The key to economic growth: Intellections on the formula

by | Nov 8, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 19 comments

The key to economic growth: Intellections on the formula

Economic growth increases when more people work more productively. However, economic growth has slowed in the last decade, as increases in productivity and hours worked have fallen to fractions of their previous rates. Returning to rapid economic growth will require policies that encourage individuals to rejoin the workforce and businesses to invest in physical capital.

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Additional resources:

John Taylor argues for policy reforms to promote economic growth in “Can We Restart The Recovery All Over Again?”: or

In “Slow economic growth as a phase in a policy performance cycle,” John Taylor discusses the reasons and policies behind our poor economic performance:

Read “A Recovery Waiting to Be Liberated” by John Taylor to learn about the policies that can speed up our economic growth here:

Watch John Taylor’s testimony before the Financial Services Committee concerning monetary policy here:

In an interview with Bloomberg’s Kathleen Hays, John Taylor discusses the global financial instability and roles the central banks play:

Read “Getting Off Track: How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and Worsened the Financial Crisis” by John B. Taylor to learn more about the 2007-2008 financial crisis here: …(read more)

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The Formula For Economic Growth

Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services over time. It is the key indicator of a country’s overall economic health, and it is often measured by the gross domestic product (GDP). Achieving sustained economic growth is a goal for many nations, as it leads to higher standards of living, increased employment, and improved infrastructure. But what exactly is the formula for economic growth?

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There are several key factors that contribute to economic growth, and understanding these can help policymakers and business leaders make informed decisions to foster a thriving economy. One of the most important factors is investment in physical and human capital. Physical capital includes infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and buildings, as well as machinery and equipment. Investing in these areas can lead to increased productivity and efficiency, which in turn drives economic growth. Human capital, on the other hand, refers to the knowledge and skills of a country’s workforce. Education and training programs that improve the quality of the labor force can also have a significant impact on economic growth.

Another important factor in economic growth is technological progress. Advances in technology can lead to new products and services, improved efficiency, and increased productivity. This, in turn, can lead to higher levels of economic output and improved living standards. Governments and businesses that invest in research and development, as well as adopt new technologies, can help drive economic growth.

In addition, a stable macroeconomic environment is crucial for economic growth. This includes low inflation, low unemployment, and stable exchange rates. A stable macroeconomic environment creates an environment conducive to investment and growth. Sound fiscal and monetary policies, as well as effective regulation and supervision of financial markets, are essential for maintaining stability and promoting growth.

Moreover, a strong rule of law and protection of property rights are crucial for economic growth. A secure and transparent legal system that protects property rights and enforces contracts is essential for fostering an environment that encourages investment, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

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Trade and global integration also play a crucial role in economic growth. Openness to trade and investment can lead to increased competition, access to new markets, and the transfer of new technologies and ideas. This can stimulate productivity and economic growth.

Finally, political stability and good governance are essential for economic growth. A stable political environment and effective governance promote confidence among investors and businesses, which in turn can lead to sustained economic growth.

In conclusion, economic growth is a complex and multifaceted process. There is no single formula for achieving economic growth, but rather a combination of factors that work together to drive prosperity. By investing in physical and human capital, embracing technological progress, maintaining a stable macroeconomic environment, protecting property rights, promoting trade and global integration, and ensuring good governance, countries can create an environment conducive to sustained economic growth. It is through these efforts that nations can achieve higher standards of living and improved overall prosperity.

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  1. Kaiylah Jackson

    We cannot expect to Increasing the number of hours without increasing workers wages. Cost of living is too high and from pychological perspective laborers will experience burn out. Let common sense prevail.

  2. Smokey

    socialism and religion ruin our income

  3. john doe

    The productivity decline can be attributed to offshoring to low cost labor centers. The amount of people over seas producing goods for slave level wages is in the 10s of millions.
    As those jobs went over seas, mostly men were effected, as manufacturing tends to be a male dominated space. So you see several million able bodied men not working, because industry left them, not because they left industry.

    If industry comes back and makes the investment and pays the wages, labor participation will come back. But the trust is shattered. In the 1940 – 1970s jobs for life were offered by many corporations, steel mills, auto plants, etc. They ripped that contract up in the 1980s and 90s. Trust needs to be re-established.

  4. Emmanuel Ameyaw

    To grow your economy, you need human capital and physical capital, which is common knowledge, even before John B Taylor was born. So why attribute this basic commonsense to him?

  5. Joseph Postma

    We can start by lowering welfare payments.

  6. Heath Watts

    Our "historical level of growth" will speed us toward extinction.

  7. Keith Cooper

    We live on a finite planet. Indefinite growth is impossible. Indefinite increase in productivity is impossible.

  8. CvnDqnrU

    If people are more time in their jobs doesn't mean they produce more.

  9. Ramon D. F4U21

    very fast growth economic: indonesia, india, china and vietnam

  10. Caesar2k1

    The thing is, the economy is consumption driven, not investment driven. In fact, usually economic activity is pegged at about 70 consumption and 30 investment, and generally investors make investments into businesses if there are enough consumers for the goods or services that the businesses produces to make a profit. Virtually all individuals are consumers of goods and services, and most people pay for these things with money they earn at a job. Incomes of workers have stagnated since the 80s as a result of shifts in trade and business policies that no longer encouraged employers to pay workers based on economic growth like in the past. This also excludes the effects of automation where robots are increasingly doing the jobs once done by humans, usually better and for less then humans. Because of this, an increasing amount of people can't afford to be consumers beyond basic necessities.

  11. Orppranator

    The reason why we are in a slowing economy is because it is becoming more and more socialist. Hint: the federal budget gives 2/3rds of its money to WELFARE SYSTEMS.

  12. Jason Ruggles

    excuses… money is stagnant. rich have all of the money. One of the reasons why Rome fell.

  13. Nick Wolf

    Great, more Koch Bros funded Rothbardian nonsense that infests my YT ad playlist….If anybody is being led here and has an open mind, please Google non-partisan studies on the effect that derivatives trading, tax cuts for the extraordinarily wealthy, and financial deregulation had on the 2009 global recession. Keep an open mind.

  14. Knut Kloster

    perhaps the economy slowed down because, oh i dont know know, anear economic depression. please stop lying to people by telling them to get a job when only 1 out 20 people are unemployed and by telling themto work hard dispite the fact that we are already working our damn near hardest.

  15. John Greene

    Except wages have grown much slower than productivity.

  16. yzeew w

    Also remember there are trillions and trillions of idle cash because we in America at least incentive saving over production because the return on financial investment is so much higher then the return of production.

  17. EZBird

    Thanks Reagan!!!

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