The Issue of Double Standards in Bailouts | Economic Challenges | The Criticism Towards Jon Stewart | The Apple TV+ Factor

by | May 5, 2023 | Bank Failures | 33 comments

The Issue of Double Standards in Bailouts | Economic Challenges | The Criticism Towards Jon Stewart | The Apple TV+ Factor

The Problem with Jon Stewart is now streaming on Apple TV+

Why are billion dollar corporate bailouts the American status quo, but bailing out struggling people is a socialist nightmare? It’s almost like the priorities of this country are a little skewed…

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The Hypocrisy of Bailouts: A Systemic Problem with the Economy

The economy is the engine of society, driving growth, innovation, and progress. But when the engine experiences problems, the entire system falters. One of the most glaring issues with the economy is the hypocrisy of bailouts.

The definition of a bailout is the act of financial assistance to a failing business. The purpose is to help the business get back on its feet, save jobs, and stabilize the economy. This seems like a noble goal, but the reality is much more complex.

The problem with bailouts is that they often benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the average citizen. When a business is “too big to fail,” it is typically a corporation with deep political connections and a significant amount of lobbying power. This means that when the government steps in to offer assistance, it is offering a handout to already wealthy and powerful individuals, rather than those in need.

See also  Steve Keen op de Bush Bank Bailouts (2008)

Additionally, bailouts create a moral hazard. This means that companies are more likely to take risks and engage in dangerous behavior because they believe the government will step in to save them if they fail. This behavior creates instability and increases the likelihood of future bailouts.

To make matters worse, bailouts often come with strings attached. The government may demand that the business cut costs, including jobs and benefits, to receive assistance. This means that while the wealthy and powerful get a handout, the average citizen loses their job.

The hypocrisy of bailouts is systemic. It is a symptom of an economy that rewards the wealthy and powerful, often at the expense of everyone else. Until we address this fundamental flaw in our economic system, we will continue to see the same problems recur.

The Problem With Jon Stewart: A Call for a Better Debate

Jon Stewart is a well-known political commentator and comedian. He has been praised for his sharp wit and ability to speak truth to power. However, some have criticized him for fueling the partisan divide in our political discourse.

The problem with Jon Stewart is that his approach to politics is often combative and dismissive. He tends to use humor to belittle and mock those who disagree with him. This creates a culture of division and hostility, rather than meaningful debate.

In contrast, we need political commentators who are willing to engage in civil and productive discussions over important issues. We need individuals who can challenge ideas without attacking people. This is how progress is made.

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One solution to the problem with Jon Stewart is to seek out diverse perspectives. We should listen to people who have different viewpoints and try to understand where they are coming from. By engaging in meaningful conversations, we can build bridges and find common ground.

Apple TV+: A New Player in the Streaming Game

Apple recently launched its streaming service, Apple TV+. While the company has a solid reputation for creating high-end products, the streaming market is crowded, and it remains to be seen how Apple TV+ will perform.

One advantage that Apple has is its brand recognition. The company is known for producing quality products, and this reputation may extend to its streaming service. Additionally, Apple has deep pockets and can invest heavily in original content, which is essential for any streaming service that wants to compete with the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

One potential challenge for Apple TV+ is brand loyalty. Many consumers are already invested in other streaming services and may not be willing to switch. To overcome this, Apple will need to create a compelling reason for consumers to make the switch.

Overall, the launch of Apple TV+ is an exciting development for the streaming industry. It will be interesting to see how the service performs and how it impacts the larger market.

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  1. Nijad Bahnam

    The scientific economic term would be Corporate Socialism. Tax reductions and bails to their heart content . Nice to get money no matter how much somebody screw-up .

  2. daniel butler

    0:55 instead of praising the workers I think they’d rather you pay the workers, Screw your praise I need money.

  3. Polk - E - Dot

    The government picking winners and losers is evil. We should let your zip code determine if you're a winner or loser just like God and the founding fathers intended.

  4. theodore roberts

    You are right, and I agree, it was and has been the workers who keep this country going. And Yellen saying inflation will continue as long as pay rates are up is backwards. The formula has the wrong elements. It's the corporate greed that has to come down, pay rates need to go up. It's real!

  5. Kabir

    I love it when comedians attack their platform. Hasan Minhaj did it on Patriot Act, I know that Trevor did it a couple times. Love it

  6. Ian Mavhurere

    I love watching a civilization colapse in real time. Its fascinating. Hope the US gets things together and the people find a way to survive. But its just fascinating how it all unfolds. From the greatest nation on the planet, to just plain delusional. Fascinating!!!

  7. James Tagg

    This didn’t age well. Bank bailouts?

  8. *************

    Democrats vote for more corporate welfare than anyone else.

  9. marinus18

    I don't know how it works in America but here in Europe it's usually the socialists that are more national and the capitalists that are more global. For the socialists the prosperity of the people in the country takes priority and that means all the people. It's the idea that all people in the country are part of the same society and so they all share a responsibility to make sure it functions well, we should not allow one group to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else.
    Socialism is about what it says: Society.

  10. Thomas Kristensen

    Please for the love of something anything run for president we are dying out here.

  11. Ken Hasibar

    Republicans don't like Socialism?
    Hope you never need a cop or fireman. Better shut down the military.
    The rich keep getting richer; the poor keep getting fucked.
    And fighting Their wars…

  12. Missy Mason

    I hear this guy stating the problem over and over, but NEVER a solution. Milk it for all it's worth Jon.

  13. Andy Blanzy

    These idiots on the Right are a joke.

  14. Vikingkombat

    I love JS, but irony is that he is on Apple TV. One of the worst companies in the world. It confuses me that they even let him talk. Maybe to stay out of the field of attack?


    As bad as the hypocisy is now history tells us under a socialist system it ultimately ends up much worse. Much of what we have now is some sort of socialism ( SS, Medicare, Etc.) IF you are really paying attention both parties are peddling something and playing the same game. in the end the tax burden falls on the ppl who need a bigger break. Look at the new Venmo, PAy Pal Law that Biden Administration passed with the Inflation Reduction ( yeah right) Act. All the ppl who do odd jobs to get by and all the small businesses who can't afford to pay3-4% for credit card transactions are now going to get hit up with 1099 k forms for accepting payment via Venmo. The Biden IRS is coming after small businesses. Maybe a flat tax is the way to go as the richer you are the more tax avoidance you can afford. A lot like the justice system. how much justice can you afford? People need to build their communities and help each other out because a depression is coming off the wave of the fiat system ( our dollar) collapsing. Get your house in order.

  16. Etienne Scarbinski

    The US is socialist, for the 1%, it works on that small a scale. Has never worked when the 1% impose it on the rest.

  17. Erik Whitney

    I agree bailouts are hypocrisy, but so is all the money entertainers make like Stewart. DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS Praise the middle class because they pay the most taxes

  18. notcher bane

    The government already chooses loses and winners with a massive tax cuts for the wealthy the loopholes and tax codes for the wealthy not including the fact that wealthy companies and corporations and billionaires have giant lobbyists to promote their their issues as well as Clarence Thomas

  19. notcher bane

    Why is it always wealthy people who complain about socialism,,,,,, think about it

  20. Steel

    Of course the rich love the blue collars.
    You can't build pyramids without slaves afterall.

  21. Albanach 1945

    The USA is the most brain washed country in the world.

  22. Daniel Henry

    I oppose socialism but I'm consistent about it and my Fox News watching father is not. We agreed that socialism is immoral and impractical. And then I said, the best way to undo it was to go in reverse. So, the first up for repeal was the ACA. He wholeheartedly agreed to that. Then, I said, Bush's Medicare Part-D prescription drug expansion. He was unsure about that, but consented to continue. Once I got as far back as the 1960's and said that Medicare and Medicaid would be the next to go, he stopped me and said, "No, we can't do that because I already paid into Medicare." To which I responded, "Yes, you did. But you and your generation also elected politicians that spent that money on other things. Do you remember when Al Gore was talking about putting the entitlement programs into a lock box?" We never did come to an agreement on the issue after that.

    I will vehemently oppose socialism for as long as they leave it possible to do so. But to pretend that the US is laisez-faire capitalist is absurd. We are a mixed economy, with some freedoms and some controls. And the left is wrong to attack capitalism as much as they do when it is the single greatest source of goods and services used by everyone. Income and wealth inequality are irrelevant so long as everyone's standard of living is rising–and if it isn't, look closer at the cause of that to determine if it's really the free market or government interference. Look at how capitalism has single-handedly lifted over a billion people out of abject poverty in Asia over the past few decades. Even Bono admitted that what developing nations in Africa need is capitalism.

    All of that said, I have more respect for the liberals than the conservatives. I disagree with the premises of the former, but not with their reasoning. They are at least logically consistent. The conservatives, on the other hand, preach the virtues of free markets on television and the Sermon on the Mount in church. They give the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. For that reason, they are morally lower than the liberals.

  23. Raylan G


  24. Trey B

    Fox News is a platform to tell mad ignorant Americans to blame poor people and their government while our government continues to fail to help those effected by poverty in our own country, while distracting their viewers with outdated patriotic nostalgia.

  25. Robert Stewart

    They have hamburgers in Venezuela.

  26. CrashSable

    So is Grandma Titty Punching when a person punches a grandma's titties, or when a grandma goes around punching any titty she can find?

  27. RECLess

    The hand lotion doesn't help. You build a callous from repetitive friction, it's not a loss of moisture problem

  28. 23 KYD

    Praise the workers. Ummmmm pay the workers. Nobody says that.

  29. Miguel Vale

    Rules for thee, not for me.

  30. Gregory Merritt

    Do they even realize that they're describing exactly what the corruption in our capitalist system is doing to us?

  31. Marko Smith

    I love hamburgers

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