The Role of Corporate Greed in Exacerbating Inflation

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 45 comments

The Role of Corporate Greed in Exacerbating Inflation

Americans look to the country’s most powerful bank, the Federal Reserve, to combat inflation. But the Federal Reserve does not have to take on the battle alone. Fiscal policy enacted by Congress and power wielded by big business can help fight rising costs. Watch the video above to learn more about how corporations and Congress influence inflation, why the Fed doesn’t have to take on rising costs alone and what it will take to normalize the U.S. economy.

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How Corporate Greed Makes Inflation Worse…(read more)

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Inflation is a persistent increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It can have a detrimental effect on a country’s economy, leading to decreased purchasing power and eroding the value of money. While there are various factors that contribute to inflation, one prominent factor is corporate greed.

Corporate greed, which refers to the relentless pursuit of profit at the expense of ethical considerations and social responsibility, has a significant impact on inflation. When corporations prioritize their own profits over the well-being of consumers and the broader economy, they engage in practices that exacerbate inflation.

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One way in which corporate greed contributes to inflation is through price gouging. Companies that are solely focused on maximizing their profits may engage in price gouging by inflating the prices of their goods and services beyond what is reasonable or fair. This can lead to a general increase in the prices of goods and services across the economy, contributing to overall inflation.

Additionally, corporate greed can lead to monopolistic behavior, where a single company or a group of companies dominate a particular market, giving them the power to control prices and limit supply. This can result in higher prices for consumers and decreased competition, which can contribute to inflation.

Furthermore, corporate greed can result in cost-cutting measures that compromise the quality of goods and services. For example, companies may use lower quality materials or reduce the size of products while maintaining the same price, effectively charging more for less. This not only erodes the purchasing power of consumers but also contributes to inflation as the value of money diminishes.

Corporate greed also leads to unchecked executive compensation and excessive bonuses, which contribute to a concentration of wealth at the top while leaving workers and consumers struggling to keep up with rising costs. This widening income inequality can lead to increased demand for higher wages, which in turn can push up the costs of production and contribute to inflation.

In order to address the impact of corporate greed on inflation, there needs to be greater oversight and regulation of corporate behavior. Government agencies should closely monitor and regulate the pricing practices of companies to prevent price gouging and ensure fair competition. Additionally, policies should be implemented to address income inequality and limit excessive executive compensation, which can help to reduce the pressure for higher wages and alleviate inflationary pressures.

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Moreover, consumers can play a role in combating corporate greed by choosing to support companies that prioritize ethical business practices and social responsibility. By holding corporations accountable for their actions and supporting companies that are committed to fair pricing and quality products, consumers can help to mitigate the impact of corporate greed on inflation.

In conclusion, corporate greed has a significant impact on inflation, as companies prioritize their own profits over the well-being of consumers and the broader economy. By engaging in price gouging, monopolistic behavior, and cost-cutting measures, corporate greed contributes to the overall increase in prices and erodes the value of money. Addressing the impact of corporate greed on inflation requires greater oversight and regulation of corporate behavior, as well as consumer awareness and support for ethical business practices.

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  1. Protasio Canalita

    Sir, you hit it right on the bulls eye, most corp. Wants more money, but they have a problem huston, there are more greedy criminals who wants in on their agenda/narrative. Us boots on the groundsare collateral damage due to their own greed. We are powerlessabout all of it. The chinese citizens just yake it lying down, Americans has to go out and look for somethingor anything just to raise a family. Nice guys right????

  2. john perez

    Lets keep it simple. Big companies like pepsi or walmart or any major company, if pepsi doesnt raise the price of a 6 pack of sodas and kept it the same price, THEY WOULD STILL MAKE BILLIONS EACH YEAR. But they jumped on the band wagon too and raised their prices to generate even more profits. Its not like they will go under if they dont raise their prices.

  3. RWD

    CNBC – garbage reporting

  4. NaAlso Comment

    I just don't get how people can be so narrow minded to still blindly repeat the wage-price spiral.
    People don't suddenly buy 5% more goods to create an inflation of 7%. It is the prices that increases first. Wage increase is a natural result to not devalue private income an wealth.
    How much of company's expenses are salary? Depends of course on the company but let's look at a very labor intense business, which would be 70%. So a salary increase of 5% would affect the total expenses by 3,5%, With the next cycle and a salary increase of 3,5% the expenses increase by 1,44%. So where is this wage-price spiral?
    In contrary the companies having high profits during inflation and prices of their products stay high while people get less for their money.

  5. just listen&trust your intuition

    There's this and they are also implementing planned obsolescence which means their making their products break faster. Ever notice and wonder why your boots and shoes are wearing out so fast?

  6. Sandra Leguina

    Its time for workers unions

  7. Mari

    Holding you up without a gun stealing , robbing the public giving less, charging you more cheating, lying to the public


    World capitalism made world inflation actually, World interest rates made human suffering with living costs actually.

  9. BlueDyedSun

    I’m looking at you CNBC. Exploiting reason & hate.

  10. marcux83

    Sooo ppl listen up you have to tighten ur belts.

    1) dont be employed anymore
    2) dont spend any money to consume goods
    3) just stay put till this ends and all will be good xD

  11. Sorvex

    The climax of hyper capitalism, coupled with lobbyism to prevent regulation.

  12. NB

    The main problem is not greed, it is the drop in the value of the dollar when government keeps spending needlessly and keeps printing more dollars. People please get educated.

  13. David Gavney

    Ok, on what Earth can you go to your boss and ask for a raise and they say “No problem”?

  14. Ben Chesterman

    The government more greedy why more inflation, how much poltical class earn

  15. Stretch

    I hope America collapses

  16. Grape Angel

    Should inflation be a crime and a violation of the 13th amendment?
    • Yes! Hard workers are NOT slaves!
    • No! It’s how we support other people!

  17. Haruhi Suzumiya

    Quantitative easing has problems because it benefits corporations

  18. To the Point

    What’s wrong aren’t you people celebrate greed now why you crying

  19. Cherry_Red08

    One thing people can do is to stop buying every new iphone and smarthphone that comes out every year like when you buy a high or mid priced product it should be able serve you for over 10 or more years and people always be getting a new car every 1 or 2 years and most cars now are just for profit and that some most people only care about the electronics inside of a car and not what keeps it on the road and they go back every year to give those greedy companies more money because it got new updated electronics and my car is from 2014 and it's running good and I'm not buying a newer up to date car because it's outdated and that I'm not giving the greedy any money and just keep the old stuff until it wears out

  20. Bernard Allen

    Increased losses for portfolios this quarter are predicted by market drops, skyrocketing inflation, a major interest rate hike by the Fed, and rising treasury rates. How can I profit from the volatile market right now? I'm still considering whether to sell my $$$k bond and stock account.

  21. Am az on

    Besides oil…

    Our inflation is caused by the influx of people….

    More people… less to spread…

    Supply and demand.

    Lower supply… with high demand

    Prices rise.

  22. Greg

    Whatever happened to investigative journalism? Show us some profit margins of the largest companies to support your arguement. Walmart profit margin 1.49% is not corporate greed. The increase in money supply from wreckless monatary and fiscal policy are the causes of the initial jump in inflation. Time to welcome back independent thinking.

  23. Jupiter Bubby

    The stock monster is terrifying lol

  24. redhawk617

    I love how the only option we have is to keep getting on our knees for corporations. Lets just keep giving them trillions of dollars and that will stop them from stepping on us! Why are we okay with that?

  25. 700mph

    This inflation is MOSTLY price gouging from corporations. You CANT have RECORD BREAKING PROFITS during high inflation. PRICE GOUGING!
    There are some people, that say inflation is the cause of helping Americans during the pandemic. The pandemic is a world wide event, and most countries are suffering from it. It's a supply chain issue. The world was on lock down, everything came to a stop. Supply chain issues.
    Also, go look up how much corporations recieved in tax breaks, and money that was given to corporations to keep Americans employed. Companies used that money for share buy backs instead. Corporations recieved more money than what Americans recieved in help. Corporations continue to recieve government money. It's corporate welfare. No one talks about that.

  26. Ron B

    but it is a fact that many corporations are reporting fantastic quarterly profits …. after costs. so…..

  27. Zachary Collier

    The government printing free money had nothing to do with it.

    Let's instead push the narrative that corporations are evil.

  28. redsoxboy

    What in the world does that chart at 2:03 mean? And why is that that one obvious outlier included? 481 all by itself up at the top? What companies were selected, what industries are they in? And most importantly, why is that one outlier up at the very top included because it's obviously skewing whatever trend this chart is trying to suggest?

  29. Sailor376also

    "Corporate greed" Who owns corporations? All of us, everyone. Every retirement funded plan, every investor,, we own the corporations. We profit from the corporations. And if you don't,, you could by the end of today,, easy.

  30. Dave Fischer

    2:28 it's always a vicious cycle. 2:44 well good thing for remote work.

  31. Mr McGraw

    inflation is not caused by the corporations you idiots. It is caused by the government

  32. alvin mears

    Cnbc the mouth piece for the democrats.

  33. alvin mears

    Couldn't be the president and congress breaking the bank….

  34. Triad interior Upgrades

    Please get rid of that creepy intro music, sounds like a soundtrack to put over footage of someone holding a knife in their face like chucky

  35. asley tamkei

    Inflation reductions? Do your part,,,boycott unnecessary essentials? Biggy business be crying for consumers yo begin spending again?

  36. Slirun _

    The only way to , stop inflation is to stop printing money.

    Or have money back by gold and silver like Switzerland did in 1800's and 1900's.

  37. FALWAE Chanel Barokah

    the leadership of the usa president named joe biden is really a mess, in the future this type of person should not be re-elected… if not replaced soon then the united states will fall to the lowest point

  38. tapas sew

    of course they do don't give any cash to them better to pay with crypto, like with tether card

  39. Traveler 59

    i probably replayed this vid like 200 times & it's always the "stock & crypto" ad with the cool black "chief financial officer"

  40. Alan F.

    The Federal Reserve and the Federal government (its borrow and spending) caused this inflation. It is a monetary phenomena. We have been borrowing money from future generations and they are in debt the minute they are born. What an inheritance we have given them. Plus, being taxed without representation. (future generations of Americans)

  41. Keith morgan

    (((((((It's a mistake to try and stop (only try) the inflation by damaging economy. It's like saving on toilet paper by starving your kids.))))))) It will have that effect , but a lot more effect not wanted right along with it.

  42. Gene Mcguinness

    WOW! your video almost got to the truth Business raise prices because they can, Monopolies are everywhere, controlling prices without fear of competition The Laws are on the books but the FTC does nothing
    Meanwhile, the fed destroys the economy, thinking they are the sole solution, also the Fed is a private bank monopoly controlling the money supply, did you notice how the interest rates across America are the same.

  43. Canvas

    It is a spillovet of neo liberalism and foolish citizens supporting wild monetary policies in name of supporting a party in name of religion.

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