The Lucrative Benefits of Transitioning to Retirement (TTR) Pension Strategies in Australian Superannuation

by | Jun 6, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 3 comments

Transition to retirement (TTR) superannuation pensions can increase your super balance and reduce your tax without affecting your take home pay. Australians aged between 60 and 65 can salary sacrifice money into their superannuation to pay less tax and then take that money back out with a transition to retirement pension. With this strategy, you can grow your super balance without putting any extra money into your super fund!

#australia #superannuation #retirementplanning

Video Links:
1) Watch these to learn how to use your super to pay less tax (i.e. get your free chocolate!): and
2) My video on salary sacrifice:
3) My video on account-based pensions:

0:00 You can boost your superannuation and pay less tax without reducing your take home pay!
0:37 How the strategy works in principle
2:02 Financial advisers have been telling their clients to do this for years
2:38 Example walkthrough – How this strategy reduces your tax
3:50 Example walkthrough – How this strategy grows your super balance
5:38 FAQ
7:04 Why does the government allow this?
7:24 Example walkthrough – Using TTR pensions to transition to retirement
8:41 Other superannuation strategies which save you money

I am an Executive Level Leader in the Australian Public Service with over 10 years of experience in tax and superannuation.

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Disclaimer: This video is for general educational purposes only. The information in this video should not be taken as constituting professional financial advice. I am not a financial adviser.

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The information shared on this channel are primarily expressions of fact. I have taken the utmost care to ensure that all factual information is accurate as at the time of upload. Any personal views shared about a particular financial product is an expression of my own personal opinion and is in no way intended to influence a person making a decision in relation to that financial product.

Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of it and the relevant product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the information relates to your unique circumstances….(read more)

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As the population ages, retirement planning has become a critical issue that requires careful consideration. Thanks to Australia’s robust superannuation system, there are multiple retirement planning options. One of the most popular is Transition to Retirement (TTR) Pension strategies that are lucrative and offer significant benefits to the retirees.

In TTR pension planning, people continue working past their retirement age while simultaneously accessing some of their accumulated retirement benefits. Essentially, TTR aims to reduce your work hours or transition to new work while still supplementing income via drawing down your superannuation funds via a TTR Pension.

One of the key benefits of TTR pension strategies is that they enable you to reduce your work hours and supplement your income with your super savings, allowing you to transition to retirement with ease. If you’re worried about having to entirely rely on the age pension in retirement, TTR pension strategies can help ensure you have an extra stream of regular income to tide you over.

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Another significant advantage of TTR pensions is the tax benefits. By rolling over your superannuation into a pension, you can save on tax. People over 60 years can access their pension tax-free, and if under 60, only the first $100,000 of their pension is taxed. Any amount above that threshold is tax-exempt, providing retirees with a significant advantage.

The third significant benefit of TTR pension strategies is that they’re incredibly flexible. People often find that they have different income requirements and priorities as they transition towards retirement. TTR pension strategies are customizable and can be tailored to suit individual needs and circumstances. They allow you to draw down a substantial amount or a small amount and increase or decrease the amount based on your needs.

Finally, TTR pension strategies offer an excellent opportunity for people to reduce tax liabilities while they work. By diverting a portion of their income to super, they can reduce their taxable income and pay less tax. This has the added benefit of accumulating wealth in a tax-advantaged environment, which enables people to access it tax-free once they reach preservation age.

In conclusion, TTR pension strategies have become increasingly popular as people transition towards retirement. They offer significant benefits like reducing work hours, tax advantages, flexibility, and reducing tax liabilities. If you’re considering retirement planning, it’s imperative to consult with a financial advisor to determine whether TTR pension strategies are suitable for you. However, for many people, TTR offers a lucrative way to supplement their income while continuing to work.

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  1. Sentfrom Geemail

    So when you withdraw any funds from your super account (after reaching preservation age), your account converts from accumulation phase where you pay 15% tax on super earnings, to pension phase where you pay 0% tax on super earnings. The downside is that it forces you to withdraw a specific percentage of your super funds each year which reduces the base on which you're earning money within super. If that is correct, how do you work out whether you should rush to draw down from super to start paying zero tax on earnings, or whether you should stay in accumulation phase, pay the 15% tax on earnings, but on the higher amount invested in super which attracts greater returns? What are the steps to work it out?

  2. zoe duckering

    Good video, can I start a TTR at my preservation age of 59.

  3. Norman MacPherson

    This is a nice little strategy, pretty easy to implement from how it looks. Hope it stays around when we’re old though

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