The Next Fall Primaries: Identifying the Top 3 RINO Governors in Need of Replacement

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Silver IRA | 36 comments

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An in-depth look at the Top 3 Establishment Republican Governors (plus an honorable mention) that should be primaried.




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#2022Midterms #Governors…(read more)

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The TOP 3 RINO Governors That Need To Be Primaried Out Next Fall

The term RINO, which stands for Republicans In Name Only, is often used to describe politicians who claim to be part of the Republican Party but do not truly align with its core principles. These individuals often prioritize their personal interests and compromise conservative values. While some may argue that political parties need to be inclusive, it is essential to ensure that those who claim to represent a party’s values actually do so. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the top three RINO governors who should be primaried out next fall.

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1. Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts:
Charlie Baker, a Republican serving as the governor of Massachusetts since 2015, has consistently demonstrated his RINO tendencies throughout his tenure. Despite campaigning as a fiscal conservative, Baker has advocated for numerous tax hikes, burdening the hardworking people of Massachusetts. Additionally, he has supported strict gun control measures, disregarding the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Baker’s endorsement of liberal policies and his resistance to embracing conservative values make him a prime candidate for elimination in the upcoming primaries.

2. Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland:
Larry Hogan, serving as the governor of Maryland since 2015, is another RINO governor that desperately needs to be primaried out. Despite representing a solidly blue state, Hogan has repeatedly disappointed conservatives expecting him to champion Republican ideals. Instead, Hogan has frequently allied himself with Democrats and frequently criticized President Trump, thereby alienating Republican voters. Additionally, Hogan has failed to address crucial issues such as illegal immigration and has given in to left-wing demands on matters like gun control. It is clear that Maryland deserves a true conservative leader who will prioritize the values of the Republican Party.

3. Governor Phil Scott of Vermont:
Governor Phil Scott, in office since 2017, has consistently betrayed conservative principles, making him an ideal target for primaring out next fall. Scott has been an ardent supporter of increased government intervention in the economy, calling for higher taxes and excessive regulation. He has also neglected the concerns of conservatives when it comes to issues such as the Second Amendment, repeatedly signing gun control measures into law. As a Republican governor in a predominantly liberal state, Scott’s RINO tendencies only serve to undermine conservative values, necessitating his replacement in the primaries.

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In order to preserve the strength and integrity of the Republican Party, it is crucial to ensure that those claiming to represent its values genuinely do so. RINO governors like Charlie Baker, Larry Hogan, and Phil Scott have proven time and again that they prioritize personal interests over conservative principles. As such, it is essential to support and vote for alternatives who will uphold the beliefs and values of the Republican Party. By primaring out these RINO governors next fall, Republicans can work towards a future led by true conservative leaders who will fight for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberties.

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  1. Bob Williams

    Vernon Jones is a lifelong dummycrat. I just don't trust him yet. Make him prove himself before voting for another RINO.

  2. Dave Haggerty

    I live in Ohio and Mike DeWine is a sensible governor. Often at odds with his own Republican congress over Covid controls.
    He is not your typical red hat MAGA but let’s face it, they are the Rhino’s.
    DeWine may loose some of the extreme MAGA votes but Ohio being a swing state he will pick up enough Democrat votes. He’s a good governor.
    At the start of the pandemic I sold out and left one of the DeSantis death camps. We returned to Ohio with a Republican governor. So I paid close attention. I like him.
    If the MAGA’s primary all the republicans that are not in lock-step with the MAGA movement they could loose the general election.

  3. Suka Blyat

    Holcomb can go…but he out anyway soon.

  4. Republican Liberal

    Brad little likes pharma money he has to go

  5. Vince redeor

    The most conservative (and extreemly pro Trump) area of Ohio is the North West (between Toledo, Dayton, and Columbus. I live in this area and I can say with almost certainty that if Dewine is the nominee who ever the democrat is will win. All of my friends and family say they will not vote for Dewine in any circumstances. The base of the Ohio Republican party does not support him. Between the town I live in and the town ten minutes to the east there is a combined population of roughly 5,000. I haven't seen any Dewine 2022 signs, but there are at least 20-30 Blystone signs already. I want one myself but I can't get my hands on one.

  6. Vince redeor

    Joe Blystone for Ohio governor.

  7. dyl-dyl

    We need to primary Kay Ivey. She has been slowly cucking our state over the past 4 years

  8. bobfishnut

    God we need a Republican governor in Illinois!

  9. bobfishnut

    I'm for WEST. Far better Conservative.

  10. Who Dat

    Alabama has GOT to primary Kay Ivey if Montgomery is ever to be an effective state capitol.

  11. Double A

    Abbott… a RINO? You’re kidding…

  12. JJ

    I think that the GOP needs to move on from trump

  13. Steven Delbrook

    Red Eagle Politics still has not provided any proof of systemic voter
    fraud, just Trump campaign talking points. Donald Trump lost a fair
    election and you just can't admit it

  14. Bill Schirmer

    Thank You,
    For your efforts to inform and enlighten!!

  15. Michael H

    Who cares about the 2022 midterms if the 2020 election was clearly rigged. The Georgia runoffs suddenly flipping Democrat despite historically being Republicans proves this further. We need to fix the 2020 election first before even getting into 2024 and in order to send a strong message to the GOP, we need to pledge never to vote again unless they reinstate Trump back into office BEFORE 2024. We can't let the Democrats get away with this nor can we let the GOP be complacent with doing nothing expecting our votes.

  16. Brandon Gray

    Ya I'm in Ohio. Really want DeWine out, can't stand that dude.

  17. Alex Education

    @Red Eagle Politics Can you tell me what microphone you used because I will be making videos in another channel

  18. Beagle Boi

    Since it maybe a while before any election news is it possible for you to make more Alternate history elections since it has been a while since the last one?

  19. Nelly Nishikawa

    Do you think CA Hispanics will trend more Right in the future?

  20. Raymond Heckard

    You are missing the white elephant in the room. You have Oklahoma on the gubernatorial marked as non primary, safe Republican,.
    The truth is Governor Stitt has primary challengers lining up to replace him, as well as he has alienated the native Americans tribes who are bank rolling challenger against him.
    There is also party fighting in Oklahoma, with many of the Republican leadership opposing Stitt, and the democrats are actively recruiting people like Dan Boren to run for the gubernatorial office.

    If Dan Boren does run, you could see Oklahoma become at the gubernatorial level become a blue state, for many Republican do like him, and Boren is an Oklahoma house hold name, also Dan Boren will have the full backing of the Native American tribes.

    I am a long time Republican activist in Oklahoma, and most of the people I know, none will vote for Stitt for a second term, and will either vote libertarian or stay home.

    You really need to do some investigation into the Oklahoma Gubernatorial race.
    Also look closely to the voting trends of Oklahoma county, which is becoming more liberal in many areas with the influx of Californians, and it is a city following the pattern of Atlanta.
    This change is also another red flag on Stitt, that spell doom for his re-election chances.

  21. MASSEY

    Kandiss Taylor is actually fighting for the audit in Ga not just giving lip service

    I’m tired of talk. Vernon didn’t start making noise about a forensic audit until Kandiss Taylor served Brian Kemp in person.

  22. Voldemort

    Brian Kemp is a good governor in Georgia it's sad that you lunatic conspiracy theorists put him down only because he was mandated by law to do his job

  23. Josh Dudeguy

    As a Texan, I've been happy with Abbott. He pushed Constitutional carry, banned abortions, told Austin to go fuck themselves when they wanted to defund the police, and resumed building the border wall.

  24. Mark Paul

    Noem overrated? Wtf? Compared to what? She's not perfect, but if she is overrated I must be missing the field of amazing governors.

  25. MoFoJo Momma

    I’m getting sick of Adam Kissinger going on CNN and insulting the GOP. RINOs must go!

  26. Eldeecue

    …is it really that horrible that a state harbor a centrist, or, god-forbid, non-Trump-Worshipping Republican as its Governor? I know I'm a broken record on this point, but….the degree to which you rabidly evaluate any given member of your own party based solely on their opinion of one man is creepy as fuck.

  27. Sean M

    As a Hutchinson in AR needs to be primaries too

  28. Jeannine Gentry

    Indiana has a two term rule. Holcomb was just re-elected in 2020.

  29. rjm_17

    I’m an Ohioan and despise DeWine.

  30. peter skrobola

    How much are you smoking?

  31. Tongey

    Get rid of the unpopular governors and keep every governor who has good approval amongst state citizens. Not much of a need to focus on RINO or not RINO, the people should be able to solve the problem themselves.

  32. brycepitts01

    (Please make 2022 a Good Year please we want Trump back)

  33. urmom2020

    As a gen z conservative who lives in idaho i completely agree

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