The Next Big Economic Crisis – UNEMPLOYMENT

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 45 comments

The biggest crisis in 2023 can turn out to be unemployment. Try our sponsor Aura for 14 days free – to see how many times your personal information was found on the dark web today. In this episode, Patrick Bet-David reveals the 6 key factors that indicate the coming unemployment crisis.

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The Next Big Economic Crisis: Unemployment

The world is facing an unprecedented economic crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic. As economies have been forced to shut down, millions of people have been left unemployed. This has created a situation where the next big economic challenge is likely to be unemployment.

Unemployment has long been a major issue in the global economy, but it is now reaching unprecedented levels. In the US, the unemployment rate has risen to 14.7%, the highest it has been since the Great Depression. In the UK, the unemployment rate is now at 3.9%, the highest it has been since the early 1990s.

The economic impact of unemployment is immense. Not only does it mean a loss of income for those affected, but it also has a ripple effect on the wider economy. When people lose their jobs, they are less able to spend money, which in turn affects businesses, who then have to lay off more people. This creates a vicious cycle, which can have a devastating impact on the economy.

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The good news is that there are solutions to this problem. Governments around the world have implemented various measures to help those affected by unemployment. In the US, for example, the government has introduced a $2 trillion stimulus package which includes direct payments to individuals and small businesses, as well as an expansion of unemployment benefits.

However, these measures are not enough. In order to truly address the issue of unemployment, governments need to focus on creating jobs. This can be done through investment in infrastructure, providing incentives for businesses to hire more people, and introducing policies that support the growth of small businesses.

The economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has been devastating, and the next big challenge is likely to be unemployment. However, if governments around the world take the right steps, this challenge can be overcome and the global economy can be put back on track.

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  1. Doc Shiva

    Where are the 7 MILLION ILLEGALS going to work,?

  2. 99Yota

    The left will run with this via more handouts and incentives. In theory, the way to work this in your favor is to be prepared both financially and career wise via fresh skills

  3. Roberta Fierro

    I'm glad I subscribed

  4. Apple Turnover

    Bet-David knows jack-shit about the economy.

  5. MidwestRibeye

    I enjoy these short, to the point, educational videos. Thank you!

  6. Patricia Jager

    Employment Rates will only keep decreasing, as AI becomes more and more used.

    It’s like the use of vehicle over horse and buggy fell drastically when motor vehicle usage increased. In the 1930’s and 1940’s.

    It is like this will be now. It followed a Pandemic too.

    Now, AI is going to make a large amount of jobs. now longer requiring a Human.

    WWW’s seem to get rid of a lot of the population that have become redundant.

    Just pondering

  7. Taylor Wilfred

    Food: 20% to 50% (not going down)
    Electricity: 50% (not going down)
    Heating Gas: 50% (not going down)
    Car Gas: Stuck above $3.50/Gallon ( too expensive );
    under $2.40 is needed
    Healthcare: Not affordable since 2008. Priced out.
    Wages: No livable wages since 1984. Every American should be at a base pay for any job as the new standard of $33/Hour and up to self actualization and health and financial security's. Most Americans make under $15/ Hour which is abject poverty or worse.
    Real Unemployment: 44%+ permanently and as high as 75% in many parts of the USA

  8. Joe Rogaine

    No one can afford food housing or utilities. Homelessness will explode.

  9. Noah Michael

    To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edged as an investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I’ve been quite ensured about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it’s the best time to get started on the market,what are your thoughts?!

  10. Georgina Louis

    We are faced with fresh issues every day. It now serves as the norm. We initially mistook it for a crisis, but now we recognize it as a new normal to which we must adjust. What actions may we take to increase income during the quantitative adjustment since 2023 will be a year of tremendous economic suffering for the whole country? I can't allow my $180,000 in savings to disappear after all my hard work.

  11. Pamir Badakhshan

    Those 6 things are.
    1) Ukraine
    2) Afghanistan
    3) Iraq
    4) Syria
    5) Palestine
    6) NATO expansion.

  12. Nice2MeetU2011

    Census and BLS survey unemployment monthly and use stats from 60,000 households. Current stats are there are 128, 579, 000 households in US. That equates to 0.0381826825% of households surveyed. Not even 1% are surveyed. How can these statistics be accurate? What is the annual income of the households they are using for their surveys? Fudging the numbers is more like it. Lies, lies, and more lies. The only real inflation going on is the lies. They just keep getting bigger and bigger with each passing day! Peace

  13. Andrew Johannes

    Let’s donate 100 billion to Ukraine but let’s not fix the U.S economy

  14. Kurt

    I have a crazy idea…bear with me. State rep and senators were designed to rep the people. So people could have there voice herd in dc. With today's tech why not fire all the reps make a website where you create an account and when Bill's come to floor you sign in and vote then the people really would make decisions in country. It would not be hard at all.

  15. Zippy_UK

    Demographics will keep unemployment low. Wages in the West are worth less every year and that trend has gone on for four decades

  16. Daniel F

    Btw I found the largest theft in America is actually wage theft from employers against to employees. Far outweigh any other type of theft

  17. david blick

    Never ever vote for a Democrat.

  18. Jessup King

    Pat the challenge to this argument is They have changed the definition of unemployment. Unemployment number now are counted based on the the amount of Americans that are collecting unemployment. About 20% of able bodied Americans are not working today.


    If it wasn't for our side hustle, we would be hurting.

  20. Danny Dee

    After that what I just heard I thing Im gonna hang myself

  21. Pete S

    What's funny is that so many companies still can't find enough employees to run their businesses so if they want to cut then let them and let their businesses go under in the process.

  22. Thita Chan

    High inflation and debt crisis and cyber attack will happen in y 2024 by WEF policy ( meeting in Davis Jan 2023)

  23. A V

    You talk very fast

  24. D Wee

    It was actually Reagan who created that amazing economy going into the 90s. Clinton started the decline and destruction of it.

  25. Jeremy Hula

    Bill Clinton fucked us. He supposedly fixed the budget deficit or whatever he did. I was there so I remember it very clearly. He sent all of our factory work overseas to be utilized by slave trade.

  26. Roddy Woods

    Several of the biggest market experts have been voicing their opinions on exactly how awful they think the next downturn would be, and how far equities may have to go, as recession draws closer and inflation continues well above the Fed's 2% objective. I'm trying to build a portfolio of at least $850k by the time I'm 60, therefore I need suggestions on what investments to make.

  27. Deathtoo Globalists

    It's hilarious listening to people on the left and right because of the boxes they live in. Question, what can you see when you are in a box? Nothing? Exactly! People on the left are severely brainwashed and ignorant and the people on the right are whores for money so they screech like parrots repeating the same thing that those before them screeched. Both sides severally blind. I would explain and prove what I am saying is ABSOLUTE FACT but it doesn't matter. People can't accept anything other than what their side says. Just like when I try to prove what Jesus said to Christians and they love the building and preacher and the false message they are fed instead of what Jesus said. The truth is difficult for people to swallow because in the case of Christianity these blind sheep have been lead to believe just live life go to a building maybe give some money and then go watch sports. But the truth is give your life to Jesus Christ and serve others and people are selfish do they don't listen. Just like people that think they know what capitalism is and defend the system that screws everyone except those in private jets. Like Dinesh always says they deserve all of it because they took all the risk. The fact is they would have nothing without the workers that show up everyday with no guarantee of tomorrow and then get replaced by a foreigner or robot or or or or while the piece of shiet at the top loses nothing! It's a sick sick world and unfortunately all the intelligent people know nothing and just think about themselves and take everything and give nothing back. And I am not against capitalism not one bit but what we have is NOT capitalism it's corporate slavery!

  28. pinkyhotmessx69

    one thing you are missing is the WHO is voting on a law to be the world healthCzar making everyone globally to be jabbed and have a passport by 2024 . It will no longer be your state or elected officials. It will become international law so anyone loosing jobs today will be forced to comply to WHOs global law. No jab, no passport NO JOB. They vote on it soon and lest not forget who funds at leas 90% of WHO and will probly be given the majority vote. Ya not looking so good

  29. Amanda Matos

    thank you valuetainment

  30. Texas432

    Not to mention that pyramid scheme PHP.

  31. Elvin Ferreras

    Good info i needed to hear, thank you.

  32. KarlaElaine100

    We were told by powers that be … that high unemployment would have to happen in order to bring down inflation.

  33. Millie Benton

    I'm so opportuned that irrespective of the current dip in cryptocurrency, economy crisis and financial conditions i am still able to earn $19,500 returns from my initial $6,500 every 10 days. Crypto investment is really profitable♥️♥️…..

  34. Kaleb White

    With inflation running at a four-decade high, the Recession is now the ‘most likely outcome for the economy and I cannot imagine being a victim of circumstances. My portfolio suffered a big hit, holding it further won’t be any good. I've heard of people netting hundreds of thousands this red season. How can I ensure this?

  35. Greg’s crab shack

    weve got a bad one coming, most likey a depression

  36. MCJose

    I follow you on tik tok . I can’t belive I found you here .

  37. Holy Cats

    The biggest crisis I'm currently worried about is my midlife crisis.

  38. Common Sense Beats Intelligence

    Wallstreet and wallstreet regulators are laughing to the tax payer funded BAILOUTS.
    Follow the money every step of who,what,where,when and why?

  39. Jackie McKenzie

    U6 is what they should go by

  40. Brandon Lueschen

    America is being attacked by the elites and tyrants who stole our government! They are committing acts of war against us the American people!!! They are killing us , destroying our power grid, poisoning our food and water , killing our livestock. Taking our rights and freedom. And stealing our hard earned money!!!! It’s time we the people stand together, organize and train. It’s time to fight and defeat these evil tyrants. GOD please help us amen

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