The Impact of Bank Failures and Inflation on Silver and Gold

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Bank Failures | 36 comments

The Impact of Bank Failures and Inflation on Silver and Gold

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Peter Boockvar returns to the show, and we discuss the current SVB situation and whether more banks will fail. We also examine the impact of these bank failures on gold and silver prices. Additionally, we analyze the Federal Reserve’s predicament with high inflation and whether it can take action.

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► I am not a professional financial adviser, nor do I offer financial advice. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice.

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Bank Failures and Inflation: What It Means for Silver and Gold!

Bank failures and inflation are two economic phenomena that can have a significant impact on the value of precious metals like silver and gold. Understanding the relationship between these factors can help investors make informed decisions about their portfolios.

Bank failures occur when financial institutions are unable to meet their obligations to depositors and creditors, often due to bad loan portfolios or inadequate capital reserves. These failures can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as economic downturns, speculative bubbles, or even mismanagement. When banks fail, it can lead to a loss of confidence in the financial system, causing panic and triggering a chain reaction of bank runs and further failures.

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In times of bank failures, investors often seek safe-haven assets to protect their wealth. Silver and gold have historically been considered safe-haven assets due to their intrinsic value and limited supply. During periods of financial turmoil, such as bank failures, the demand for precious metals tends to increase, driving up their prices.

Inflation, on the other hand, refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy. When the purchasing power of a currency decreases, it takes more units of that currency to purchase the same amount of goods and services. Inflation can erode the value of traditional currency holdings and result in a loss of wealth for savers and investors.

During periods of high inflation, investors often turn to silver and gold as a hedge against inflation. Precious metals are seen as a store of value that can help preserve purchasing power. Additionally, the limited supply of silver and gold compared to fiat currencies makes them more attractive during inflationary times.

The relationship between bank failures, inflation, and precious metals is complex and interconnected. Bank failures can be a result of inflationary pressures, as the mismanagement of loan portfolios and inadequate reserves are more likely during inflationary periods. Moreover, bank failures can often lead to higher inflation rates, as central banks may resort to money printing to rescue failing banks and inject liquidity into the system.

The impact of bank failures and inflation on silver and gold prices can be substantial. During periods of financial uncertainty and high inflation, the demand for these precious metals tends to rise, driving up their price. However, it’s important to note that other factors, such as market sentiment, geopolitical events, or industrial demand, can also influence the prices of silver and gold.

See also  "Runs and Funds: Understanding the Causes of Bank Failures" by Mark Thornton.

As investors navigate the complexities of the financial markets, it is essential to consider the potential impacts of bank failures and inflation on their portfolios. Diversification, including an allocation to precious metals, can help mitigate the risks associated with these economic factors. Silver and gold, with their historical track record as safe-haven assets during times of turmoil, can provide stability and long-term value preservation in uncertain times.

In conclusion, bank failures and inflation can significantly affect the value of silver and gold. These precious metals are often sought after as safe-haven assets during times of financial distress and inflationary pressures. Understanding the relationship between these factors is important for investors looking to safeguard their wealth and preserve purchasing power.

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  1. Wall Street Silver

    Hit LIKE and Comment Why You Love Silver!

  2. No Name

    I see you are sponsored by the CCP.

  3. Smith Murphy

    This banking collapse might end up being a part of us for a very long time. With inflation currently at about 6%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

  4. Michael Auffet

    Anyone have an opinion on Sprott? Supposedly closed end trust with the option of taking physical possession.

  5. Timothy Pitt

    "We have seen gold & silver prices shoot up a bit"
    Oxymoron, no?

  6. Timothy Pitt

    I worry about your back posture. You seem twisted to the left & this may create back pain

  7. Ihabiano

    Ivan.. as you're stepping up the game, it's about time for you to have a proper setup (room, chair, background.. etc). Go pro, bro!

  8. Christopher Bic

    Excellent discussion Gentlemen.
    I think the Fed will raise another 50 basis points this month.
    I think the soft landing applies to the rates and not necessarily the markets.

  9. Jak Aciman

    Thanks Ivan,what does he mean Credit Suisse problem is not new,is it good or bad?

  10. Anahita Katrak

    Always a pleasure to listen to Mr. Peter

  11. Wolfgang Sprenger

    Disclaimer. At my LGBTQ bank they tolk me silver was not safe and would fall to zero soon. I'm desperate. What should I do? Buy Silly Valley ? It's a pretty hot stock now.

  12. Wolfgang Sprenger

    Don't book Peter. Book me. I tell you banking system is rock-solid. As solid as Northern Rock.

  13. Farhan K

    It's been a few months for me and wow! Ivan has really stepped up his interview game – these questions are concise, specific, and very relevant!

  14. Veeken 777

    To ALL the anti Silver Neysayers. In your face ya barstards, we told ya so.

  15. andy bosik

    "Receive my instruction,
    and not silver,
    And knowledge,
    rather than choice gold;
    For wisdom is better than rubies,
    And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her." Proverbs 8:10-11 <><

  16. golden warrior

    To protect yourselves from more bank failures Gold and Silver are the only place and not put in storage with anyone else.

  17. golden warrior

    It looks like they started QE again with bailing out all these deposits.

  18. golden warrior

    When they guaranteed all deposits over the 250,000 for these banks it looks like they will have to guarantee all bank deposits with all other banks.

  19. Reine

    Comex has taken care of our metals – buy Bitcoin

  20. meb6869

    10% for the Big Guy!

  21. meb6869

    Plenty of folks going to be surprised when Papa Jerome slaps ‘em with .50 next week.

    “Terminal rates will remain higher for longer.” Papa Jerome

  22. M. Regas

    Where’s the big fell?

  23. Hiler House

    No pause by the Fed gentlemen. At least a 25 basis point raise this month. Possibly a 50 point rise. Powel is going full Volker. Never forget that and everything else aside. The core CPI came in .4% higher this month. He’s not going to slow down or stop.

  24. Tim Fuller

    The Fed needs to unveil the hitherto unknown WTF program to insure the solvency of SV Bank.

  25. 999 Fine

    Metals won't go anywhere as long as there is a Comex.

  26. Don Tube

    Can the US dominate Africa? That where the commodities and energy are. Yet, Africa is aligning with BRICS and others.

    The US made Europe dependent on them for energy, rather than Russian Federation. So now, does the US get anything back from Europe? What does Europe make?

    China and Asia makes goods for the whole world.

    US will suffer more price inflation by selling energy only to Europe which produces nothing in return.

    The US cannot maintain energy independence and grow itself out of 125% debt to GDP at the same manufacturing nothing at home while also supplying all of Europe’s energy needs (sorry for the run-on sentence).

    Look for double digit price inflation returning soon…

  27. Cloudier Monk

    The majority of the money coming out is to chase yields not market risk… any substantial money in a bank earning nothing should be taken out for a 4% yields on treasures or better yet ibonds with some

  28. Cryptic Gamer

    EO 13772 J Yellen cannot have tax funded bailouts. Think cypress bailins. To bad for all the Chinese tech companies and woke banks like SVB. Go woke and go broke.

  29. sarge27271

    Ivan, I am NOT a savvy investor, nor do I care to learn. Since I have a better understanding of Metals and their history, I chose metals. Yup, it's simplistic. But looking at what's happening right now, I guess……..IF IT AIN'T IN YOUR GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS, IT AIN'T YOURS? We're about to live the famous words of Mike Maloney: "First, Unobtainium. Then, Unaffordium!"
    Be safe my good man. Cheers

  30. Frank Karl

    heads they win, tails you lose.

  31. wim lammens

    that China's citizens would have been jailed in their own appartments during 2 years is a total impossibility. China is the factory of the world

  32. Northern HillBilly

    i respect all these financial guys because i learned so much from them . that's why i have physical gold & silver not fantasy money like bullcoin . but they only look at the problem though only a financial lense . you have to think in 5th. dimensional thinking . we are at war with KAZARIANS that only want 5 hundred million humans left on the earth as slaves for them . you can call them globalist , elites, illuminate , but their real name is KAZARIANS BECAUSE they come from ANCIENT KAZARIA THEY ARE NOMADS THAT WORSHIP THE DEVIL & not loyal to anyone or any country . I'LL GIVE YOU A CLUE OF WHO THESE PARASITES ARE . THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING THAT'S HURTS THE PEOPLE WAKE UP

  33. adam day

    The market is rigged. Silver wont be going up any time soon. The crucial figure is $30+. With wars, inflation, bust banks, silver struggles to breach $22oz. The US dollar interest rates need to get to almost zero with rising crude prices for silver to rise. if there is low interest QT it will be equities that rise, not silver.
    Best to wait till the immediate banking issue is over, then sell.

  34. Graham Hobbs

    Credit Suisse Deutsche – Zombie Banks, propped up with back door hand outs from the FED

  35. Josh Tree

    These economists just talk in circles, he's not concerned about the Fed's balance sheet, just the 31 trillion deficit? Who the hell does he think that the 31 trillion is owed to? THE FED, private bankers that can do what they want with the peoples tax money and the fed owns the gov't. Get someone on here that is going to be truthful. Good thing that the fed will go down in a ball of flames due to insolvency and the whole economic system will have to be rebuilt from scratch worldwide.

  36. Bradley Hardman

    Why is no one questioning why the FED has only done 600 billion of QT when they said they would be doing a lot more ???? Clear sign the economy and markets are fragile other wise they would have stuck to what they originally said.

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