The Resurgence of Bank Bailouts: Assessing the Future of QAnon feat. Will Sommer | MR LIVE – 3/13/23

by | Jun 23, 2023 | Bank Failures | 23 comments

The Resurgence of Bank Bailouts: Assessing the Future of QAnon feat. Will Sommer | MR LIVE – 3/13/23

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Sam and Emma host Will Sommer, politics reporter for The Daily Beast, to discuss his recent book Trust The Plan: The Rise of Q and the Conspiracy That Unhinged America.

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Return of Bank Bailouts? Whither QAnon? – A Recap of MR LIVE with Will Sommer

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On March 13th, 2023, the latest episode of MR LIVE featured an enlightening discussion with renowned journalist and QAnon expert, Will Sommer. The conversation covered two pressing topics that have been making headlines recently: the potential return of bank bailouts and the fading influence of QAnon. Let’s dive into the details.

The conversation kicked off by exploring the possibility of a resurgence in bank bailouts. The topic gained traction due to recent economic challenges and uncertainties, leading many to wonder if governments would once again turn to taxpayers to bail out struggling financial institutions. With the scars of the 2008 financial crisis still deeply etched in our collective memory, fears of history repeating itself are understandable.

During the discussion, Sommer highlighted the structural changes implemented in the banking sector post-2008, emphasizing the intentions to prevent a repeat of egregious practices that led to the global economic meltdown. Mechanisms like stress tests, tighter regulations, and the separation of investment and commercial banking were put in place to create a more stable financial system.

However, Sommer also acknowledged that no system is foolproof, and unforeseen circumstances can still beg for government intervention. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, exposed vulnerabilities that were not previously anticipated. Consequently, the possibility of bank bailouts cannot be completely ruled out, albeit with more stringent safeguards.

The conversation then pivoted to the topic of QAnon, a conspiracy theory once gaining momentum but now seemingly losing steam. Will Sommer has extensively covered QAnon and its influence on American politics, making him a leading voice on the subject.

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Sommer shared insights on the gradual decline of QAnon, attributing it to the lack of evidence supporting its outlandish claims and a series of failed predictions. He highlighted that the theory’s credibility took a significant hit following the 2020 US presidential election, where none of the anticipated events foretold by QAnon materialized.

Additionally, Sommer stressed that concerted efforts by social media platforms and law enforcement agencies to combat misinformation and extremism played a pivotal role in curbing QAnon’s reach. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube have cracked down on accounts promoting conspiracy theories, limiting their ability to disseminate misleading content.

Though QAnon may have lost much of its influence, Sommer cautioned against complacency, noting that such conspiracy theories can evolve and rebrand themselves. He urged continued vigilance to prevent the emergence of new dangerous movements, emphasizing the need for media literacy, critical thinking, and factual reporting to counter the specter of misinformation.

In conclusion, the MR LIVE episode featuring Will Sommer shed light on two compelling topics. While the return of bank bailouts remains a possibility in exceptional circumstances, significant strides have been made to safeguard against a replay of the 2008 financial crisis. As for QAnon, its influence has waned, largely due to its failed predictions and concerted efforts to combat misinformation.

It is crucial for society to remain cautious and vigilant, learning from past mistakes and actively combating misinformation to ensure a stable, informed, and well-functioning world.

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  1. Jamie

    awesome – i especially love how you complete boolshite apps and commercials like you actually use them

  2. Claudia Valentijn

    Great segment about Qanon, thank you!

  3. LW1zFog

    poor old $eedy

  4. Zeke Z

    What a beautiful case you are all making for crypto lolololol.

  5. Relvar

    Has this happened in the past, McCarthyism?

  6. Adam Koss

    hahahaa!! whoever is throwing together these mashups deserves a grammy…

  7. Dave Waldon

    Yes. And we see what’s happening under the 50 year corrupt career politician with dementia.

  8. fazzaz31

    " To accept opinions is to gain the good solid feeling of being correct without having to think. "

    C. Wright Mills – from the book The Power Elite

  9. Joey Knotts

    Lol I would love to see that guy asked to name one woke democrat banking policy

  10. Ken

    Funny how all the ppl who are against “bailing” out student loans are now shrieking for a bailout for SVB. That’s bullshit. Seriously. They’re getting bailed out after being so irresponsible the bank collapsed aided partly by Trumps rolling back banking regulations. The Nation has an excellent article on the SVB collapse

  11. VonPatzy

    It’s interesting to think of this in conjunction with the recent “Alex Murdaugh” case. How with loose regulation a good ol boy system of privilege just turns banks into giant shell games easily manipulated by a singular coked up idiot able to glad hand loans across time and space almost without check.

    The “donkey vs elephant” argument is so weightless when you actually look at systems of corrupted power.

  12. Phillip Wolf

    Is Emma mad about something?

  13. thejfactor1

    If you thought inflation was bad, just wait until major banks swap out their US treasury bonds and MBS’s for cash with the Fed.

  14. GLoyd100

    Hey guys – huge fan of the show, but I think you guys have the SVB story totally backwards. SVB actually had one of the LOWEST loan to deposit ratios of any major bank, and one of the lowest loan loss ratios. The issue wasn’t the loans, but the massive losses they accrued on their portfolio of long term bonds when interest rates rose.

  15. Josh McCollen

    "Woke" is the Republican Siracha. They pour it on everything.

  16. Edward Kantowicz

    I love how angry Maria Barfaroni is no matter the subject! Such a toxic lump! Unbelievable she was once called "The Money Honey"…I'm only tasting sour, and bitter with a funky, fetid aftertaste.

  17. Rodney Lewis

    This just sets a precedent that all banks are to big to fail. At this point can we even call them a private banks if government keeps bailing them out.

  18. Eli Wurth

    Republican deregulation under Trump has given us train AND bank crashes…

  19. Lisa Mann

    He says there's nothing with this broad base of support in American history? He's completely ignoring the I AM cult- which is a shame, considering Michael Flynn is copying Elizabeth Clare Prophet word for word. I AM had a million followers in the 1930's.

  20. Mettle_DAD

    Too small to be regulated, too big to fail. Please give us government money now

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