The Shocking Truth About Debt: Why the Fed Wants You to Stay in the Dark

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Inflation Hedge | 3 comments

The Shocking Truth About Debt: Why the Fed Wants You to Stay in the Dark

“The debt market is going to be where this is really going to melt down,” warns Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist. In the interview with Daniela Cambone, he predicts a rapid sell-off in the debt market as the financial system faces a meltdown. According to Mannarino, cash won’t vanish but will shift into commodities. He delves into the growing gap between the stock market and economic reality, foreseeing a widening disconnect. Additionally, Mannarino sheds light on the role of central banks in market inflation and recommends owning commodities like gold, silver, or copper to navigate the uncertain financial headwinds.


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00:00 Introduction
2:39 Stock market
5:15 The Great Taking
7:18 What should investors do?
9:31 Sectors
11:09 Gold/silver/bitcoin
13:14 Monetary reset
15:47 Election
19:20 Strategies
21:34 Commodities
23:11 Silver/gold
24:12 Election forecast


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The Reality of the Debt Will Leave Your Head Spinning; Why the Fed Wants You Wiped Out

The Federal Reserve (the Fed) is a powerful and influential institution that plays a major role in shaping the economy of the United States. While it is often portrayed as a force for good, there are those who believe that the Fed’s actions are not always in the best interest of the American people. In fact, some argue that the Fed’s policies are designed to keep people in debt and wipe them out financially. This may sound like an extreme claim, but the reality of the debt will leave your head spinning.

The United States is currently facing a massive debt crisis. According to the US National Debt Clock, the national debt is over $28 trillion and growing by the second. This staggering amount of debt has serious implications for the economy and the American people. It means that the government is spending far beyond its means and that taxpayers will ultimately be left to foot the bill. This debt burden will only continue to increase if the Fed continues down its current path.

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One of the ways in which the Fed contributes to the debt crisis is through its policy of low interest rates. While low interest rates may seem like a good thing on the surface, they actually have a number of negative consequences. For one, they encourage people to borrow more money than they can afford, leading to a cycle of debt that is difficult to break. This debt trap keeps people enslaved to their financial obligations, making it nearly impossible to build wealth or achieve financial freedom.

In addition, low interest rates devalue the dollar, making it more expensive for people to buy goods and services. This means that the cost of living goes up, while people’s purchasing power goes down. As a result, people are forced to rely on credit to make ends meet, further exacerbating their debt problem.

The Fed’s policy of quantitative easing also contributes to the debt crisis. This policy, in which the Fed buys government bonds and other securities, effectively floods the economy with money. While this may seem like a good way to stimulate economic growth, it actually devalues the currency and leads to inflation. As the cost of living goes up, people are once again forced to rely on credit to make ends meet, adding to their already substantial debt burden.

So why would the Fed want to keep people in debt and wipe them out financially? Some believe that the Fed benefits from a population that is heavily indebted. When people are in debt, they are more likely to spend beyond their means, which stimulates the economy in the short term. However, this cycle of debt ultimately leads to financial ruin for the average American.

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In addition, a heavily indebted population is easier to control. When people are enslaved to their financial obligations, they are less likely to speak out against the government or demand change. This makes it easier for the Fed to maintain its power and influence over the economy.

In conclusion, the reality of the debt crisis is staggering. The Fed’s policies of low interest rates and quantitative easing are contributing to a cycle of debt that is difficult to break. While the Fed may claim to have the best interests of the American people at heart, the reality of the debt crisis tells a different story. It is clear that the Fed’s actions are designed to keep people in debt and wipe them out financially, ultimately serving the interests of the few at the expense of the many.

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