The Looming Recession in America: A Projection for 2023

by | Jun 16, 2023 | Recession News | 28 comments

The Looming Recession in America: A Projection for 2023

The Recession Predictor in America:

The Yield Curve. Basically the difference between short-term & long-term interest rates.

Just look at this graph going back about 50 years. When the Yield Curve inverts – we have a recession. Just like in the 2000 crash, and the 2007 financial crisis in the USA.

Why does this matter to you?

If you do buy a home in America in 2023, maybe you get a discount…

But you’re going to be buying into a recession.

And there are going to be problems in the housing market as a result of this recession.

Home prices and rents are going to go down even more in the future in America.


#HousingCrash #recession #shorts…(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News


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Title: The Looming Threat: An Insight into the Potential 2023 Recession in America


The global economy has been experiencing turbulent times due to various unforeseen events, bringing uncertainty and instability to nations worldwide. While the United States has been relatively resilient, experts are now raising concerns about the possibility of a recession in 2023. This article aims to delve into the factors contributing to this grim forecast and the potential impact it could have on America’s economy and its citizens.

Reasons behind the Forecasted Recession

1. Pandemic Aftermath:
Although the COVID-19 pandemic began to recede by 2022, the aftermath of such a colossal crisis can ripple through the global economy for years. The pandemic-induced economic damage has left countries grappling with escalating public debt, weakened consumer demand, supply chain disruptions, and labor market instability. These lingering effects could potentially trigger a recessionary cycle in 2023.

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2. Inflation Pressures:
In recent years, the U.S. has struggled to contain inflation, and this trend may persist into 2023. Factors such as rising energy prices, supply chain bottlenecks, and higher wages can contribute to inflationary pressure, eroding consumers’ purchasing power and impacting business operations. Central Banks would likely respond by raising interest rates, causing a slowdown in borrowing and investment which can ultimately lead to a recession.

3. Financial Market Vulnerabilities:
The stock market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, propelled in part by an influx of retail investors and loose monetary policies. However, this soaring trajectory may conceal underlying vulnerabilities. When speculative bubbles burst, as was the case with the dot-com crash in the early 2000s and the housing market collapse in 2008, severe financial crisis and recessions have ensued. Some analysts fear that inflated asset prices and overleveraged markets could precipitate a similar scenario in 2023.

Potential Impacts of the Imminent Recession

1. Job Losses and Unemployment:
During a recession, businesses often face declining revenues and reduced profitability, leading to restructuring, layoffs, and decreased job creation. Workers across various sectors could face job insecurity, while recent graduates and job seekers could find themselves in a particularly challenging situation. The unemployment rate is projected to rise significantly, impacting individuals, families, and the overall economy.

2. Reduced Consumer Spending:
Consumer spending plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth and stability. However, during a recession, with rising unemployment and decreased disposable incomes, consumer confidence wanes, leading to reduced spending habits. This dampening effect cascades through the economy, affecting businesses of all sizes, from large corporations to small local enterprises.

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3. Government Debt and Fiscal Constraints:
During a recession, governments often implement expansionary fiscal policies to stimulate economic activity, which involves increasing public spending and reducing taxes. However, these measures can exacerbate government debt, creating long-term fiscal challenges. Balancing the need for economic recovery with sustainable fiscal management will pose significant challenges for policymakers in the aftermath of a recession.


While the possibility of a 2023 recession in America remains speculative, experts urge preparedness for potential economic turbulence. Addressing the root causes of this forecasted recession, including the aftermath of the pandemic, inflation pressure, and financial market vulnerabilities, should be at the forefront of policy discussions. By adopting adaptive and proactive measures, both the government and citizens can work towards mitigating the potential consequences of a recession and safeguarding the well-being of individuals, businesses, and the overall economy.

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  1. Morrison Edward

    Exactly why i enjoy market decisions being guided by a pro, seeing that their entire skillset is built around going long and at the same time both employing risk and management and market experience, been using a portfolio coach for over 2 years+ and I’ve netted $3 million in that time frame

  2. Weaponized math

    My confidence says during the year of our election…will happen and we will be stuck with a geriatric…war….etc etc pre 250th birthday

  3. Levi DeWalt

    It was already here last year.

  4. Patricia Carlos

    The year began and something is already making it better than the entire 2022. Amazons AM2023X came out and it's such a great thing no matter where you come from. Everyone can participate and it is making many things easier than they have been. For example I live in France and this is something no one else could do for me here, if I just keep sitting on my toes for the next 5 years I'd simply go broke, now I can change that.

  5. Doug Tso

    Can't anyone see it? It's not a recession inversion, that's clearly a DEPRESSION inversion‼️

  6. Patrick Corby

    My portfolio has grown tremendously all thanks to my trading manager for the help.

  7. Bisbee

    By the time the government admits we're in a recession, we'll be in a depression. I know they keep changing the definition, but if this isn't a recession, what is?

  8. Thunderdragon

    Try having ur food stamps drop by 300 during a recession that is what the sate is doing to me inflation is still real bad was getting 500 in food stamps but next month they r dropping me down to 125 a month that will mean my daughter and I will be starving 2 weeks out of 4 due to inflation and a recession

  9. Arlen Thompson

    I really like this guy,and numbers on paper appear that's wat it is,
    Not recession tho
    DEPRESSION more like it,
    They say now it's overestimated economy,
    It's wrong,it's over inflated,the prices don't, aren't right,they haven't really been able to measure supply and demand for 30 years,

  10. El

    I'm just a girl, I'm dumb, and poor…even I can tell you all the recession will be here after the second quarter and before the fourth…this is how so not intelligent you people are, that even I get this!

  11. GoneViral

    We need a depression inorder to end this pozni scheme

  12. Alma _

    we've been in recession since 2022

  13. pha

    It's all because of Biden and his administration, period!.

  14. Scott

    When the curve pops up is that the indicator?

  15. Edith Pack

    It is here.

  16. Raynold Grey

    I believe I should watch a video on "How to survive the current recession" given the state of things. Actually, it's a complete failure. The fact that some people could still earn more than $500k in a short period of time astounded me. If that's still the case, please explain how.

  17. S. Y.

    Depression is coming, recession is already here.

  18. Gowidafloman

    So much of what this guy has predicted hasn't been true. Please stop listening to his BS.

  19. Crypto Bellwether

    Recession arrived 2 months or so ago, they can change the definition but not the reality

  20. Roop G

    Great to have you back….. High quality content

  21. Tony D

    Its called a Bidencession

  22. Luis perez

    Qe have been in a recession since last year and u can say we r over 20 to 25 percent inflation

  23. Peter Wilson

    It's when it UNINVERTS when the recession starts


    Welcome back man! Love your videos keep them coming!!

  25. Matt G

    Can you come back dude?

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