The RINO Exodus Commences: Roy Blunt and Other Senators Retire, Clearing Path for America First Legislators

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Silver IRA | 34 comments

The RINO Exodus Commences: Roy Blunt and Other Senators Retire, Clearing Path for America First Legislators

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Roy Blunt and Ron Johnson are retiring from the Senate, possibly due to President Trump withholding his support of them. This paves the way for authentic Conservatives to represent the GOP in the Senate.




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Title: The RINO Exodus Begins! – Roy Blunt & Others Set to Retire, Paving Way for America First Senators


In a major shift for the Republican Party, a wave of retirements among longtime Republican senators is set to reshape the landscape of American politics. Prominent figures like Senator Roy Blunt have announced their impending retirement, opening the door for a new generation of America First Senators. These departures mark a turning point for Republicans, as they pave the way for a fresh wave of political leaders committed to putting American interests first.

The Retirement of Roy Blunt

Senator Roy Blunt, who has served in the Senate for more than a decade, recently announced his decision not to seek reelection in 2022. Blunt’s departure will leave a void in the Republican Party, but it also presents an opportunity for a new kind of conservative leader to step forward. Blunt’s retirement underscores the growing sentiment among Republican senators ready to embrace a new approach that prioritizes core American values and challenges the status quo.

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The Rise of America First Senators

The impending retirements of seasoned Republican politicians like Roy Blunt are seen by many as an opportunity to reshape the GOP in a manner that aligns closely with the America First movement. This movement, spearheaded by former President Donald Trump, advocates for policies that prioritize American citizens’ needs and interests over those of other nations. The America First Senators are likely to prioritize issues such as immigration reform, fair trade policies, and a strong national defense.

The Impact on Republican Politics

Blunt’s departure is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of retirements among longtime Republican senators. Other senators, including Rob Portman of Ohio, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, and Richard Shelby of Alabama, have also announced their retirements. This exodus of seasoned politicians presents an opportunity for a new wave of Republican senators who are deeply committed to America First principles to take their place.

The Transition to a New Era

The retirement of these establishment Republicans marks a transition to a new era where loyalty to the America First movement is prioritized over partisan expediency. The emergence of America First Senators allows the party to reconnect with its base, which has consistently shown strong support for policies that champion traditional American values and prioritize national sovereignty.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the retirement of experienced politicians like Blunt presents an initial challenge, it also offers an opportunity for new voices to emerge within the party. The America First movement has galvanized a new generation of conservative activists, many of whom have not held public office before. This changing political landscape presents an opportunity for fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to policy-making.

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As a wave of retirements sweeps through the Republican Party, the RINO (Republican In Name Only) establishment is making way for a new generation of conservative leaders. Roy Blunt and others have paved the way for America First Senators who prioritize the needs and interests of American citizens. This shift represents a turning point for the Republican Party and a step toward revitalizing its core values. The retirements present both challenges and opportunities, but ultimately, they symbolize a transition to a new era of Republican politics, one that embraces the principles of the America First movement.

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  1. Tim Sullivan

    The only good place for a RINO is a zoo. From Willard Romney to neocon Barbie Liz Cheney.

  2. robert thomas

    lets beat the shadown ban..

  3. R C

    Great Content…
    1. Mitch "On China's Payroll" McConnell
    2. Lyndsey "Self-Enriched By War" Graham
    3. Kevin "Silver Tongue" McCarthy
    4. Marco Rubio
    Get rid of these undercover RINOS…
    These politicians are the problem.

  4. bd5av8r1

    How is getting rid of RINOS a blow to the GOP? 😀 lol

  5. 1234runwild

    Bye bye Rinos! Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!!!!!!

  6. Kenneth Bedwell

    Never supported Grietens. My wife is former navy and when we found out that while he had passed BUDS, the SEAL teams refused to take him on, that did it for us. We knew we couldn't trust him. The SEAL teams refusing to take him on said all we needed to know about his character and trustworthiness.

  7. Kelly Starks

    Given Paul Ryan was popular and re-elected for decades, and was pushed into being head of congress, how can you say he has no support?
    Certainly he has political support in DC. For endorsements, etc.

  8. Kelly Starks

    I’m waiting for McConnell to get the message and leave.
    I really hope the republicans get the message that folks liked most everything about Trumps presidency except Trump, and some of the backstabbers or incompetents he brought in.

  9. Q-Tip 47

    I wish all the rinos in every level of government died off (figuratively speaking)

  10. Harry and Ojie

    Glad to see the RINO’s go, hopefully Romney will go the way of the Dodo bird

  11. Based Alaskan

    Eric Greitens just announced he’s running for senate

  12. Trucker2022

    Gettem all out

  13. lembkamb

    Can you make study or video about this swamp gop, how to identify them , their agenda, how they communicate with each other. When this rino start taking over gop? Did it start when george bush become president (the senior)

  14. Riley BOfficial

    Came here from your instagram and comments on @John Doyle's yt channel

  15. T TW

    Blunt is going to retire in a prison.

  16. Frog

    Insert comment for the YouTube algorithm here

  17. MB18

    So because they have a spine they are a RINO? The far-right is so stupid.

  18. Reggie Black

    Extinction of the RHINOs 🙂

  19. Romulus

    Go to 2:45 to skip the patriot gold crap.

  20. KANYE

    I have no problem with the existence of Democrats. I disagree but their existence keeps balance in america and Congress. But if you agree with Democrats, just be one. Dont trick conservatives into voting for ideals they dont support. RINOS are liars. I'm happy to see them going away hopefully for goodn

  21. Andy

    Rhinos retiring what a beautiful thing……

  22. Nick Jones

    Trump needs to watch your channel every day. Twice!

  23. eddie moore

    They all know that they are all dead meat.

  24. Arminius

    We need to recall Susan Collins here in Maine if the GOP gets the governorship in 22.

  25. Anthony


  26. nodaybuttodaytodefygravity

    Still hilarious. Trump is the biggest RINO out there. Most of the people you call RINOs are actual genuine conservatives that didn't feel like making the GOP based solely on Trump and his beliefs. Love watching this lunacy, keep it up!

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