The Housing Market Reset Has BEGUN

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 31 comments

The Housing Market Reset Has BEGUN

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DISCLAIMER CONT’D: I’m just a random guy on YouTube so do your own research! Jaspreet Singh is not a licensed financial advisor. He is a licensed attorney, but is he is not providing you with legal advice in these videos. This video, the topics discussed, and ideas presented are Jaspreet’s opinions and presented for entertainment purposes only. The information presented should not be construed as financial or legal advice. Always do your own due diligence….(read more)

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The housing market reset has begun, and it’s causing some serious upheaval in the real estate industry. The reset is being driven by a number of factors, including the global pandemic, rising interest rates, and a shift in consumer preferences.

As the pandemic continues to affect the economy, many people are rethinking their housing needs. With remote work becoming more common, people are no longer tied to a particular city or neighborhood. Many are choosing to move to more rural areas or to smaller towns, where they can find more affordable housing options.

At the same time, interest rates have been rising steadily, making it more expensive for people to buy or refinance homes. This has caused some buyers to back away from the market, while others are taking advantage of the low rates to get a better deal on their mortgages.

Finally, consumer preferences are shifting. People are increasingly looking for homes that are more energy efficient and have more modern amenities. They are also looking for homes that are closer to nature and that have a lower environmental impact.

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All of these factors are creating a reset in the housing market. Prices are beginning to come down, and buyers are taking their time to make sure they get the best deal possible. This is causing a shift in the way real estate agents do business, as they are now having to be more creative in order to find buyers.

The housing market reset is just beginning, and it will likely take some time before the market stabilizes. In the meantime, it’s important for buyers and sellers to be aware of the changes taking place and to be prepared for the potential impact it could have on their real estate plans.

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  1. Minority Mindset

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  2. Xavier Music

    Bought my house Feb 2022. Everyone told me to not buy. Paid 205k as of today the estimate is 220k.
    I am very happy that I bought. Most peoples rents are higher than my mortage and my interest rate is 3%.
    I highly doubt homes will ever drop below 200k again in my area.

  3. Bharat Desar

    So I have to wait to buy house

  4. Gregory Gowling

    This isn't a reset. This is the beginning of a crash.

  5. intintsgamer

    bro your vid's are getting repetitive think of so new chit phucc! Plz!

  6. Arshdeep S

    I’d love to hear again what you think will happen in Toronto.

  7. Shamwowing IT

    Here in Vegas we saw major decline by Dec 2022 not an increase in prices. Realtors are listing homes as Dec 2021 prices just to attempt to make a sale. Year 2021 price in year 2022-2023 it's only going down more most likely 25%

  8. oasis

    No reset … u just spreading speculations …

  9. Naveed Rehman

    I am no expert on economy…..however my personal view…….I do not see repeat of 2008 financial crisis…..because after 2008 banking sector did correct themselves to avoid a similar situation so in short an exact replica of 2008 may not happen….

  10. HI RISK

    Lmfao. Def not in Florida. Foh with your scare tactics for YouTube revenue

  11. Rami Sobhani

    This is a bit generic. There is still short supply, you have to be a bit specific in your analysis

  12. Cre8tuitive TM

    I'm working on it man. Appreciate the realness

  13. Sierra Sky

    The FED made a statement a while ago that they would rather crash the economy then have high inflation.

  14. CV63Vet

    I don't trust this mofu

  15. 1 Nugget

    Jaspreet went straight up illuminate in this video with the 666 hand symbol and the triangle with the house eye in the middle!

  16. Jake_of_the_Jungle 98

    I still don’t know why people spend so much on houses without any actual money. How could you even look at a 400k house without at least 350k cash to offer. You don’t have to worry about interest or mortgage rates if you just buy a house in cash. I’m sick of people driving 50k cars and have all the newest stuff and flexing like they actually own it when the bank has all their titles

  17. Miko Worldwide

    Homes in my neighborhood, suburb of Atlanta, haven’t “reset”. At best, homes dropped 2% , which is nothing, and their on the market longer. But sellers are still listing high as if it was Summer 22.

  18. Erick C

    So basically its overinflated prices and the lenders want as much money as fast as possible because they know the housing market will crash so they charge more per month to milk it for as much as they can

  19. sadeep

    Hi Jaspreet, thank you for sharing all these details. Can you please help me guiding me to invest? Shall I talk personally?

  20. C Fredrick

    Hi Jaspreet, I am your new subscriber, and I thank you so much for teaching us selflessly with a passion about investing and managing money in general. I have just started watching your videos and they are so informative and helpful to me to me. After watching your videos I have started investing and I can’t believe I have begun my new journey although it’s very late. I’ve lost a lot of earnings In unnecessary expenses and did not manage my finances well before I watched your videos. Thank you for your valuable advice and guidance. God bless you Jaspreet.

  21. Great  Bambino

    Unfortunately that 400k house was never 1500 a month in CT. Taxes would easily put that around 2300-2700.

  22. myke

    What i dont understand is why would a person buy a home in a bad area when 5 years ago they would not dare to move in that area and they pay over a million dollars for that house when they could have found a house in a better ares for not much more, something is fishy about that.

  23. Andrew Stringfield

    I was looking to build a duplex in the near future, but I figured out that I would be stretched too thin financially. I have decided to wait a few years.

  24. Carlton Zhou

    Who wants to own a home and pay mortgage for half your life when you could live for free in a cardboard box

  25. Chris Choir

    The Fed pivoted in 2007 and housing market still crashed. So this time is different?? think not

  26. Your Momma

    Holy cow 68% let's go Brandon


    Catch the falling knife!

  28. EPU Children

    When the Fed say something, prepare for the opposite. The Fed's job is to cheerlead the economy regardless of what is going on. The best way to know when to buy a home is when foreclosures are happening everywhere, especially the hot markets: Phoenix, Los Angeles, Vegas, San Francisco, Austin, etc.

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