The Netherlands feels the impact of a recession

by | Jan 3, 2024 | Recession News | 25 comments

The Netherlands feels the impact of a recession

Europe’s finance ministers are meeting in Brussels to discuss ways of trying to revive the economy in the eurozone.

One of the zone’s largest economies has suffered because of the downturn. The Netherlands is still in recession and unemployment lingers around eight per cent.

Al Jazeera’s Emma Hayward reports from The Hague….(read more)

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The Netherlands, known for its strong and stable economy, is currently facing the challenges of a recession. The worldwide economic downturn, combined with the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, has taken a toll on the country’s economy, leading to decreased consumer spending, business closures, and job losses.

The Dutch economy, like many others across the globe, has been hit hard by the pandemic. The lockdown measures and social distancing protocols have caused a significant decline in consumer spending, particularly in the retail and hospitality sectors. As a result, many businesses have been forced to close their doors, causing a ripple effect of job losses and reduced economic activity.

The unemployment rate in the Netherlands has risen sharply, and many people are struggling to make ends meet. The government has implemented various measures to support those who have lost their jobs, such as providing financial assistance and job training programs. However, the impact of the recession continues to be felt across the country.

In addition to the challenges facing the labor market, the Netherlands is also grappling with a decline in exports and investment. The global economic downturn has led to reduced demand for Dutch goods and services, which has had a negative impact on the country’s trade and investment levels.

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Despite these challenges, the Dutch government and business community are working together to navigate through the recession. Efforts are being made to stimulate economic growth and create new opportunities for businesses and workers. The government has implemented various measures to provide financial support to businesses, such as tax incentives and grants, to help them weather the storm and retain employees.

Furthermore, the Dutch government is investing in infrastructure projects and sustainable development initiatives to create new job opportunities and stimulate economic growth. These efforts are aimed at rebuilding the economy and ensuring that the Netherlands remains competitive in the global marketplace.

While the road to recovery may be long and challenging, the Netherlands is known for its resilience and innovative spirit. With the right support and investment, the country is poised to overcome the challenges of the recession and emerge stronger than ever.

In conclusion, the recession has taken a toll on the Netherlands, leading to decreased consumer spending, business closures, and job losses. However, the government and business community are working together to navigate through these challenging times and stimulate economic growth. With the right support and investment, the Netherlands is well-positioned to overcome the challenges of the recession and emerge stronger than ever.

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  1. @MegaFouzy

    Its more like 12% unemployement and for the youth its even worse my uncle got fired because of the crisis it"s about time we got some attention of the world

  2. @barthoedemaker

    New World Order, that's what this is all about. Look what happens to patriots and nationalists or people who stand up to goverment tyranny in the EU and US, they are murdered.

  3. @barthoedemaker

    I'm from the Netherlands and own a business here. 8% is a lie, it's more like 20% and alot of youth has no job, and the numbers are growing everyday. Once we had the Gulden and everything was fine, but the EU and EURO has fucked everything up… I fear eventually civil unrest

  4. @khansahb8

    Lol bullshit, you just can't stand the fact that Muslims don't bend to you.

  5. @khansahb8

    Read what Anne Wertheim has to say about anti-Islam feeling in the Netherlands. Because you fit exactly the profile of one who is trying to conceal his insecurity towards newly economically ascendant Muslims in Europe by pretending to be a brave counterjihadi warrior (keyboard warrior?). The mask isn't working, we can all see you're just a scared insecure little boy worried that the people who used to mow his lawn are now writing his paycheck

  6. @khansahb8

    bla bla bal same tired routine

  7. @khansahb8

    Of course just blame the Muslims, just like you blamed the Jews before them. Scapegoating is all you can do when you feel helpless.

  8. @colourmegone

    I think re-regulation of the banking industry and a revamp of the tax system to ensure that corporations actually pay tax and that unearned income is the most heavily taxed would help immensely. This is the good old days before the New Deal when banks collapsed as a matter of course and boom/bust was considered normal. Only now the boom seems to have gone and all we've got left, after years of pursuing this flawed model, is the bust.

  9. @colourmegone

    And then the Netherlands would be just like Uganda or Bangladesh. Businesses don't invest in countries that aren't tax havens.

  10. @brianmorgan2725

    an 8% unemployment rate is very low by european standards. that is about where the usa's unemployment rate is. the people in the netherlands still have to be worried because the EU looks like a sinking ship and they are on that sinking ship.

  11. @husseintoney

    Im Qatari & the oil-rich Arab gulf countries have a free health care + Free Education + free housing + zero income tax with the highest salaries in the world. All that due to subsidizing the oil & gas industry. China as their officials say have socialism with Chines character. u really need to read more Saab.

  12. @GluttonForSex

    Do you even know what Socialism is? 🙂

  13. @Pfapulle

    haha you loser – blame it on Jewish bankers who speculated and your European christian brothers who borrowed money that they cant pay back

  14. @aceone1988


  15. @aceone1988

    I salute you my friend, you are one of the few who understand this scam that is being played on the people.

  16. @aceone1988

    If you hate Muslims just say so, but don't make false accusations. last I heard the crisis was caused by the banks holding toxic assets, credit default swaps & derivative trading. I don't think there is a lot of Muslim bankers in Europe most of which are old white rich Europeans.

  17. @lesternesterenco3957

    "Support countries like Greece". Does that idiot prick actually believe that? That enslaving people with absurd loans which are used to pay German, English, and Dutch bankers is "supporting" them? Bankers install sheister pols who "borrow" ridiculous amounts of imaginary money with insane interest attached to it. This interest acrues and acrues until all the assets of the region can be expropriated by the bankers: Greece right now! Italy next!

  18. @aceone1988

    The theory of lower taxes and cutting government spending by Rogoff & Heinhart has been debunked by U-mas grad. Case and point Greece, Spain, Portugal have all followed this method and it has decimated there economy. People have to realize this not a government spending problem, it is a banking & monetary problem after all it's the root cause of the crisis.

  19. @jacob7207

    Fuck the EU. Dismantle it and tell the zionist bankers all across Europe to Fuck Off.

  20. @colourmegone

    "…people will find themselves with less and less to spend." Which is the whole point of "Austerity" and actually of so called "supply side economics" which relies on businesses taking more and more wealth out of the economy in profits, which are squirrelled away in tax havens, and paying lower and lower wages by using the cheap labour available abroad. This, the argument goes, will provide prosperity for all, or at least those who are multimillionaires.

  21. @RandomClipEntered

    Everyone in Europe hates being in Europe…

  22. @GluttonForSex

    Fuck racism.

    Greed is a universal disease in a raw capitalist system, because it is encouraged and glorified. Likewise, hostility towards outsiders is a universal disease in racist societies, because it helps to divert attention away from internal shortcomings.

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