The Profound Influence of Fatherlessness on Black Men: Exploring a Fatherless Generation

by | Apr 23, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 33 comments

The Profound Influence of Fatherlessness on Black Men: Exploring a Fatherless Generation


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In today’s society, fatherlessness has become a common subject of discussion, particularly among Black men. The absence of a father figure in the lives of many Black men has had an astonishing impact on their lives, as well as the communities they live in.

Statistics have shown that 72% of Black children are born out of wedlock, and 51% of Black children live in single-parent households, predominantly headed by women. This alarming trend has resulted in a fatherless generation that has left Black communities struggling with numerous social and economic problems.

Studies have indicated that children who grow up without fathers face a greater risk of poverty, poor academic performance, and emotional problems. Additionally, such children are more susceptible to criminal behavior, teenage pregnancy, and substance abuse.

The problem of fatherlessness is particularly profound among young Black men. The lack of a father figure leaves these young men without role models to guide them through the challenges of life. As a result, they often resort to negative influences in their communities and are at increased risk of getting involved in criminal activities.

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Furthermore, many fatherless Black men struggle with identity issues, as well as mental and emotional health problems. The absence of a father figure often leaves them feeling insecure and disconnected from society, leading to a sense of hopelessness and despair that can result in depression and other mental health issues.

The impact of fatherlessness extends to the broader community as well. Communities with high rates of fatherlessness are plagued by high rates of poverty, crime, and social unrest. These communities face a significant disadvantage when it comes to economic prosperity and social development.

Therefore, it is critical that attention is given to the problem of fatherlessness among Black men. Investing in programs that provide positive role models, mentorship, and educational and vocational training can help combat the problem. Additionally, providing support to single mothers who are raising children without a father figure can significantly reduce the negative impact of fatherlessness on the lives of Black men.

In conclusion, the issue of fatherlessness among Black men is one that needs urgent attention. Communities and individuals need to work together to provide support to young men without fathers and empower them to overcome the challenges they face. Only by addressing the problem of fatherlessness can we create a brighter future for Black men and their communities.

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    I was 100% with Shahrazad Ali until she started on the “welfare destroyed the black family” narrative. Everything wrong in the black community is self-inflicted. Until black people (including those like Elder and Ali) take full responsibility without trying to find some minute issue to blame white people for, nothing will change for them. Anyone who meets the income requirements for welfare can get on welfare. There are a lot of non-black people on welfare as well; and they don’t behave like blacks. Every non-black colored race has experienced discrimination in the US; and they don’t behave like blacks. HBCU don’t provide the same level of professors and education as the more prestigious universities. I went to a HBCU once. They are still more focused on race issues and the students are just low-leveled thugs. Of course they don’t believe the US is a meritocracy because they have the delusion that their mediocre education is just as good as a non-HBCU; and they still don’t apply themselves. There is nothing wrong with white people taking care of their own. Blacks should do the same instead of demanding that white people take care of them too. Black leaders? Why do black people need a black leader? There is not a white, yellow, red, or brown leader. Who’s the leader of the white people? Her comment proves that blacks are monolithic and not very smart. It seems to be genetics. Like people say “You can’t fix stupid.” A hand full of blacks will continue to productive members of society, but most of them won’t.

  2. Muireall Josie

    It's not only the woman's fault there are no fathers in the home. My own father left us….as do many men. It's not just a black issue either.

  3. Guillermo Delgado

    This makes me think when I was growing up a song by The O'Jays family reunions

  4. Brent Gilbert

    God bless that woman.

  5. Jo Smotherman

    She is correct about integration.
    After the 1964 Civil Rights Act, all black communities began to decay. Because black people stopped supporting their communities.
    They all flocked to the White owned malls and stores to spend their money. While black owned businesses in their communities faded away. And no one mentions those facts.

  6. Jo Smotherman

    When people bring up Black Wall Street, I simply shake my head.
    The misconceptions of Greenwood, and the reality are enormous.

  7. Jo Smotherman

    It is really sad that.Tupac thinks White people love hearing this.
    That is a problem that goes to the root of many issues.
    What Tupac said about Father's is true.
    That was good.
    What Tupac attributed to Whites was racist.
    That is bad.

  8. Jo Smotherman

    It is easy to see that this top notch Educator will be promptly ignored. And it is such a shame.

  9. Jo Smotherman

    A man has to provide money, not only to feed.and clothe the child. But also for nails, weaves, and babysitters for the Friday and Saturday night twerking.

  10. Any Hoo

    Larry, This was a good one, Thanks.

  11. Matt Smith

    The black community was the victim of the government's social welfare programs. They got black women addicted to welfare like crack, and 50 years later they are still suffering the backlash from those programs. What is ironic is that the black community kept voting for the democrat party that caused all of this.

  12. Lewis Mingledorff

    This woman is wise and knowledgeable.

  13. William Leadbetter

    Her cynicism blinds her to the basic market fact of over saturation, that once an over abundance of people have college degrees white or black the degrees don't hold the weight they once did before. It's not racism it's the market in motion.

  14. Todd Weller

    Maybe one of your best shows ever. Unfortunately alot of people who could benefit from watching this have been lead to believe that you are “the black face of …………………….”. The truth has been stolen from alot of people – stolen!

  15. David Brown

    Same birthday here

  16. Rod Pruitt

    All she is advocating is what the black community has always valued. We got off track when we started listening to and following Western white people. Not that they are "bad," but they have a different value system. How did we get to the point where we don't spank our children, we don't value our men and we eat azz? All of these ideas come from Western (U.S. Canada, Western Europe) white people. I blame Oprah because she promoted the idea of following white people. Her audience was all Whit Western women. WAKE UP FAM.

  17. views_that_fade

    The reality is that the minute Europeans stole our ancestors from the shores of Africa it was over for our people. Even after slavery we did not return to the languages and spiritual practices of our ancestors. When slavery was over we sought to be European and not African.

  18. Robinson Mertilus

    I need to read her book. Wished Larry had interviewed Kevin Samuels or vice versa. He talked about her book at lot.

  19. abu hassan

    Should also be noted Shahrazad Ali stated "black men should consider offering a sound open-handed slap in the mouth" if black women become uncontrollably disrespectful. Her voice sounds just like a young Gary Coleman

  20. Savvy18

    If you want to understand the mentality and the evil underhanded backstabbing of our "mainstream media" and their corporate overlords, ask yourselves…WHY HAVEN'T WE SEEN THIS WOMAN SPEAK BEFORE ON CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS? But in the meantime, you get a steady diet of all the race hustlers who profit from the collapse of the black community. It's disgusting and people better wake up soon.

  21. tetsuan25

    Women can't raise boys alone as a 12 year old could beat his Mother up, if the Dad is there he is gonna get his butt whooped.

  22. Rhondell Garcia

    Judge becomes your mother I always say to myself men in dresses are judges All these men and that woman speaking facts most black men knows this and alot of us in jail some innocently life

  23. Craig Ezell

    This lady has much wisdom.

  24. John Van Ruiten

    Larry, your friend there, I got a feeling that she doesn't care for white people. She came close to letting you have it!

  25. mujaku

    The term racism was coined in 1902. The black community did not start declining because of racism but because of LBJ-ism and the Democrat Party. They had the power to incentivize fatherless family.

  26. antoniac1234

    WTF is a "female emotional mechanism"? What is this idea that all women act the same? Why do you put up with wildly immature behavior out of a woman because it's a woman? No, I don't act like that. I don't know WTF that woman is talking about when she goes on about women's "nature". As for marriage, yeah good luck. Acting as if men sudden't won't leave because you exchanged vows – please. Perhaps it's time to come to terms with reality: romantic relationships aren't real. They were always transactional. And crying because you have to pay child support? Stop knocking up women. You won't die without sex. My parents have been married over 40 years. My father cleans, cooks, has always worked, never cheated on my mother, always took care of his kids, etc, but he's the exception, not the rule. His mother was a single mom who had seven kids by seven different men. At end of the day, humans choose the easy route. Very few people are like my father in that they make a conscious choice to be a good person. Humans are generally trash, sad truth,.

  27. We Rize Int. w/ Omni V.

    Thank both of you for your sacrifice and contributions to the improvement of our community!

  28. ResourceNetworkSystems

    I think Larry elder is about half and idiot, but as they saying goes even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    Black women ran to be brainwashed into racist whyte feminism a doctrine that only spoke for whyte women.
    Black women were too slow and dense to figure out that no matter what the "end game" of the feminist movement was. Whyte people were always going to have Unearned Advantage and Whyte Privilege to fall back on.

    That when whyte women said "Men" were holding them down or holding them back – They could not have possibly meant Black Men, who were still being lynched in parts of the country and "Sundown Towns" existed then and still exist today.

    But Black women thought that meant "war" between Black Men and Black women – Which created an epidemic of so-called "skrong" Black women and Fatherless Homes. Further the Black women stopped being Parents and a mothers to her young Black Sons – The results of this kind of "emotional thinking" by Black women
    Has made the Black Community into what you see today.

    It has slowly dawned on some Black women that the Feminist Movement was never intended or designed for her
    to benefit from in any shape, form or fashion and today Black women have done a horrible job as Single Parents
    In the Black Community, her Parenting Skills were and are awful and only second to her ability to recognize who impregnated her half the time.

  29. Red Jw

    Should’ve done an episode with Kevin samuels god rest his soul.

  30. jerzaw

    Beautiful woman

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