The Possibility of a US Recession in the Coming Year

by | May 16, 2024 | Recession News | 21 comments

The Possibility of a US Recession in the Coming Year

Despite recent strong economic indicators and record low unemployment rates, there are still looming concerns about the possibility of a recession in the United States this year. While the economy has shown resilience in the face of global trade tensions and shaky international markets, there are several factors that could potentially trigger a downturn in the near future.

One major concern is the ongoing trade war between the US and China. The two largest economies in the world have been engaged in a tit-for-tat battle of tariffs, causing uncertainty and disruption in global markets. The trade war has already had a negative impact on several industries, such as agriculture and manufacturing, and if tensions escalate further, it could have a broader impact on the overall economy.

Another factor that could contribute to a potential recession is the inverted yield curve. This phenomenon occurs when long-term interest rates fall below short-term rates, indicating investor pessimism about future economic growth. An inverted yield curve has historically preceded recessions, and the recent inversion of the yield curve has raised concerns about the health of the economy.

Additionally, there are signs of slowing growth in key sectors of the economy. Manufacturing activity has been slowing down, consumer spending has been weaker than expected, and business investment has been declining. These trends suggest that the economy may be losing momentum, which could eventually lead to a recession if they persist.

Furthermore, geopolitical uncertainties, such as the ongoing Brexit saga and political tensions in the Middle East, could also impact the US economy. These uncertainties could destabilize global markets and have a ripple effect on the US economy.

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While no one can predict with certainty when or if a recession will occur, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them. The US government and the Federal Reserve have tools at their disposal to support the economy in case of a downturn, such as fiscal stimulus and monetary policy measures.

In conclusion, while the US economy has been performing well in recent years, there are still several factors that could potentially trigger a recession in the near future. It is important for policymakers and businesses to remain vigilant and proactive in addressing these risks to ensure the continued health and stability of the economy.

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  1. @anthonylabruno2505

    Keep printing money, I'll just put it into bitcoin and reap the rewards of an inflation hedge asset.

  2. @MiturBinEsderty

    Something has to give. Businesses are rolling in cash while people are struggling. Prices have gotten out of control. It’s obscene.

  3. @petermarshall6577

    The Fed will tell us we had a recession in 2023-24, but not until 2025.

  4. @georgemaximus694

    folks with $1 million or more saved in their 401(k) accounts jumped 20%

    422,000 retirement savers in Fidelity 401(k) plans sporting balances of seven figures

    391,562 IRA millionaires on Dec. 31, up from 338,725

    Just can’t possibly see a recession. If there is a recession it’s these people don’t want to spend their money. There are plenty of rich 401k boomers out there.

  5. @shivakumarv301

    Will AI usage be made a part of school syllabus?

  6. @shivakumarv301

    How will we model human life for happiness and prosperity by using AI?

  7. @shivakumarv301

    How is usa going be ahead in patents and start ups?

  8. @shivakumarv301

    Can AI help to ease the depression and boom of market cycle for betterment of citizen in capitalist country lkke usa.

  9. @jasonzola3590

    She would never be invited on CNBC- she doesn’t breathe thru her mouth and never once said AI. She is also likely spot on.

  10. @jeffreycheng5984

    "The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves, and is not even a system at all. But rather an international criminal syndicate."- Eustace Mullins.

  11. @glennnielsen8054

    The American consumer is kept alive by the fact that the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. Just look at the US trade deficit. At one point or another, the American consumer is forced to produce something that the citizens of other countries consume.

  12. @joealonzo536

    The price of a home has inflated 2 or 3 times the real value, the price of gasoline, food, electricity, natural gas, water has doubled in some states triple, the price of a car, van or truck has doubled, the price of car-Insurance, health-insurance, home-insurance has double This is the way the B-administration takes money from the poor and gives it to the billionaire (BlackRock&GiPOwners), but you are too dumb to figure that out. The B-administration is using your credit card to finance 3 wars, every corrupt politician gets their piece of the pie, the money to make payments on the credit card, come out of your paycheck, that makes you a slave.

  13. @henrywid

    Print money, spend more money on wars and weapons, do nothing about the American people and the infrastructure.

  14. @MrGriff305

    if we get a recession, then interest rates will get cut, which is good

  15. @peterquin1443

    You missed the one thing that is different this time……. $2 trillion deficit spending. This level of spending is beyond any level of spending that was done to bring us out of recession. But this time, it was done prior to it and has forced the FED to go higher for way longer. BTW, inflation is 8% and not 3%. Larry Summers did a study that revealed that when calculated by historical procedure, inflation is actually 8% right now!!!

  16. @theanswer0319

    Can you do Palo Alto Networks (PANW), Micron Technologies (MU), SalesForce (SRM), & Ralph Lauren (RL)

    Thank you in advance!

  17. @nobody-vo7ei

    it's feb 29. a lot of things could happen in the next 10 months. using a headline of "could still see" indicates that a significant portion of the year is over. it isn't. this is nonsense.

  18. @MARTINA-gc3tq

    There is no way the Fed is going to be allowed by Biden's puppet masters to force an economic slowdown to control inflation prior to November……

  19. @dougiep2769

    Sadly they are already feeling it unless your a shareholder or high level management. Pain is coming for all and I hope it’s a lesson to everyone so it doesn’t happen again

  20. @garysandel6549

    I ❤ Frances Donald. Super smart. I personally am slightly more bullish this time. But I am not nearly as smart as her.

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