheet of the Fed in 2 years and barely roll it off – it's over. That's true inflation. Prices have to accommodate for that at some point. We are seeing that play out now.

  10. Theodore Boosalis

    TY Lynette for pointing me towards PMs. I am stacking weekly now. I can hedge my stacks in the Futures markets using puts. I can make money on a potential downturn at any given time. It's an amazing strategy and it's working. You rock!

  11. Jim Roberts

    Lynette, thanks for all you've done and for all the folks you've helped. I've listened to you for twelve years and done what I could do to prepare with my limited resources. After twelve years I now have a fairly good plan and resources as you've suggested. I wouldn't have known what to do without your insights, experience and knowledge which equal WISDOM. You are by far the wisest financial person I've ever listened to and I've tried to get others to follow you but the truth is that most people don't want to hear "bad news" and prefer to think that people you you and me are just "doom and gloomers". When the SHTF they will come to know the truth but it will be too late. My conscience will be clear because I tried to help them and they didn't want to believe. You know your conscience will be clear because you've helped many to survive in hard times. I remember when you used to talk about silver being your future checking account and gold being your future savings account and that made a huge impression on me and is a key part of my plan thanks to you!

  12. james ryan

    What if the suppression of gold and silver is deliberate, but not for what we think? What if they want people to offloading for a great price when they manipulate the price up after a long period in the doldrums? That way they will be able to take back a whole swathe of PM's from the public domain and get it into the banking system before they introduce CBDC's

  13. Recco Con

    Wow! Epic visual intro.

  14. Rolf Lagerquist

    Is humanity the proverbial frog? "Who is behind all of this"? The otherworldly overlords control hybrid Central Bankers directing multilevel events directing dire conditions for Humanity. They are apathetic driving our human extinction. Crazy you say. Remember, or not, we have not been told any part of true human history. It’s all twisted at every turn negating that we live on a prison planet. The solution could be simple – vote your own unalterable soul reporting DNA against all oppressors. A plea from each human (only 15 % left) one by one satisfying the living Fibonacci sequence of the multiverse.

  15. Dennis McGuire

    Has any noticed that Greg Mannario has disappeared from YouTube and Posts ?

  16. Mad Hatter

    President Wilson screwed Americans when he allowed the central bank back in, and he knew it back then, we know it now. May he burn in hell.

  17. Jodi M

    If the market crashes and the average person needs to use gold to pay for living expenses, who is going to buy their over priced gold ?

  18. BÍ UlaÍmh

    Spot gold may offer some level of protection against inflation but ONLY if you can sell it. There could be multiple claims on it. When I lived in Argentina they told me that in the 80s they used to buy US dollars as soon as they got paid as the Peso was in hyperinflation. A poor person in Zimbabwe might be able to buy a few dollars for it`s relative stability right now but I doubt they could afford any gold (only the rich could buy that). If the US dollar hyperinflates, ordinary US citizens who only have their salary would need to sell their dollars everytime they get paid and buy some stable currency they can afford. That might be the Renimbi, Swiss franc or some other currency. On art, it`s a taste thing. I don`t like pictures on your wall. I don`t mean your photos, they are lovely.

  19. Annette van Vuuren

    I like Lynette, but not the ITM promise for a free consultation which they did NOT keep as soon as they realized I am living in Europe. Not good. Only half way waiting into my consultation appointment I found out they had cancelled it because of me beeing outside the USA, and that when they knew thatI was living there from the first second I reacted.

  20. Gery Rodriguez

    You don‘t do bullion? You can hold bullion. So collectables are the key? I am confused now.

  21. Paul Taylor

    great content. Thank you..

  22. Virginia Taylor

    You look really good in black. It plays up your hair.

  23. Diego Paloma

    Get ready for 2023 and 24. We now have two wild cards in the deck, but they have not been played yet. A world wide depression, and WW111 are on the table, don't kid yourself this is reality. Lynette has informed us on the economic collapse, and she has given great advice on what you can do. It is also advice on what to do to plan for a nuclear attack.

  24. P T

    .I've maxed out on my 401k contributions. Extra $3k in 2023 if over 50.

    .Buy APPLE, MICROSOFT, AMAZON, GOOGLE, VERIZON (VZ), Wells Fargo…then go back to sleep and wake up rich in a few years.

    It's just so stupid to me how investors think that these big market leader profitable companies lose 20%+ of their stock values this year.

    It's like my house, I know its value and if price were to nose dive -40%, I'm not selling because I don't need to sell. Sure there will be some desperate people who need to sell. But there's a limited inventory of houses or stocks (fewer each quarter as they buy back their stocks), so even if my stock prices go down, I STILL OWN these powerhouse companies that continue to lead.

    And Verizon continues to pay 7.5% dividend.

  25. Pharez

    Can you deep dive the Bis report "100 trillion " debt missing?

  26. Todd Heyns

    Crazy ! Right! Sheeple will be sheared.

  27. Ramada Drummond

    Hi Lynette I've been watching your videos for quite some time now and I have to tell you we've been watching the markets and this money change and power change throughout the world for years now. My husband and I have some physical assets but I wanted to ask your opinion I have not worked since 2001 when my job was shipped overseas to India two weeks after ding dong took office I'm not a fan as you can tell but with the FED pulling their crap with raising rates I'm a little concerned because I have an adjustable rate mortgage that in 16 years has never gone up and is due to go up this January do you think we should try to lock our rate now before they keep Rising or ride it out and see if the fed's pivot. We pulled our daughter out of school because of things going on in the public school system so I am homeschooling and running my small farm as well as helping my husband run his business so there's enough to keep me busy but I'm a little uneasy about the rate hikes on my mortgage we are going from 5% to 6.25% in January and then every 4 months after that I'm just trying to figure out if I should take the risk and ride it out if you have any advice for me I will totally take it and thanks for another great video!!

  28. Robert Thomas

    Thanks for sharing.

  29. lawson lawson

    These examples of $20 of gold vs $20 bill 20 yrs ago. I can also a $20 stock that's worth $2000 today. It's easy to use fear marketing but this is 70 percent bs

  30. C Dean

    You mention those who hold gold will maintain wealth. What about silver?

  31. Rollo Kline

    Most people have nothing not even gold they can't afford even food on table??…

  32. Iztherelife1

    We cashed out my husbands IRA this year. He didn’t pay the penalty. We’re going to pay the penalty on mine next year. We’ll convert it to gold in January. Our thought is, tax brackets are more favorable than they will be. We can’t avoid the tax. But our gains in collectors gold won’t incur tax. It seems the way to go for us. We grow most of our own food. No debt. My husband will take SS early. I’m starting to position us to sell surplus milk, eggs, produce, soap and other things we generate. Mostly for the write offs of feed etc.
    detaching from government all we can is the our goal. We’re fed up!!!

  33. Denise Ireland

    Merry Christmas Lynette! God bless you and your family!

  34. AngDee

    Where is Greg Mannarino

  35. Matthew Brown

    Silver is often ignored. However, I am a Bonafide silver bug, and I am all in on silver. I still maintain that having silver will also provide you a level of protection for what is coming. I suppose gold is better, but I would rather have silver than nothing but paper and digits.

  36. D Met

    The one thing I'm not sure of is that with the advance of the CBDC Lynette says have physical gold/silver. Done that, but what happens when they accompany the CBDC with a social credit score that limits your access purchasing options. At the moment, I don't know of any retailers or businesses that accept gold & silver as payment. Will we still be a slave to the monetary system in whatever shape it takes?

  37. Paranoid Android

    With any LOAN the question you ask the BANKS is “CAN ANYONE MAKE PAYMENT” and they will not answer because REPAYMENT can never made because of 1933 EXECUTIVE order 6012.

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