The Real Message of Last Night’s Wisconsin Election: Neocons Won’t Prevail!

by | Jul 26, 2023 | Silver IRA | 34 comments

The Real Message of Last Night’s Wisconsin Election: Neocons Won’t Prevail!

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A very liberal establishment “conservative” got decked last night by a far-left Democrat in Wisconsin, in the first statewide election since Georgia’s runoffs. However, as Republicans fear 2022 and the Democrats get confident, the real reason why this election happened is very obvious, and it proves a point of mine yet again that I have consistently made on this channel.




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#Wisconsin…(read more)

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NEOCONS CAN’T WIN! – What Last Night’s Wisconsin Election REALLY Showed Us

In a stunning turn of events, last night’s Wisconsin election sent shockwaves throughout the political landscape, delivering a resounding message to neocons that their outdated policies and ideals simply can’t win in today’s America.

For those who may not be familiar, neoconservatives, or neocons for short, are a faction within the conservative movement who advocate for an interventionist foreign policy and believe in the aggressive promotion of American values abroad. However, as demonstrated by the Wisconsin election results, their influence and ability to gather widespread support among voters is clearly dwindling.

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The election, which saw a historic shift in the balance of power, was a major setback for the neoconservative movement. It highlighted the growing disillusionment with their ideology, which has been discredited and rejected by a significant portion of the electorate.

One of the key takeaways from the election was the overwhelming support for progressive candidates who championed issues such as healthcare reform, climate change, criminal justice reform, and income inequality. Voters sent a clear message that they are no longer interested in the neoconservative agenda of endless wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, and limited social safety nets.

Furthermore, the election showed that voters are looking for pragmatic solutions rather than ideological posturing. They are demanding leaders who are willing to work across party lines and find common ground to address the real issues facing our nation. This rejection of partisan politics is a significant blow to neoconservatives, who have long thrived on division and fear tactics.

The Wisconsin election also demonstrated the power of grassroots organizing and the influence of progressive movements. The massive turnout and enthusiastic support for progressive candidates showcased the energy and determination of a new generation of voters who are determined to shape the future of their country. This bodes ill for neoconservatives, whose appeal is largely limited to older, more traditionally conservative demographics.

Moreover, the election indicated a growing frustration with the status quo and the entrenched establishment politicians who have failed to deliver on their promises. This sentiment poses a direct challenge to neocons, who have often been viewed as part of the problem rather than the solution. Voters are demanding fresh faces and new voices willing to step up and tackle the pressing issues of our time.

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While the Wisconsin election results are certainly cause for celebration among progressives and those disenchanted with the neoconservative movement, it is crucial to maintain perspective. One election does not signal the complete demise of a political ideology. However, it does serve as a significant wake-up call for neocons who must adapt and evolve if they hope to remain relevant in the ever-changing political landscape.

Last night’s Wisconsin election underscored the growing irrelevance and disconnect of neoconservatives with the aspirations of the American people. The tide is changing, and the rise of progressive candidates and movements exemplifies the desire for a new, compassionate, and inclusive approach to governance.

As the country grapples with numerous challenges, it is becoming increasingly evident that the neoconservative agenda cannot provide the answers we seek. The Wisconsin election was a momentous event that indicated a shift towards a more progressive America, one where the outdated policies and ideals of the neocons simply cannot win.

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  1. Jane Johnstone

    The dems…will take advantage of any situation…they can…

  2. Gary Strankman

    Nikki Haley said nothing for 2 years, but since 45 went down she hasn't kept her piehole shut.

  3. Bro Action

    This is dumb the Republicans will win Big in 2022

  4. John Galt

    Abolish Federal level Education give authority back to the States.

  5. Sammy K. YT

    I personally like Nikki Haley because she was a great governor for South Carolina and great ambassador to the UN, but the reality is that she won't win because she is unpopular with most of the Republican party. The only way she even has a chance winning the nominee (which I doubt) is by winning over moderates and Democrats, because not a lot of conservative Republicans will vote for her. Sure, if she was the nominee conservative Republicans wouldn't vote for Harris either, but I think a lot would do the same thing as you and vote third party or write-in someone else like Trump or DeSantis. I doubt Biden will run again, but I think it will most likely be Trump or DeSantis vs. Harris or someone just about as bad like AOC or Michelle Obama.

  6. David Richardson

    I knew right away that the whole liberal celebration and conservative panic was a fallacy when you showed the county map, and the fact that marinette county who voted for trump at 70% voted for the more “liberal” candidate. It’s obviously incomparable. Either way this is an old vid, and I’m thrilled that the right has taken over the narrative on education and started being on the offensive like you said they needed to.

  7. Jiggajames

    Do you have a video backing your claims that Haley is a weak conservative. I strongly disagree with your assumptions on her.

  8. Jon H

    McCain actually wanted to pick Dem Joe Lieberman as his running mate. If that had happened, I may not have voted for him.

  9. Jon H

    I would hope no Republican will ever go near Kasich again!

  10. Nick Koster

    I like Trump but think he has too much skeletons in his closet to win again. I'm afraid DeSantis will end up being a neocon/establishment candidate. I hope the real nominee hasn't revealed themselves yet.

  11. Nick Koster

    Palin is what destroyed McCain. I'm pretty sure he was beating or at least neck-and-neck w/ Obama in the polls till he picked her. TBH tho no Republican would've been able to beat Obama in 08, everyone was pissed at Bush. Even Indiana was Blue that year.

  12. Nick Koster

    I think w/ how much Biden's f'ing up Afghanistan, Haley would be able to win back the McCain Republicans in Arizona, but yeah, she'd get smited like McCain & Mitt overall. Also KH's running mate 'token white guy' lol so true

  13. SuperDogLover567

    How do RINOs do in elections? Ask former presidents McCain and Romney.

  14. SuperDogLover567

    Nikki Haley could not stand up on principal when that nutjob shot up the church in SC. She caved the the anti-confederate flag idiots instead of standing firm.

  15. Paul Dehlinger

    You people are so out of touch with reality. Trump barely won Texas when you compare his margin to Romney or McCain. And somehow you think a more traditional Republican is going to do worst than Trump?

  16. Off The Grid Living

    The Bush party is over! Never going to support Republicans if they go back to Neocons!!!

  17. Dirt Farmer

    There isn’t a nickels of difference between professional R & D that’s why Trump was so popular, he’s not a politician. I’ll vote for him again anytime

  18. Bloodylaser

    McCain and Romney lost Ohio can you guess why lol.

  19. robert johnson

    yes….Drag Dubya! BWAHAHA! She even supported Romney, and Romney ran to the LEFT of Ted Kennedy back in 1994

  20. Midge Barker

    Neocons? I'd vote for a mangey old dog before a neocon. Republicans need to put up better quality principled Conservatives.

  21. moses cordovero

    every time that Red Eagle shows his obsessive hatred for the neocons, i am reminded of his antisemitism

  22. Laurence McCarty

    Unless things become so astronomical bad for Democrats, and that would be saying something compared too their numbers now, they will win regardless. A NeoCon or a RINO will lose big time!
    I like Nikki Haley! She is a very Attractive and intelligent Lady! She gave a great speech at the 2020 Republican National Convention! She was even a respectably great Governor of South Carolina!
    But, despite her history with President Trump, it won't make a difference!
    She is very Pro-Globleisum! Though, I do not care for or too much about the Confederate Battle Flag, removing it from the State Capital over a psychotic murderer was a bad move! It didn't increase the voter base for Republicans!
    Removing the Confederate Battle Flag only instigated other monuments to be destroyed or removed! If a Confederate Battle Flag is to be removed from a State Capital, let it be by candid oral arguments, not expedant controversy pressure!
    Also, Mrs. Haley has suffered from bullying as a younger person! Kamala Harris is a bully, despite her being a coward!
    I do agree Haley will attempt to be a sweeter and gentler version of Harris! Haley will alienate many voters if she does! I urge everyone to avoid nominating Nikki Haley as the Republican National hopeful in 2024!
    On a slightly different matter. I pray Kristi Noem will keep her word and oppose the Transgender initiative by sign the bill that say only Girls in Girls athletics! It will be a same for her if her star falls now!

  23. SmashingThreePlates

    Left-Wingers like Kamala Harris can’t win either!

  24. Joey K O

    You are forgetting one thingTrump didn't lose he was cheated and not just the Presidential but other seats were lost do to cheating

  25. Joey K O

    i don't and won't vote for a RINO

  26. Lowell Knox

    you have it together red will sweep the 2022 election.biden will step down due to biden crime famaily will be beat by clinton famaily want allow him to distroy the democrate party.

  27. Daniel Rosen

    Why wasn't there a conservative who did not support Biden in the election in the race?

  28. Patrick C

    So help me out. I’m definitely a Trump guy (registered Conservative Party of New York). I hear the term all the time; what exactly is a ‘NeoConservative’? A Republican, a Democrat? A RINO? An establishment politician?

  29. MrAlexStoryteller

    Why didn't Trump utilize Sarah Palin more in the 2020 election?

  30. robert Hines


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