The Recession? Brace Yourself, It’s Expected to be Far More Severe | Robert Kientz

by | Sep 4, 2023 | Recession News | 39 comments

Many analysts are expecting a recession soon, but Robert Kientz says what’s coming is not ordinary recession. Instead, he sees that the U.S. dollar-based system is coming to an end. Dedollarization is accelerating, and the East is setting up new payment systems. Amid these changes globally, there is a growing move into gold, even by the next generation is jumping in.

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BREAKING: Recession News


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No, It’s Going To Be Much Worse

By Robert Kientz

The global economy is on the brink of a recession. The signs are undeniable, and experts are warning that what lies ahead may be much worse than what we witnessed during the 2008 financial crisis. As the world grapples with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the stage is set for economic turmoil of epic proportions.

The pandemic has brought economic activity to a grinding halt in many countries, with businesses shutting down, millions of jobs lost, and consumer confidence plummeting. Governments worldwide have been forced to implement strict lockdown measures to contain the spread of the virus, resulting in a sharp decline in economic output. This unprecedented situation, coupled with the fear and uncertainty surrounding the virus, has created the perfect storm for a severe recession.

One of the major factors contributing to the severity of this impending recession is the interconnectedness of the global economy. Unlike previous recessions, where certain regions or industries were affected more severely, this time the entire world is feeling the impact simultaneously. Global supply chains have been disrupted, causing shortages of essential goods and stifling manufacturing. Travel and tourism, one of the biggest contributors to many economies, have come to a standstill. In addition, the crisis has resulted in a sharp drop in oil prices, further destabilizing economies heavily dependent on the energy sector.

Furthermore, governments have been forced to implement massive stimulus packages in an attempt to shore up their economies and prevent a complete collapse. While these measures may provide temporary relief, they come at a high cost. Countries are racking up trillions of dollars in debt, which will have long-term consequences. The burden of this debt will be passed on to future generations, hindering economic growth and stability.

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The social impact of this recession is also significant. As businesses continue to close and unemployment rates skyrocket, millions of people will face dire financial circumstances. The most vulnerable in society will be hit the hardest, widening the wealth gap and exacerbating social inequality. This will inevitably strain social safety nets, increase crime rates, and lead to political instability.

It is crucial for governments, policymakers, and businesses to take proactive measures to mitigate the effects of this impending recession. They must focus on preserving jobs, extending financial assistance to struggling businesses, and investing in infrastructure projects that can boost economic activity. Transparent communication, sound fiscal policies, and international cooperation will be crucial in navigating this challenging period.

The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but it is essential to learn from the mistakes of the past and embrace innovative solutions. Governments and businesses must be prepared to adapt to the changing economic landscape and invest in industries that will drive future growth, such as renewable energy, technology, and healthcare.

While the situation looks grim, it is not entirely hopeless. The world has shown resilience in the face of economic adversity before, and with concerted efforts and a collective determination, we can weather this storm. However, it is imperative that we acknowledge the severity of the situation and take immediate action to mitigate the potentially devastating consequences of this looming recession.

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  1. Liberty and Finance

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  2. Erhardt Harris

    'They' KNOW the dollar will not survive.
    'They' INTEND for BRICS-brokerage to be the replacement, via IMF or world bank.

  3. Anthony Alba

    I'm sure a few of the younger generation will see the value of precious metals investing as there's always an exception to the rule. Though many are rather turning to cryptos from my own experience. Heck I barely caught on into my 30's after watching my father collect & stack. They've made it so much more appealing with so many art bars and coins now to draw them in.

  4. David Davis

    Hi, this is just alg food I keep telling my friends about precious metals like the girl Darla in the movie finding Nemo shaking the bag with Nemo and asking him. Why is he sleeping?

  5. Randy Best

    This guy has been wrong for as long as I can remember.

  6. pinkoslayer

    If I recall correctly there are more than 50 million Americans receiving SNAP assistance. Imagine these people were standing in “bread lines” to receive food from the government. Would that look like a depression? Government has gotten wise to conceal economic reality. Thus doesn’t even include the other various government assistance being received by 10s of millions of citizens. My guess is that it’s worse than the Great Depression in many ways but it’s concealed by covert benefits and credit cards. The wall is coming into view.

  7. h0tne0

    You don't have this many stores closed, this many getting unemployment, this high level of credit card debt, and get to call it just another recession.

  8. bca Smith

    This should not be a surprise to anyone, as empires throughout history rise and fall.

  9. Lauren Page

    stunning video and thank you for breaking it down!! Saving your money and Investing it into the stock market or something profitable, will be the wisest thing to do, to ensure success..

  10. A•fRYd•miNd

    Waiting on the American people? That’s hilarious! Don’t hold your breath, they won’t wake up until they’re starving, by then it’s too late!

  11. Brian Reid

    Will the news channels follow this BRICS meeting in August. It is staggering to consider the economic impact of the BRICS countries. More staggering should this new currency be backed with gold. The US government is crashing its own US Dollar currency with sanctions.


    If I'm not mistaken australia has a lot of rare earth metals too…..China does not control everything . They steal most things….

  13. EastLondon Crocodile

    Paranoia is great for the gold and silver sales business.

  14. Elon Musk Ox

    There is no free market so fundamentals don't matter. Only the fed providing liquidity matters.

  15. TotallyNotTheBio-Lizard

    If digital currency catches on the same way social justice did, we’re fucked!

  16. James Real


  17. James Real


  18. Indivisibleman

    People on here keep crying about a depression. Never going to happen.

  19. Randall Friesen

    If you want to know what the fed is going to do just think of the worst thing they can do to the economy and that is what they will do destruction by design

  20. PHIL Sort

    I can't wait to see what the brics nations meeting unveils to crush the US dollar. It's weird how I'd be hoping for a real gold backed currency from our enemies????

  21. Michael Caristo

    Stack Au Ag Cu/Zn Pb and $$

  22. Koubena Kombi

    Well… when we did nothing as a collective, letting this hostile takeover of our freedom and rights, we have allowed and accepted our destiny. So brace for impact. Laziness is good but it has a price. Soft people create hard times.

  23. dawn

    This is by far the best explanation I have heard as to what is happening. Brilliant.

  24. SilverFox 10

    We are now in Fascism in the west…. Nothing but a manipulated bunch of criminals in control since we have invited private central banking into the west.

  25. Ronald Corley

    Best Economic Video on YouTube.

  26. SilverFox 10

    LOL we have never recovered since the Plandemic… This is designed for the great reset…

  27. Josh Hurst

    All a movie, it’s China’s turn to be the world reserve currency…digital yuan backed by the digital sdr.

  28. Tim Fatout

    If you deprive a military of resources they will attack. US deprived Japan of oil – that is why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. China is in a pickle, if they cut off the US they starve themselves, also. The only reason China controls rare earths is because the US does not allow anyone to mine anything in the US – that will change when the fascists realize they must have the resources or bow to China.

  29. Tim Fatout

    Just because politicians are installed in office by election fraud doesn't mean they are smart.

  30. SRG

    The Fed is doing its best to time the interest rate cuts, so that they occur next year, when the Presidential election campaign is in full swing.

  31. Swanee

    Like Jim Rickards has said, the dollar won't disappear, but it will be vastly reduced to the importance of, say, the Mexican Peso. Ouch.

  32. Gerry Stevens

    yes. i think that. the ordinary people are innocent. same in my country [UK].

  33. Mark Phillips

    I work for a military contractor. And Robert hits the nail on the head about China owning rare earth minerals. They are in a lot of US Military components.

  34. Tom Keller

    Excellent description of the situation we're facing. The inter-twining of the Keynesian economic debacle and new socialist American government has been suicidal. As Robert said, this approach has "always" failed miserably. Turning away from God and his authority over our personal lives came first. All the evil that's followed was inevitable. Restoring that relationship is the only answer.

  35. Ender Wiggin

    Ha! The American people will never go to there government and tell them they have had enough. Come on man!

  36. Mike Goodman

    Inflation: certain foods I've been buying are literally double what they were eight or nine years ago. Once inflation happens, it's never coming back down. … foods that should be at standard sizes, pints & pounds are now on odd ounce sizes. 52 oz "half gallons. 8.5 oz boxes of crackers. 10.8 pounds of coffee. All a distraction in a world of ever worsening math skills. Shrinkflation.

  37. Mister Borak

    We were 48 hours and 200 miles from removing an “R” from this BRICS acronym…

  38. Native-American

    The system is never coming down – it is too held up behind the scenes – This religion had no god.

  39. John McScarbs

    End times folks. Read your holy books. Any of them. The New Earth is imminent

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