The Remarkable Journey of Von and Elzie Toward Financial Freedom Through Hustle and Determination

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Roth IRA | 11 comments

Debt freedom is a journey. You don’t just decide one day that you want to get out of debt, snap your fingers, and all the work gets done for you! Making that decision to pay off your debt is the first step, and from there it’s all about mindset, strategy, determination, and probably some elbow grease to get to where you want to be — and that’s financial freedom!

Today on the His & Her Money Show, we’re talking with a couple who knows all about that! The Mitchells were actually one of our “in the middle” guests back in 2019 when they first came on the show, because back then, they weren’t quite done with their debt-free journey. So today, we’re following up with Von and Elzie for an update on how it’s all going, and it’s definitely going well!

As some of you might already know, this Virginia couple was once $125,000 in debt under Von’s student loans. When Von decided enough was enough, initially Elzie didn’t share in the enthusiasm. After all, Von’s student loans weren’t his responsibility, right? Not so much!

Life started happening, and soon they both realized that it was time to get on the same page and bust this debt out once and for all — and today Von and Elzie are happy to report that they’re officially debt-free!

We had a blast catching up with the Mitchells, and their story could be an inspiration to anybody thinking about taking control of their finances and eliminating their debt, as a couple or even as a single. They take us through their process, how they started, how they kept the momentum up, and eventually how it all came together to sweet, sweet financial freedom. We love a good debt-free success story, and this is it!
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How Von and Elzie Hustled and Grinded Their Way To Debt Freedom!

We often hear stories of individuals and couples struggling to make ends meet, drowning in mountains of debt. But every once in a while, a story emerges that baffles us with its determination and resilience. The story of Von and Elzie is one such tale of triumph amidst financial hardships.

Von and Elzie were an average working couple trying to navigate the complexities of life while juggling their demanding jobs. However, they found themselves sinking deeper into debt without a clear way out. Credit card bills, student loans, and other financial obligations were burdening them, leaving little room for any financial stability.

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But instead of accepting defeat, Von and Elzie made a pact to change their circumstances. They decided to hustle and grind their way to debt freedom, regardless of the obstacles they would encounter along the way.

Their journey began with an honest assessment of their current financial situation. They meticulously recorded their expenses and created a detailed budget to identify areas where they could cut back. This initial step allowed them to gain a clearer picture of their financial health and proved to be a vital first stride towards their goal.

Next, Von and Elzie knew they had to increase their income streams. They started by exploring side hustles that aligned with their skills and passions. Von, an aspiring photographer, began freelancing on weekends, capturing weddings and special events. Simultaneously, Elzie, who had a knack for writing, began offering editing and proofreading services. By leveraging their talents, they were able to supplement their regular incomes and steadily chip away at their debt.

However, their determination didn’t stop there. Von and Elzie realized that they needed to make sacrifices in their personal lives to accelerate their journey to financial freedom. They cut back on unnecessary expenses, like eating out and vacations, redirecting that money to their debts. It was not easy, as they had to make tough choices and adjust their lifestyles, but they remained focused on their ultimate goal – becoming debt-free.

Their commitment paid off. With every paycheck, they made significant payments towards their debts, steadily reducing the long-standing burden that had plagued them for years. And as the debt started diminishing, their spirits soared. They began to see a glimmer of hope and embraced the positive changes they had made in their lives.

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Through their determination, hustle, and grind, Von and Elzie were able to pay off all their debts in four years. They celebrated this monumental achievement, reflecting on the immense growth they had experienced throughout the process. Their story became an inspiration to their friends and family, who witnessed firsthand the power of perseverance and self-discipline.

Von and Elzie’s journey didn’t just transform their financial lives; it transformed their mindset as well. They now had complete control of their finances, understanding the importance of planning, budgeting, and setting realistic goals. This newfound financial knowledge empowered them to make wiser decisions and lay a solid foundation for their future.

Today, Von and Elzie continue to hustle and grind, but their goals have shifted. Debt freedom has become the stepping stone to pursuing their dreams. Their story serves as a reminder that with determination, hard work, and unwavering commitment, anyone can overcome financial hardships and achieve their dreams of a brighter, debt-free future.

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  1. Reba Carmack

    This couple is killing it!

  2. Reba Carmack

    Thank you for explaining what the percentage they were discussing was about.

  3. Von Gretchen Mitchell

    Welcome @Tai!!!! Miss ya!!! Thank you for posting the interview

  4. Nandi B

    Hi, Hoping all is well. I was looking for the information links about what they described in the video. I didn't see it in the description area. Is it listed someplace else?

  5. jjjunius

    My dawg! Congrats to you, your wife and family team. RQQ

  6. Velma Coutee

    Welcome back!!!❤

  7. TheRealVickyB

    She is the HER in His&Her Money. It’s great to see your face Tai!

  8. PractitionHER

    From personal experience . I would only hire a VA company to write your medical letters. I would file my VA claims myself . Get a family member to help if you need it. YouTube and google is your best friend

    Disclaimer . I am a medical professional .. so I was able to understand the service requirements.

  9. jamal buster

    Welcome back sis, it's great to see you!

  10. Nonika Allen

    Thanks for sharing your story! I'm a veteran as well. Can you share with me the organization that assisted you with your VA claims?

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